Alyx is white

She has green eyes so there's no way that she's a biological daugter of black and asian as both races cannot have green eyes, only dark brown. Only whites or at least caucasians can have green eyes.

She definitely has some white genes in her. I assume she was just adopted.

Attached: alyx2.jpg (425x390, 22.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you're a fucking retard

Or both parents are half white.

Attached: 5325325.jpg (360x360, 16.5K)

Italians aren't white

her father is gman

German? I see it

>Alyx passes as white in muttland

She will have some white genes after Gordon creampies her epic style.

My friend is a half black hapa and she has green eyes. Pretty damn close to alyx actually.

she's g-mans daughter

gotta insert niggers anyway

Both parents are Black.

Attached: god bless america.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

just have sex, incel

I want an american gf

the typical black american is 20% european genetically. I'm not kidding that's pretty much the average.

So you can imagine how in the future genes and shit would kind of be fucky and complicated.

Also you're very autistic and threads like this are why girls don't like you


>american elementary school education

We're reaching levels of WE WUZ that shouldn't even be possible.

Attached: 1570826143859.png (900x600, 769.82K)

Blacks can have light colored eyes, moron... Why don't you google this stuff before making a thread?


I saw a black guy a few days ago who had like pure grey colored eyes somehow.
They were actually really pretty
No homo

You just know that some white plantation owning cracker nutted so hard inside her ancestor to make that mocha skin as well as gifting her those green eyes.





>ITT: anti-white cope and seeth
Blasiasn is literally a mutt with no culture or identity (and no bone marrow donors).

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg (550x354, 76.65K)


>if you know anything about genetics, that's just Yas Forums
When will you learn- I am the great- Shazbot!

a virgin isn't allowed to argue about genetics

Yeah, the contrast with their dark skin makes them really striking eyes.

>y-yeah, well, y-you're just a virgin!

Attached: ff189af700a1e9d61282d288281eb7cb.jpg (760x500, 47.44K)

>culture or identity
lol who cares

Europeans are mutts. They've conquering and fucking each other for about 3000 years now.

I also forgot the nose. Her nose is far sculpted and not totally flat compared to most negroid or south asians.

It was a black slave on a white women

this is why girls don't talk to you

Humanity as a whole is pretty mutty.

>t. american

Reminder that she was modeled after an actual person, user.

Attached: Jamil_1.jpg (360x360, 57.87K)

Alyx is kind of ugly.

Like she always looks sort of dirty.

>g-girls don't t-talk to you
You are right now though.

Attached: ebb344dff1beac7c9e4d8060e4f063bc.jpg (663x639, 56.88K)

>a biological daugter of black and asian as both races cannot have green eyes
>whites or at least caucasians
Most dumbest post of Yas Forums rn

All white people are caucasians you fucking r word.

Eli doesn't look even a bit White. Maybe 10% max.

Why does this face scream "early 2000s". I feel like I saw this person in every movie, music video, video game and ad.

there are black africans who have sculpted noses, retard. Races are very, very broad categories encompassing a lot of different ethnic groups that have strikingly different features.

This is why Japanese and Korean people look notably different but are both still asian.
You just don't go outside any and are retarded

it's not her face so much as it is the kind of weirdly blurry high contrast image quality. That weird filter shit was on everything back then.

Also her hairstyle

There are 100% african blacks with blue eyes you faggot. Lmao.

Not all blacks are nigerians user.

Not all caucasians are White though. Iranians and North Africans are non-White caucasians. Disregard the green in Japan, Ainu are not caucasian despite what other people say.

Attached: Carleton_Coon_races_after_Pleistocene.png (1357x628, 34.7K)

modern day African Americans at this point are at MINIMUM 20% white from patrilinial descent and probably shouldn't be considered the same race as actual Africans

>GATES: The average African-American is 24 percent European. Now think about that. And most DNA companies in the United States will tell you that they have never tested an African-American who is 100 percent from sub-Saharan Africa.
>African-American - I love to joke about this. African-Americans all think that they're a descendant from a Native American. And the average African-American has less than 1 percent Native American ancestry, but they have 24 percent European ancestry. So where does that come from? It comes from slavery. Was this an equal sexual relationship? Of course not. So obviously rape or, at best, cajoled sexuality was the cause, but there are exceptions. When I did Morgan Freeman's family tree, it was obvious through his DNA that he was descended from a white man who was an overseer on a plantation in Mississippi. And we knew the name of his great-great-grandmother and the name of this white man. So overseer, slave plantation - rape, right? Except in the next scene, I showed him their headstones. They were buried next to each other. As soon as the Civil War ended, they became common law husband and wife...

Exactly this. Too many poltards that think only whites have different looks, all the other races are black, asian, etc and they all are the same in it. Lol.

She's half black and Asain.
This is canon.

Race is way more broad than that, they are still the same race as "actual" Africans. Nigerians have more in common with African-Americans that are 20% white than they do with Sudanese blacks, yet you consider them both Africans right? Race isn't a homogeneous thing. Its just a broad definition, people fucked each other since forever and bigger groups can always be split into smaller ones based on their lineage, ad infinitum.

Genes say otherwise, but sure we'll trust your dumbass and your opinion better. Lmao. Go count your chromosomes somewhere else tard.

Half-life came out in 1998. You realize this.

You've literally never been on Yas Forums if you believe that.

Yas Forums talks about Abos, Tartars, and other less commonly known races often.

No that's exactly what the genes say. So you're wrong and also publicly wrong.

Forgot pic

Attached: Genetics_d_squared_tree.jpg (1200x1524, 207.3K)

Wait, what's the magenta?

>Nigerians have more in common with African-Americans that are 20% white than they do with Sudanese blacks

American niggers are white as fuck tho. No other negroids can be related to them at this point

Race wars aside, I always assumed Alyx was a Black Mesa-style test tube baby and down the line we'd find out that she had alien DNA or something.