How do we fix this?
How do we fix this?
we do not. that's perfect
Remove the males if it’s porn. Remove the females if it’s a game.
make the female fatter
Remove the 3dpd and add in 2d.
You forgot imps, OP.
Fat assed, mischievous, smug imps.
I will now ___ ____ ____
You're welcome.
Prevent sweaty nerds and fat feminists from makinh video games
You may now, by based law, only make a video game if you're:
Over 5 and a half feet tall
Not a virgin
Are white
Are male
And straight
By making the males sexier.
this is going to be on topic vidya thread yes
Not even surprised.
good post
good post
bad post
good post
good post
bad post
bad post
Orc women are supposed to be brutes.
By making demons look like this
Make male orcs have boar heads
Thank you for your input, great arbitrator of le four chan.
your welcome
fpbp and fuck furfags that think otherwise
>Get to BBI
>"Elder Ogres" is just the female version
Most males do not enjoy females with monster proportions. And women are absolutely incapable of seeing themselves as an ugly monster. There is no reason to make female monsters look like monsters
But it makes MY dick hard
>orc female with big ass and hips
>troll female with big tits
>demon female with massive horse shaped futa cock
Now, fix it.
Make the top ones like the bottom ones but futa
Species of giant musclewomen and weak pretty elfboys.
I wish I knew.
The actual lore is that humans can interbreed with other sapient races, and will apparently do so when given the opportunity.
>males of any other species look different to females
>male humans look just like females
fat goblin women sound hot
fou're chan*
oglaf is great
Don't have female players.
It's true that sexy orcs/trolls/etc women are made by horny men, but the issue is that women are also attracted to them as well.
World of Warcraft proved this ages ago. Ever since the game came out the vast majority of female players have picked Night Elf or Blood Elf, with Human as a distant third. Seeing how WoW is (was) a highly popular game AND a large portion of its player base is female (about 33%, which is massive for a PC game), this should say a lot about which kinds of characters most women enjoy playing.
People don't like to admit this but Blood elves saved the horde population wise because a large majority were going alliance because none of the horde races were attractive especially when Blizzard brought the game to China
For the record, the intent behind these images is never "make the women hideous monstrosities." It's more about making feminised versions of the males that are sexy but still make sense.
Like this
You "fix" it by either just buying what appeals to you or making your own video games.
Y'know, that reminds me: Do you feel that those who want to make "Strong" female characters are kinda hypocritical because they make the female extremely masculine?
It's like they're saying that the only way to be strong is to be like a man.
what needs to be fixed?
>male orcs
>not for porn
This >cut back on sexual dimorphism
>0 people play the race
>make elf
>instant most played race
There is nothing to fix in race design, the real issue is that women have no value if they don't even vaguely resemble a human silhouette. Shockingly, to neither female nor male players.
you do it the way you like in the things you create, and you let others do it their way.
Support devs that do it right.
>chinese shit
fucking hot
I always thought it was curious that even with the "just a blue human" female troll, every single one has the "one" face, The one face not covered in warts nor with a permascowl. And the biggest issue people who don't play one have with it are still the hideous feet.
I want to fuck that furry.
>generic furrybait
It's funny how back then so few people played Horde and now in Classic it's the complete opposite problem where too many people are playing Horde.
>make an actual animal person
>hurr durr it's furbait
WoW trolls are without a doubt my favourite rendition of trolls in entertainment
that's a furry muzzle, you can't fool me
>Two giant breasts on her chest
Yeah no, that's furbait.
I WISH this was the generic furry bait but it is rare.
What's the difference between "Generic furry bait" and that thing?
As far as I can tell the only thing non-generic is probably the outfit. Everything else is basically Krystal the fox level of generic furry
>Their E3 cancelled tweet with the Tumblr convention and the infamous ball pit
Incorrect. Reduce the males if it's a game, maintain the females or increase females as well.
Krystal was fucking hot though, so it's okay.
fix what? that people are actually playing the female you spent precious development resources on?
nobody wants to play a non-attractive female.
but that'll turn it into porn
Was about to say exactly this . Women who complain about this probably don't understand role-playing, they don't realize you're the one taking part of the fantasy. I can tell you from personal experience that women that do role-playing just don't want to play as something ugly, even if there were no men around. Men and women generally don't act out on their complexes the same way, it is how it is. Also, it's worth pointing out that not all people come into a game expecting to live out the same kind of fantasy and that not all games can accommodate everyone.
>nobody wants to play a non-attractive female.
Define non-attractive. Because I think the female lizards from Original Sin 2 are hot as fuck.
>not all games can accommodate everyone
*no game can accomodate everyone
Just wanted to clarify that. It's impossible.