How come so many anons on Yas Forums fail to realize that the best Witcher game is the first one? Are these individuals mentally ill? Can someone explain what's up?
How come so many anons on Yas Forums fail to realize that the best Witcher game is the first one...
I don't like rhythm games
Vizima is incredibly soulful.
I was disappointed when we didn't get to walk the streets of Vizima in the witcher 3
Because most of nu-nu-Yas Forums are console-zoomers, whose first game was 3, and thus not only cannot play the 1st game, but also can't stomach anything that's not exactly like their generic open-world action games. They literally lose their shit if they need to learn how to play a new game.
Many of them get filtered by the fucking mutt alone.
I know what you're memeing about, but there's nothing rhythmic about TW1's combat.
It is unbelievably boring, that's why.
I like witcher 1 better than 3 but 2 is the best in the series in my opinion
Yas Forums is full of people with shit taste.
>2 is the best in the series in my opinion
Jesus Christ, never ever have I had a bigger buyer's remorse and absolute disgust towards the over-hyping community than when I finally gave TW2 a shot back in ~2013, coming from 120+ hours of TW1. It was an all around DOWNGRADE, a prime example of extreme consolification that was going rampart at the time.
The problem with Witcher 1 is that the game is so easy that you end up just walking to your destination and repeating the same dull combat every time. There's no thought or skill required throughout the game. A lot of the quests are also very generic fetch/kill quests. After a few hours I just ended up focusing on the main quest only since almost everything else in the game lacked substance. I enjoyed it, although I have almost no desire to replay it.
It's been many years but I remember the story underwhelming me, maybe that was just the lifeless potato presentation clouding my judgement, all the comments of it being soulful seem like a slap to the face.
because it truly was garbage, and the combat was atrocious
combat was still atrocious in 2, but everything else had improved a bit
in 3 they finally got the combat into a non-dogshit state, and everything else improved some more, but the main campaign was pretty much shit, the big bad had like 6 lines.
Overall the whole witcher series was shit. It became a "meme"
The combat is god awful that's why
that ui is vomit inducing
Witcher 1 is fucking amazing dude.
I dont know about the rest but I loved it.
Have you read some of the W3 posts? Majority of people who played the game literally hasn't touched 1 or two because they were too "rough".
They're plebs, disregard them lol.
I love 1 but it's overrated. I also enjoy 2 though it's the weakest of the three.
>Rehashed story with shitty Guitar Hero gameplay
It's better than it should have been but it doesn't even touch 2 or 3 on its best day
I liked the combat in w1, but the story wasn't really that great. W2 has a better story, and the best "villain" in any witcher games, but the romance options were kinda weak. By the way the graphics of witcher 2 is awesome even with today's standards.
t.never played on hardest
The mutt is unironically the biggest filter in the game though.
The ui was best in the series.
you autistic right ?
Those were good times - back when Geralt was ugly, just like he was supposed to be (according to the book material).
current geralt space marine with white hair
Because nobody played it. It definitely had the most soul.
I've started like three different playthroughs and made it to the chapter 3 once. Convince me to start a new game and play the whole thing this time
you cave dance stick funny move right?
Youre talking to underage and console kids
board is full of zoomers in case you didn't notice, these people aren't even trying to discuss games anymore, they're just here to shitpost and "win" arguments by spamming buzzwords
It is literally the same but without the neon signs for the utterly retarded, so those who are just mildly imbecilic can manage while feeling proud of their ""skills"".
The garbage combat would be excusable if the story was good at least, but being probably the dullest and most boring fantasy world in recorded history, with the most uninteresting and forgettable characters ever, it is a miracle someone actually managed to finish it. It is a miracle I kept with that bullshit until chapter 5, I guess I got memed by Yas Forums.
>extreme consolification that was going rampart at the time.
Why was it so extraordinarily rampant and how do you think it could've been avoided/lessened?
3 > 1 > 2
t. played the whole trilogy back to back this January
you're borderline retarded
no u
It wasn't on console so I couldn't play it. I don't like mouse and keyboard.
t. played it over the course of 8 years.
I hate how the character doesn't walk, he literally skates through the map. It sucks.
Most wont even touch it because it doesnt have the graphics that 3 has
>took him 8 years to finish the games
>Why was it so extraordinarily rampant
Because the AAA devs had started to realize that they can make much more simplified games, ones lacking proper content as well, and still make great profit. The DLC / microtransanction boom wasn't in full bloom just yet, but getting there, and numerous old IPs were being re-fitted into these streamlined molds the Call Of Duty and the friends had forged.
As the Xbox360 became the new target platform, severe restrictions was put on the development. It did not help that there was meant to be a 2nd party doing the porting job for CDP, but in the end they had to do it themselves.
Because when you have a simplistic and clunky combat system it's better to make the experience relaxing and comfy instead of demanding and possibly frustrating
Because it was only on PC
Chapter IV
Because moving around the map is so incredibly slow and everything requires you to go back and forth across the whole map
So you think it was the natural course of vidya history and would've happened regardless just maybe under slower circumstances
You typed 2 wrong. Combat is shit across all three, but the 2nd game has the best story and the narrative design of all three. You actually have a reason to play the game multiple times, for it allows you to see one side of the the same story that you'd be missing otherwise. Only after playing both paths, the story falls into pieces.
I hate how dogshit the story of the third game is and how the ending depends on whether you played snowball or trashed some faggot elf's place or not. The DLCs are great though.
>Guitar Hero gameplay
More or less yes. It's extremely sad that more and more once big studios fell victim for this meme, resulting the mess we live in today, where every "industry expert's" first lesson and tip is to create a very thorough plan to milk your audience's wallets dry discreetly, as making vidya is apparently too expensive nowadays and just selling your software is claimed not to be enough.
Yes it's a glorified rhythm game.
>Click your mouse when the icon looks a certain way
>How come so many anons on Yas Forums fail to realize that only my opinion and taste are valid
about the best Witcher game? Am I mentally ill? Can someone explain to me how to tie my own shoes?
fixd that for you
Ikr? For some reason profit margins that were deemed fantastic pre 07/08 are barely adequate nowadays. You couldn't possibly expect EA to finance your fav. games for what once was the price of one when they could just partition it and sell you in 3 pieces
No, it's not. It's a basic, easily accessible CRPG, with totally optional combo system you can utilize.
The first game had such a kino look.
You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig
Literally just played it.
Went through 1, then 2 (roche path) now I'm 75% of the way through 3.
3 > 2 > 1
1 is fine but it's showing its age.
2 is a lot better, in terms of animation, visuals and soundtrack.
3 is obviously the best. It's immediately noticeable. I especially love toussaint.
It's all one reason why many industry veterans are so hesitant to even attempt doing the same thing they once did in today's industry.
On the flip-side, this has also given some new respect and wind under the "AA" industry's wings, as they can produce "almost AAA" quality titles, for fraction the cost, and also target their products more precisely to the intended audiences, all while enjoying most of the marketing and distribution benefits the AAA side often gets.
The Talos Principle and the Nier Automata are just some of the few such success stories. Both were made with puny budgets (TTP with like 0.5 Mil USD?), meaning even modest sales instantly made them profitable. N:A's 4mil sales was said to practically save Square after FF15 flopped.
This but unironically.
You mean that if the market transition happened under more favourable circumstances, after mainstream gaming left behind the nerds for normies, someone would've went for the disenfranchised demographic?
Books > 1 > 3 > > > 2
>t. plebs filtered by 2
I beat that piece of shit twice. It's just awful slog, and a major downgrade from the 1st game.
The Witcher 1 is dogshit in every way. I don't see why people like it so much.
really good crafting system!
Only thing I liked about it was your choices had actual consequences.
Because they weren't born in 1999
They are all pretty superficial. Lile, in the end, what does it matter? Whether you went for Triss or fight the frightener. You get a different scene when you meet Kalkstein on Vizima's southern bridge. That's it. Woo hoo. Game is full of pseudo deep choices like that.
It's not relaxing though. Just walking around from one side of the map to the other just to talk to some NPC can only be described as boring.
>le zoomer meme
I'm 35, go fuck yourself.
I'm 33 and I thought W1 had absolute garbage combat. Fuck off.
I was thinking more about allying with Siegfried then the consequences that has over the course of each game with the flaming rose knights
>implying anyone under 21 has bothered playing TW1