>Noisy as fuck when gaming
>LAGS during menu & shop browsing (how is this excusable)
>Majority of games run sub 60 fps
>Only 1 genuinely good exclusive
Why did this sell 100 million units again?
>Noisy as fuck when gaming
>LAGS during menu & shop browsing (how is this excusable)
>Majority of games run sub 60 fps
>Only 1 genuinely good exclusive
Why did this sell 100 million units again?
Other urls found in this thread:
because xbox shit the bed big time with the launch of xbox one and sony had zero completion until the one x came out in 2017, by then everyone already had PS4s.
>Why did this sell 100 million units again?
Because Microsoft went full retard.
It has games.
GTAV, RDR2 and sports machine for normalfags
Xbone was worse and normies don't buy PCs.
That's literally it.
majority of consoletards are poor and can't afford a PC or just completely tech illitirate.
>Only 1 good exclusive
Eh, that's very subjective
The first reason
The second reason. The Sony fanbase Is fucking fanatical.
>Why did this sell 100 million units again?
Ps4 owners don't really buy anything other than those yearly fifa/cod games. Bloodborne, the best ps4 exclusive for example, flopped with only 3 million sales
>1 genuinely good exclusive
Mega cope
I have a 7215b ps4 pro and its quiet. agreed that the menu is bullshit
Because no one gives a fuck about the fact you own a gaming PC, they aren't going to build one, how many times do we have to have this dumb fucking thread?
I hated how loud this bitch would get when I was playing Deus Ex MD. Ended up downloading it on PC instead. It's only worth putting up with it for Bloodborne.
You posted a pc game
That game is on pc
No good competition. It's legitimately the best consoles have to offer.
Uncharted 4 and The Order were kino
PS4 Slim here. The PS4's way of handling patches and patching in legitimately drives me insane for how slow it is even if you're not playing a game. Face it, this is as SLOW as the PS3 menu. Unless the game is basic, the more graphically intensive games of the PS4's mid and late life span kill the menu because of how laggy it is.
I just wanna check a fucking message, I just wanna check a trophy. WHY ARE YOU LAGGING SO MUCH YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
>bragging about having the inferior version of a pc game
also this
also that 1 genuinely good exclusive was really good
also people do not have taste in video games so they bought it for the other exclusives which should not count
I could build 20 of Yas Forums's best PC's now with my current savings, it's not always about buying a thing just because you can. I could buy a better car, a flashier car but instead i use a relatively cheap and reliable one because at some point i had to make a choice about how much i am bothered about cars. Video games are sort of the same for me.
>phoneposting from appleshit
>owns a piss4
>doesn't even know the game is not an exclusive
subhuman degenerate alert
>Only 1 genuinely good exclusive
this is true but doesn't count for a lot of people. the normies that bought the playstation think ALL of the exclusives are god tier games. I know plenty of friends and coworkers that bought the playstation for spiderman and GoW alone everything else is just gravy to them
>Only 1 genuinely good exclusive
You can say that again!
Footballfags don't care. They are dumb. They have seen the rolling banner advertisement of Sony/Playstation during football matches for so many years.
Now post the top/best selling PC games currently and tell me how much that list correctly represents you as a PC player. Go on.
>I can have a better life but I don't want to
this is a very weird excuse, I guess you're retarded?
Fifa isn't PS4 exclusive.
God I really wish I'd saved the picture of how girls,blacks guys, and white guy take pictures of a game. It's so true, there is no reason at all for him to be sticking his hand in the frame lol
No one gives a shit about sonys games. Sales numbers don't lie.
Make a mid tier and put wipeout and gravity rush in it
I have better savings because i don't pretend that surface level stuff will improve my life. A sports car is not going to make me feel better than my VW. It just isn't, and if i know it won't, all i will feel is buyers remorse.
>I can't read!
>PCfags desperately thirsting over a PS4 exclusive that isnt out on PC yet
I honestly feel bad for PC only players, yall dont have anything worthwhile that isnt years old.
I assure you its not fifa, madden or a cod game
So you sit on your money instead of using them to improve your life?
I guess you can be called a poorfag and a retard at the same time.
>people prefer a place to play multiplats for a reasonable cost over exclusives specifically
Someone get this guy the prize.
Who did you steal those from?
Ignore them, it's the same retard repeating this in every thread even though Fifa is on literally every platform.
cope harder brainlet
You posted a picture of death stranding pretending it was a PS4 exclusive. The only worthwhile game you have on the PS4 is Bloodborne
No no, i said post it user, not this cop out. Post it. Im not interested in your "assurances", i want to see that list here, in this thread, and then i want all the PC gamers to tell me how that reflects the kinds of games they play on their gaming PC. What's the fucking hold up?
Rebuild database
I have so many amazing games on pc that are all better than the ps4's pathetic casual gamer library that your comment is not even funny. Its sad that you are like this. The ps4 is just $350, do you think I cant get it or that i want to play games on a pad?
But those things wont improve my life.
Wtf is this image. The creator of it doesn't even know what a normal distribution is. According to a normal distribution like in your pic, smartphone guys are supposed to be the smartest
Seething, its exclusive till you can actually buy it on PC. Hope you guys dont have it delayed because of corona ;^)
>LAGS during menu & shop browsing (how is this excusable)
there also are ads for streams of some normalfag playing fortnite that autoplay in shit-res and stutter
>Why did this sell 100 million units again?
FIFA and Playstation is the Apple of video games meaning people buy for the brand name regardless of how lackluster the product is.
You're embarrassing yourself right now.
t. only uses 0.1% of his brain
Name 4 games...ill wait.
because XBONE LOL
However regardless of that the PS4 was still the more capable launch console with slightly less shitty titles. incrementally accumulating exclusives and timed exclusives pushed the needle more until it snowballed into a commanding lead.
No, it stops being a PS4 exclusive when it is announced it’s coming to PC
And also why the fuck would I want to play that game?
And yet here we are, this thread, every day, talking about a product they don't even own, just wanting that little extra confirmation bias in their threads that some other anons also feel like "yeah! FUCK the PS4! I don't own one! lol!"
I am once again convinced how in control of their emotions people like OP are. Once again they have made a difference and affected reality. See you all in tomorrows thread!
Ofcourse you're gonna wait, you have no games to play.
wait is it not just me where the menu lags like fuck?
The list sure is a lot better and more diverse than the ps4 one, that's for sure
It will, you're just a stingy poorfag who's trying to act all mighty when he just can't afford a decent PC.
Wait you forgot to post that list user, you forgot your attachment. Please try again. I am waiting.
I own a PS4 and the only game I ever played on it was Bloodborne
and spider man which was ok
The Xbone had a lead in terms of library early on.
Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and (if you count it) Titanfall were better than anything that released on PS4 before Bloodborne.
People were unironically championing Omega Quintet, that's how bad the drought was.
>t. only uses 0.1% of his brain
To be smarter than you?
I bought it for Nier Automata. I've been fairly satisfied with my purchase as I play a fair few games on it that apparently don't exist
>lol it's on PC as well
It was broken as shit on release, plus I don't have the room for a PC.
I didnt even read past the 6th word, you're mentally ill like most playstation fanboys. Have a nice day