Silent Hill 2

Why didn't James just kill himself?

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how did he forget about KILLING his own wife

He did

was the cult making silent hill go crazy or was it something different? and was the cult active dring the second game?

Wait what? I got the Leave ending and it looked like he just went home. That letter was depressing.

>implying in water isn't the canon ending

> Implying the dog ending isn't the canon ending

You didn't get the true ending.

There's no story in a guy just killing himself. In the end he went through a hero's journey which is owning up to your past and accepting cold hard truth and dealing with it, whether he kills himself or not after that isn't really important because he went through a baptism by fire, and that through the eye of god is enough to be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. Figuratively speaking.

no, and isn't it just the town itself with spooky meme powers?

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The fanon ending is In Water.

How do you get that ending? Game seemed very linear.

SH2 has some of the strangest ending requirements. Iirc for In Water it's:
>If you waste too much time wandering around outside, the game interprets this as James not wanting to find Mary
>If you keep your health low and don't cap it off much, the games interprets this as James not wanting to live
>examining the knife a lot means James is suicidal
>staying too close to Maria means James is trying to forget about Mary
>not listening to the long hallway dialogue at the end means James doesn't care about Mary

shit like that influences In Water

Who was going around destroying all the doorknobs?

The other Pyramid Head. He just played some funny pranks until James killed Eddie.

denying and surrender

>Be in silent hill.
>Spooky shit starts happening.

>everywhere around Silent Hill turns into a foggy pit
better start growing some wings homeslice

Remember Toluca lake. The high humidity causes the hinges to rust and with no one running maintenance they become jammed.

is sony and kojima still going to make the new silent hill game or was that fake news?

Speaking of wings, what happened to the birds and dogs from the first game? Running around outside was so non-threatening in SH2.

It LITERALLY depends on how YOU play the game. The In-Water is considered canon.

it was fake all along.

Those were from Alyssa's fears, she isn't really present any more by the time 2 happens. I do wish there were more than just 3 outdoor enemies though.

spoilers ahoy:
The town always has this faint supernatural power of its own. After the Alessa incident, it got "cracked" pretty bad, and was left running on kind of an autopilot of sorts, resulting strong mental projection out of anyone who entered the area.
The cult had nothing to do with it, and the whole faction was smaller than people think. The few remaining extremist still were hunting Harry though.

I just imagined Pyramid Head sitting in a locked bathroom stall in prison screaming to scare James and giggling like a little girl when James nopes the fuck outta there.

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Also being the one to host the elevator quiz show, just chilling in Nowhere with a headset.

SH2 is pretty much a stand alone game with self contained story unrelated to Alyssa and The Order.

No, it's not.

>The Order.

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I hate this cunt so much.

Sony never bought the rights to the series, so no.

Hulett did nothing wrong. He was just the unlucky schmuck that had to take the fall from Konami's mismanagement.

Suuure he didn't...

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Why was Eddie dressed like a toddler? He was clearly based on Columbine shooters.

>>If you waste too much time wandering around outside, the game interprets this as James not wanting to find Mary
>>If you keep your health low and don't cap it off much, the games interprets this as James not wanting to live
>>examining the knife a lot means James is suicidal
>>staying too close to Maria means James is trying to forget about Mary
>>not listening to the long hallway dialogue at the end means James doesn't care about Mary
How the heck are you meant to figure that out without a guide?

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The Columbine shooters weren't fat and didn't bring pizza to the shooting.

I don`t think you were

I was exteremelt confused when I first played SH1 because I got that LOL ITS WAS A DREAM ending for it

You know there's a entire video debunking this and how the two insane goons who got a lynch mob were at fault and ultimately apologized for their behavior? Tom was a typical Western schmuck fan who got hired and had to deal with Konami, not even Castelvania and Metal Gear Solid devs Kojima and Igarashi had much say/very difficult say with the head of command at Konami.

It's hilarious how insane some of you Tom haters are because you think a gaijin at turbo strict JAPAN STRONG Konami had a sway in their video game franchises. He probably bucked out the worst ideas as a Westerner in design meetings he was allowed in like a pet dog, like the originally planned Super Saiyan monster horror showdown of the planned SH5. Shattered Memories (Tom's pitched game) is the worst Silent Hill BTW, but you're acting like communist China in rewriting history and events that never happened. Oh and the thing about Silent Hill 2's voice actors in the remake, that, drum roll please, was partly in due to your waifu voice actor Guy acting like a prima doma. Silent Hill 2's voice acting is shit, continues to be shit, and Silent Hill 1>>>Silent Hill 2's shitty voice acting.

as much shit Tom gets downpour was atleast a decent effort

user, in before-DLC era, game companies had to survive by selling strategy guides.

I think the town being built on top of Native American burial grounds and aliens visiting it from time to time somewhat helped with the supernatural bullshit

this isn't canon I'm pretty sure

There is an eldritch older than humanity monolith, presumely an extraterrestial lovecraftian object from the void that crashed into earth and is buried deep under the lake of silent hill that causes all this spiritual reality bending shit
I watched all the movies and read all the books the original silent hill team were fans of so my theory is canon

Why did the little girl even join James in the Leave ending? He straight up tells her he murdered his wife, her would be foster mom. I would assume a child would be terrified and hate him.

What movies and books are those?

also the whole creation story of the cult is bollocks, the only reason they can give birth to "god" and things like the seal of metraton work is because they believed in it and shaped those things into existance
things like jacobbs ladder, the carpenter triology, the mist, lovecraftian mythos, niche horror films from the 80s like possesion and asian horror of that time but mainly American horror since its a japanese love letter to American horror flicks basically

>lovecraftian mythos
The series doesn't have anything to do with cosmic horror.

Fun fact: A lot of the people that inspired Team Silent ended up as names for the streets.

I think I enjoyed Silent Hill 1 a bit more than 2. The story of Alessa really was awful and the nightmare sequences were a lot more intense. The Satanic themes really lent the game a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

I like them pretty equally for different reasons. SH1 is a LOT scarier, but SH2 has a much better lonely feeling.

You aren't the ending you get is supposed to be based on how you play, you got leave because you played as a james who wanted to leave.

The two key ones are reading the journal at the roof of the hospital and listening to the tape in the hotel.

That translation shows up in 4 though.

I think you can still get Leave with those if you don't trigger the others

I keep forgetting the spoiler and reveal ending to this game and then I forget that I should not go in these threads so I don't read the spoiler again

revive ending is the coolest but i think in water ending is the most fitting and is my chosen headcanon ending. also mary's corpse is in the backseat

tomm, get off Yas Forums and stop letting SH live in your head rent-free

Ho shit, I like it

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I got in water first playthrough because I kept trying to use the knife on literally everything

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why is maria so creepy bros

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Is Silent Hill truly abandoned or is James, Angela, Eddie and Laura in an alternate reality? Does Laura even see monsters?

I remember there being a newspaper clipping in SH2 saying that the town is built on an old indian graveyard

I think we can all agree that Shattered Memories is the bets western Silent Hill right? The (non-existent) combat maybe a problem but I really like the exploration and the cellphone gimmick

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can i play this on wii u?

