Go for genocide! Kill them all! Fuck One Step From Eden Thread!

Go for genocide! Kill them all! Fuck One Step From Eden Thread!

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Bought it after seeing the last thread. I think farthest i made it so far was 4th boss.
Pretty fun so far. really liking the combat system. Though i still suck at deck building.

mega link when

Someone dump their raw Steam files already. That buff to Flow is insane.

>play Reva
>get absolutely demolished by Slicey since my deck is garbage and I can't damage her
>kills me
>"This never happened."
>heals me and leaves

tr*nny game

I'll stick to mmbn and shanghai.exe, thanks

What's a tr*nny game?

How much ascension have you guys reached so far? Just beat 4

Took me three runs before I understood you had to "dance" with the violin slut by actually stepping on the music note tiles instead of dodging them.

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I'm on 2
I want to unlock the other loadouts and costumes before continuing.
Does anyone have any tips for the shopkeeper's explosion attack? I'm guessing I have to switch between going to the right and the left but I still get hit.

How do you unlock more?

>Alright, I beat Gunner, time to take Meditate out of my deck finally and-
>Wait. What? Why can't I open my decklist? I beat him. Do I really gotta-
>God damn it.
And THAT'S my alibi for why I killed Gunner and then beat the Wall with this shit instead of fighting Terra and then killing her. I love "burn everything to the ground" builds but I didn't get shit this run. Also hope that gets changed in a future update so I can open my deck after beating bosses instead of having to kill them.

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Do you get anything different for not sparing Terrable?

this fuckin game is hard as fuck.
I hate it when different attacks overlap at more difficult bosses.

An achievement

I dunno, I wanted to see, I never killed her before. There's an achievement so maybe.

Do you still unlock the skin as normal?

I just did it with Saffron and got her witch costume.

crack when

I cant play anyone but the first character it feels werid without basic 0 cost shots

What do you mean crack? I just put this in the game folder and it runs without issue. Do you have the raw Steam files for the latest version?

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I want to know what makes people do this. The tiles are literally green, the same color as health and money tiles. How does that signal danger?

Some people are too used to the fast-paced nature of the game to pick up such cues, but honestly the fact that she's not aiming at you at all should be a decent hint. Do you sit in the corner while the notes are going on just like "Yeah okay you do that" and then you eat the big AoE afterwards and think that's fine? Saffron's the only boss dumb enough to just do whatever.

Color didn't help because I'm actually colorblind, it's the music notes and the pattern being too easy to dodge for a boss attack that made me realize it's wasn't actually meant to be dodged.

Reminiscent of Tron Bonne. A Tronny game.

For me violette was one of the first bosses I fought and didn't come across any real healing tiles yet. Also since the notes are purple and she's purple, I assumed they were poison.

Post favorite songs

This is infinitely better than MMBN because not only is the story not garbage, but on top of having better characters they're also all really cute.

I heard the sprites are getting updated as well.

Fair, I've seen people ask for colorblind support, so hopefully the dev gets around to something like that.
Unfortunately I can't think of an alternative. A different shade of green wouldn't pop, and although red is green's compliment, obviously that'll create even more mixed signals.

Maybe a clearer signal of "Hey you should have gone here" if you miss it? Like an audio cue when you fail?

An user suggested a practice mode for enemy attacks and boss spells, so I think that could be an okay idea.

i want to kill everyone but that makes the dificulty go up to 11 and also fuck terra my construction build was destroying everything until she came along

Why not build shit on her side?

Audio cues when you miss a green tile might clutter the game's already chaotic soundscape.

Honestly part of me think a total redesign would be better. If you miss a note, you get struck with an undodgeable attack. That should make it clear that you're doing something wrong by just standing in a corner avoiding the notes, whereas the whole idea of "pick up the notes to get shield to tank the unavoidable splash damage" is a little obscure. It'll also just make her more threatening in general because, as is, she's probably the 2nd easiest boss.

To be fair the story is barely there.
>Post-War Apocalypse according to the store page (Hazel's blurb says she couldn't stop them)
>Eden is the last bastion for civilization
>Serif exists as one of the angels preventing mankind from entering and tries to kill you if you're found unworthy
Other than that, either Hazel knows Saffron from before the game or there's fuckery afoot (it's the latter)

By beating it on the last one you unlocked, luckily you don't have to do it for every character individually like StS and it's save wide instead.
They are because the original sprites are garbage

Attached: redone.jpg (247x160, 21.48K)

Hey some of the base ones are fine. Terra was just totally off her art because she was likely among the first ones done by the dev. I still prefer Tired Terra from the concept art, myself

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Bros do I buy this on switch or PC?
Or do I play the chad card and pirate pc and buy switch

>buying a game made for pc on switch
It has performance issues and gets patches at a snail's pace. Just get it on pc and plug in the pro controller, dummy.

Nah, I think most of the default costumes are severely lacking in shading, depth and posing compared to the unlockable costumes and Terra's new sprite.

I didn't mind it very much, but I do think they are very basic compared to terra and the alts.

Attached: eden costumes.png (540x777, 504.66K)

Switch doesn't have the patch that came out yesterday and PC will have mods when any good ones get made.

>the rock cycle has ended

Omfg stop shilling this shit every fucking day

Based partner.

But I like the idea of having a portable version, and if I want to play with any mods I can always pirate, right?
This game plays out like a rogue like right? So having saves not be in the same place isn't that big of a deal in this game?

>Stop talking about a new video game people are actively playing
r/gaming is two blocks down, buddy

It actually IS kind of a big deal because you're going to have to unlock all the cards/relics from leveling up (not hard), all the character costumes, all the character alternate movesets, and the Ascension stuff (if you want that) on both save files unless you can move your save between versions.

>just found out you can put a focus to get cards of certain archtypes you want

What's the benefit to killing them anyway? Haven't even tried it yet.


For some stupid reason, I assumed that option was used to make your deck shuffles in battle feed you certain types of spells first. Probably because the option is located directly above the deck list.

>Deckbuilding heavily based on meta keyword synergy mechanics
>You can somewhat influence the RNG but most of the cards suck anyway and there's hardly a guarantee you'll get anything with the specific mechanic you want anyway
>The sword equivalent seems to be largely based around filling your deck with trash projectiles
Without crafted content to play and a persistent deck to build and get used to, this game depends far more on on the combat system to be engaging every second than BN does, and I don't think it's there yet

Я пoбeдил Гaннepa и oткpыл вce кoлoды, вoзмoжнo y кoгo-тo ecть c этим пpoблeмы, нo я знaю кaк eё peшить, вaм пpocтo нyжнo былo coхpaнитьcя и пepeзaйти, этo внyтpeнний бaг игpы, coздaтeли пpocтo кoды зaбыли cмeнить и из-зa этoгo мoгyт быть бaги и глюки

You get normal drops instead of a heal.
If you kill everyone the final area is a proper full zone with a different boss.

>Moral choice system that is a thinly veiled difficulty slider
Oh that's the good shit

Money, xp, guaranteed artifact (I think a Removal or an Upgrade are guaranteed as well), different ending.

>Get the experience and money
>Better chance at higher rarity relics without giga Luck stacking (I haven't seen an Upgrader outside of killing them)
>Alternate endings

This, been saying it myself.

IDC about the roguelike aspects for shitty StS bandwagoning, the most fun part of the game is the combat system and speed. The dev has to focus on this in future updates.

MMBN has consistent folders with combos you can figure out and consistently use, you don't have to pray each playthrough to get chips you need you just farm for them and you're good plus your hand isn't locked to 2 chips so you have even more rng for your synergy to work.

Most synergies in eden are basically forced right now.

I hope there will be more gimmicky chips in the future + a non shit upgrade system (most upgrades suck, make it card specific) + some sort of stage mode where you use a prebuild deck + char to go through "levels" of increasingly difficult mob spawns (hope for more enemies anyway) into bosses, similar to how shmup stages function with a hard boss at the end and all.

Deck and artifact definitely worst part of the game, just does not flow well with the combat. You can't strategize cus there is no pause when selecting a hand from deck so you end up mashing stuff that hits well and upgrade for less cost/multicast and fuck shit up with faceroll.

Dev made a good game with good gameplay but I hope he focuses on what shines, unique characters and combat system, not what is meh, roguelike deckbuilding and meh artifacts.

Imo he can update the roguelike mode as he pleases but something else is required. Not much longevity right now because how limited you actually are with the system. He can't even create gimmicky or weird chips, tiles, etc because very specific stuff is almost unusable due to the deck system atm.

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It's because the defaults are made by the dev himself while the alts (and terra default now) are made by twitter.com/jtangc/media

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It's probably like this:
>Post-war apocalypse, all the magic ruined everything and is running rampant
>Serif builds a safe place and has Terra help manage it
>has to test everyone to see if they can be peaceful, even with their weapons, so whenever someone kills on their journey, Serif has them fuck off and try again
>probably why Terra has heavy bags under her eyes, she's the only one who knows for sure how often she's been killed by Eden-seekers and can't sleep
>Serif might occasionally loop people who made it to see if they're worthy, don't know what end is "canon" or if one is supposed to be
And then some of them have backstories from before the war or just during the start of it
>Hazel and Saffron used to be partners in science and got into a recognition fight of unknown seriousness
>Selicy has been pretending to be the Queen of the North, until she gets bored and goes to Eden
>Reva was a knight, probably got tired of all the death and now tries to protect lives
>haven't played enough of the others to get all their more personal interactions
Does anyone know what the others' backstories may be?

Dev really missed an opportunity for souls-like Lore in the spells/artifacts. I get that plot's not the point of this game, but that's the whole point of souls lore

There's nothing wrong with the roguelite formula, what makes it trash is making every mechanic a walled garden that you should always avoid deviating from, to the point where you end up skipping most of your rewards because they have will objectively have negative synergy with your deck
It's an ass-backwards design direction that actively goes against the roguelite premise
I haven't played slay the spire much, or recently, but I'm sure most of the shit you get didn't feel this pointless

>I haven't played slay the spire much, or recently, but I'm sure most of the shit you get didn't feel this pointless
think again

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Reminder that there's a cheevo for having over 200 spells in your deck at once.

This, there was a good reason why battle network let you pause to select chips. With the fast pace of Eden it seems even more important to have it in, but for some reason it's not.
If you want to win you either
1. get some overpowered synergy going by being lucky
2. ignore the deck building aspect completely and just go for max mana regen + spamming random shit while primarily focusing on dodging.
>if you kill everyone she lets you in
>if you only kill a few she just kills you instead
That makes no sense

Either do an add kunai to deck build or just loop enough that you can keep getting cards infinitely

I went into an Event and now my level is (Dark), what's that mean?

Harder area, shopkeeper takes health instead of money.
Not sure what the benefits are, possibly rarer drops.

For the rest of this level:
>Enemies are like two levels harder
>Drops are maybe better
>Shopkeeper sells you stuff for health instead of money except for the stuff in the bottom right
>Map chests are mimics and will attack you before spitting out their artifact

>That makes no sense
It's more that if you're a genocidal madman, you push through the first defenses of Eden easily and confront her directly while if you're a loser with shady morals, she comes to you and kicks your shit.

>you push through the first defenses of Eden easily
But you don't, the gate isn't even there on genocide. You literally just enter eden after beating the last boss.

>the most fun part of the game is the combat system and speed
just put on a trip so everybody can filter you and your zoomer opinions in future, thanks.

It's implied, how else are you gonna get inside?

The combat system is the entire game
There's no other content, and people in these threads constantly mention how there's little to no writing or good art
What the fuck do you think the most fun part of the game is, the main menu?