Is this good? What makes it unique from other RPGs?

Is this good? What makes it unique from other RPGs?

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It's got a MC that learns to morph into a dragon that you basically just save up for boss fights. Other than that, it's not as good as early DQ or FF games.

BoF1 is fucking trash, and 2 isn't much better.
BoF3 and 4 were where the series hit its stride, and even then they're just pretty decent and fun. Dragon Quarter is a great game but it's not a typical JRPG at all.

So nothing unique about it at all? Just FF or DQ with different characters and settings?

Theres a few unique things, but it depends on the game.

Each character has a skill which is usable outside of battle, sometimes usable for puzzles or for obtaining items. As well as a unique skill for battle ontop of their usual abilities.

Theres a hunting minigame in some of them.

The second has the ability to combine shamans with your characters to both improve their stats and transform them into different characters.

Main character can transform into a host of different dragons, each with their different attacks. In 3 in particular the way this is done is via a system that you have to select several gems in order to transform into it. Each transformation of course also has its own abilities.

4 has a Split storyline, where one half has you playing as the usual cast of hero characters, while the other side has you playing as the villain which was interesting.

Dragon Quarter is very unique and worth looking into but yes, the other games are just solid but basic JRPGs.

Fou-lu wasn't the villain of the story though.

They have some weird gimmicks but nothing actually worthwhile, no. Until Dragon Quarter, that is.

If you're gonna play 1 or 2, you should make sure to play the GBA versions because they double the exp and gold from enemies, which obviously cuts down on grinding. Every single port of BoF1 and 2 bizarrely uses the original SNES versions, which are just a pain to play.

Nor did he take up half of the story. It was more like 1/8.

Nothing. Most of the series is generic as hell.