Eternal reminder

Eternal reminder.

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Fucking peanut cunt
it was OUR turn

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based mods btfoing frogcunts

chocolate is one of the biggest flavor what are you on about

will this year's april fools' be good? last year was really disappointing


Team Mini is the official 4channel team.

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Reminder that minibros won the war

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>absolute 100% random contribution of meaningless points
>people sperg out and act like they are in some kind of competition just because they were put into random teams
this was unironically a great social experiment. this could easily be turned into a sci-fi movie.

I was proud to be picked on the winning team.

It was a honor to fight with the great peanut butter sentinels as we fought through hell itself and came out victorious in the end.

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>Xbox cuck ruins it for everyone

Has it really been a fucking year already?

it's been 2 years user

A virus that spreads by giving (You)s would be a cool idea for tomorrow.

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peepchads don't need arbitrary numbers to know that they are better than the other teams

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What timezone does it usually start April Fools with again?

2 actually

it was absolute cancer, though. i was probably the only person who didn't act like some braindead lab rat.

I hope they got some good shit for us this year

>i was probably the only person who didn't act like some braindead lab rat

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Peanut Butter team a best because we won
Team Mini is also a best because they drew the most lewds.

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Oh my god

dumb frogposter

>this was one year ago
holy fucking shit

>tfw i missed all this faggotry
I guess staying in bed was a better use of my time.

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Cremebros.... We were winning this one!

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>i was probably the only person who didn't act like some braindead lab rat.

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>That final duel between Reese's and Peep at the end while MGR played
Absolute kino

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Was the board crossover last year? Or was that three years ago?

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>there will never be enough Mini art
It hurts bros

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That remineds me of that episode of Recess where the Ashleys decide to setup a point system assigning a value to people and they start to go nuts taking it seriously, I wish I remember the name of the episode.

Yas Forums was unusable as a peanutCHAD
Bunch of degenerates.


What time does this shit normally start? Thanks to Corona-chan, I can actually shitpost with all of you all day.

I still miss the merged boards, bros...

3 years ago. Last year had reddit voting. It was dumb.

I think three

Oh yeah. I barely even remember it, except people begging for likes or (You)s or whatever.

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this was an allegory why racism is bad
>fuck you, pink fag
>but i didn't do anything
>you're pink, i'm green, meaning we are enemies and greens are better than the other colors, because it's my color

Remember when you thougth that it couldnt get worse than frogposting? Good times.

only good think about it was i could post dinosaurs

Despite being 13% of posters, Peepniggers commit 50% of violent shitposts.

>Peepchads pumping out the best memes
>Peanut butter bros with the incredible comeback
>Mini bros just happy to be there
>Chocolateniggers coattail riding PBros as if they weren't mocking them at first
>Cremetards fading into irrelevancy and begging for the BCC
Fun times. Last year's was lame so let's hope tomorrow gets us back on track.

peep 4 lyfe

Oh yeah, the unlockable rewards.
It was pretty cool actually.

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it was a fun day,but i still think it would have been better if the teams were divided by boards not posters

But we already have a virus that spreads by shitty ms paint images

I miss /vint/

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>I sacrifice myself by uploading hentai pics with a lot of "creme"
>Rejoicing in the glory.
>Start losing.
>Start seeing how my compatriots are turning themselves into ERP faggots.
>4th Place.
I guess it wasn't that bad...

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frogkeks just can't win can they

Reminder that fuck canadians

two years ago, fag

Hastily thrown together Yas Forums event is significantly better then shitty Valve summer race thing.

or it was an alagory on human nature
people will always support their team over other teams so stop trying to force vastly different people to live side by side

people always ALWAYS prefer to be around people similar to themselves

minis had the most quality stuff, peeps just drowned the boards in a deluge of shitposts
t. peep


holy kek

I just realised I cannot remember what has happened in my life for the past 2 years
What the fuck do I do to stop being a neet and get my life back on track bros

>tfw no /vint/ ever again

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>minifag still assblasted about 5th place
you had a good run but the chocolate-peanut butter alliance stomped you, get over it

there was also skelly

Mini lost so hard they turned gay

You're not wrong lol

Christ, remember the year when the site was formatted like a shitty facebook?
Worst april fools of all time.

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if you arent ethnically english you should be genocided
the japs can stay tho so long as they keep making fun anime

/can/ was fun

>After years of clecting flag data, tomorrow the joke is that posters recieve flags on all boards
>Randomly assigned on a weighted rng to keep flags proportional to poster populations

Reminder that the Bing admins were confirmed for team Peep

>loves liberal values
>a positive

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>Those couple of hours where everyone here collectively got horny

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>xbox and frogposter

Like poetry

It was funny only to see who got the names of celebrities.

>all the surrender posting

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Liberal as in freedom you mong, not censoring people because of trannies.

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you're an alagory retard

fuck this stupid board

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Nothing more satisfying than seeing frogtards get punished for being frogtards.

Yas Forums will eternaly be ERP central on April fools

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>Anyone with land can vote
>Extremely low taxes
>leadership isnt a birthright from the almighty creator
>No hard codified state religion
>Regions are able to liberally interpret the federal law to expand their own legal systems on an as needed basis
For a couple centuries the US was one of the most liberal places on the planet. Classical liberal, not university liberal

>No chocolate subs

Man I hope not.

I thought this was last year. I don't even remember last year's.
But I must have been here. I think. I'm always here.

Does anyone have the jeb peanutbutter ? I want to laugh.


nothing will top the board fusions

god i hope so, it would filter so many normalfaggots and redditors
i still wouldn't participate


Maximum comfy.
Also /mlpol/ filtering out all the redditors because they couldn't handle the porn spam was goddamn hilarious.

Swimming in feces "filters" a lot of people out of your life, it still isn't worth it.

Last year was the score shit

What is Easter?

They stole our win chocolate bros it’s not fair