Hollow Knight or Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Which one should I get bros?

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Get both instead of being a dumb poorfag

Ori is a masterpiece.

Hollow Knight is derivative garbage.

Ori if you want a fun well paced video game, Hollow Knight if you have insomnia and need a sleeping aid, but it has good bits and bossfights once you slog through it

I've only played Ori of the two but I can already say that this is gonna be a very strong contender for GOTY for me.

>poorly rips off a bunch of mechanics from HK
>has a shit fit when people calls it out

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Hollow knight is actually good and ori is style over substance trash. Ignore all the other posts.

I have not played Ori but Hollow Knight is a really fun game and I would recommend it to anyone who is into the genre.

We get it, HK was your first video game, it's okay to admit to these things

>all this seethe and damage control

hk is a much better metroidvania while ori is a much better platformer
they’re both good

I greatly enjoyed Hollow Knight and would reccomend it.

I haven't played Ori, but it looks fun. If it's new, maybe buy Hollow knight first because it already finished its DLC path, and buy Ori once they drop all their DLC.

Ori 2 is very fun and fluid, but it's not as challenging as HK. HK is more combat oriented than Ori, whereas Ori is more about platforming. If you want the most pure metroidvania, I'd go Ori 2, but both games are great.

both, fuck autistic shitposters

Hollow Knight if you like gameplay more, as a game Ori only has its narrative behind it.

Stop trying to force this rivalry.
Objectively it's better to get Hollow Knight for now though, until they patch Ori 2 so it has less bugs.

Hollow Knight is vast and more challenging
Ori is cinematic and smoother
I'd say get Hollow Knight if you want something with a focus on gameplay, exploration and finding secrets, and get Ori if you want something dramatic.
also, Ori has microsoft funding so they have the same undercover marketing as Ninja Theory now, if you're wondering why there's a lot of angry Ori "fans" itt

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Stop being poor and pathetic and buy both, play both, make your own mind, zoomie piece of shit.

HK is a classic 9.5/10 masterpiece, Ori is a 7/10 decent game, ori 2 is an 8/10 good-great game. play all 3

hk is good, ori is gay

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Both are fantastic games.

I just finished Will Of The Wisps and it was a good game. Some customization with the shards and skills, great graphics though on my toaster the final boss chugged a lot, other than that the rest of the game was smooth. Audio stutters if you don't install on SDD and sometimes even if you do you still get a glitch here and there but not gamebreaking. However, Hollow Knight is the longer game and has more meat to it. Ori is vastly better looking and sounding and the story is more touching but I couldn't help but feel like I wanted another 33% or so of game in there. The side quests don't reward you with anything but spirit light currency. The combat shrines and spirit races are fun for a bit, moreso the combat shrines than the races, but it still felt like there was a lot of meat missing from the game.

Get both.

AWwwwww sad music le beeb owl got booped by big owl how saaaaaad *cue sad music + sad thing happening to cute character over and over* this will never get old wow

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Hollow Knight is considerably longer and better

I haven't playing the sequel to ori, but I tried the first one and didn't care for it. Is WOTW better, or is it more of the same? If it's more of the same, then Hollow Knight every day.

>Is WOTW better, or is it more of the same

Yes, and yes

It's more of the same but with shallow combat added on.

ori, play the first one before hand though if you havnt

Will Of The Wisps is much more cinematic and looks better. The soundtrack is arguably better too, but the game tries to pull on your heartstrings constantly and it does get old. We get it, sad stuff, but that is virtually the only emotion the game conveys other than fear.

Ori 2 actually has alot of added elements Hollow Knight also has, though the creator says it wasn't the inspiration.
I definitely liked it more than the first one, but it's still pretty buggy (race mini games often don't start, and i fell through the floor on multiple occasions), plus it's still shorter than Hollow Knight, but the latter might not be an issue if you'd rather have something shorter.

hollow knight.
but they're both fun.

I would actually advise against this as they both hit the same emotional beats over and over again. It will get very annoying by the time you get to the middle of the second game if you marathon both of them.

convenient how turning the shard system into a global system ended up being identical to Hollow Knight

Avoid Hollow Knight. It's full of bugs.

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Ok, so from what I'm gathering since none of you have played both and are just putting your biased opinions out there, Ori has good graphix and better platforming, but it's short, and Hollow knight is more fleshed out with better combat and story, but it's back tracking is more tedious and it's not very clear where to go most of the time. Am I missing anything?

Hollow Knight if you're more into combat and Ori if you're more into platforming.

>it's not very clear where to go most of the time
unless you're talking about 100%ing the game, you just go to the places you haven't been.

In short, yes, but I can think of a few distinct parts in Hollw Knight where I was just lost. You're able to open up so many areas early in that game it's easy to get overwhelmed with backtracking.

HK is 15 bucks and you’ll get a shitton if playtime out of it even if you only do the minimum amount required to get the first ending.
Ori is still a great game and I’d never discourage anyone from picking it up but it’s way less content for double the price. Which isn’t a knock on Ori as much as re-emphasizing how much of a fucking bargain Hollow Knight is.


Get both. They're both really fucking good.

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Instead of owl change it for bug and that's hollow knight

>, but it's short
Hollow Knight isn't really that long either. The main story bosses are pretty easy to just wack through.

yeah but there's still exploration time that'll take a while if you're going blind

Did you play Blind Forest?

In terms of gameplay experience it goes
HK > Wisps > Blind Forest

In terms of atmosphere/art/narrative it goes

Blind Forest > Wisps > HK

In terms of expected play time I would say it goes

HK > Blind Forest > Wisps

Will of the Wisps is a good game and I thoroughly enjoyed the 15 hours I spent 100%ing it, but it’s not going to be worth choosing over either HK or Blind Forest if you’re only gonna get one.

you're just unintelligent, sorry to tell you.

Well yeah, there's also free dlc. Average playtime would probably be around 30-40 hours. Ori I breezed through in 6.

How rude!

Just pirate both

>yeah but there's still exploration time that'll take a while if you're going blind
Same could be said on Ori my guy. Metroidvanias add to playtime by tossing around collectibles.

They're both good.
Ignore any autistic, retarded, sperg, manchild, tranny, basedboi who tries to say one is better than the other.

even then, a basic playthrough of HK will be almost double a basic playthrough of Ori

Wisps, at least, was a breeze to 100% though because it’s fairly trivial to unlock the ability to see all secrets on your map and the last move the game gives you right before the end makes traversal of every obstacle/sequence earlier in the game positively trivial

Shame Ori is full of actual bugs.

By the time you meet Hornet at the city of tears, you can already have discovered The Fog Canyon, City Sewers, Deepnest, and the Crystal Caves. In a blind playthrough, you have no fucking idea which areas you're visiting too early.

Have you played the first Ori? If yes then pick Ori 2, if not play either Ori 1 or HK and then Ori 2

I’ve been knocked out of bounds 3 times on the Mora fight, I had 2 separate instances of the audio getting stuck in the “underwater” state and removing all sound from the Kwolok fight, and in 3 runthroughs of Shriek I instakilled her twice before her health bar was below 25%.

Plus audio glitches during all the prerendered cutscenes.

>if you know exactly where to go and what to do it’s not that long
That’s every game.

Cringe hollowfags who can't fathom not everyone loves their little game to death

Yeah, that pretty much nails it.

Let me guess, you think HK combat is good and complex in contrast?

Make your own decision you fucking sheep.

HK has its share of actual bugs as well. And Im not talking about the characters. Only reason HK gets away with it is its been out for like 3 years while Ori literally just came out. Like any game thats released these days, they patch that shit post-launch.

Do you have an argument?

>with better combat and story,

>not as challenging as HK
Can't see why everyone says this. HK had very little difficulty outside of the bosses due to the soul health regain mechanic.

Ori and Hk are very similar mechanically when it comes to combat. But Ori has more weapons and they feel more satisfying to use.
The only think HK has over Ori in the combat is that there's "more" of it. But I'd take one of the few bosses in Ori 2 than half the roster of HK.

Hollow Bitch players trying to think they're better than Ori. Fucking hilarious.

>prerendered cutscenes

they're real time you numpty

just buy both, they’re both great games
ignore the shitter he’s in literally every single HK thread

Jesus, that is painful to read. Don't these people have PR managers? Don't let autists like that write stuff online.

Then why does the game get all blurry like it’s dropping the resolution?

There are only two or three sequences where it happens, most of the game’s cutscenes are clearly in-game, but I’m pretty sure some of the opening and ending stuff is pre-rendered.

Hollow Knight is a much better game even if a bit slower to start