This motherfucker is exposing anons left and right and I've never laughed harder.
Casual Filter Thread
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Hes easy once you abuse the stagger that he does by grenading him and switching your weapons
He's fucking bullshit on console. Even with the fast switch upgrade, you can't stagger him with the SSG and change to another ballista to get in another shot fast enough.
Fucking retarded devs didn't playtest on console enough
>He played on console
I'm not going to bash you for playing on console, I'm going to bash you for trying to abuse the SSG/Arbalest exploit.
Hes fine he just takes ages to kill, I still have more trouble with those annoying spider things
really? you've never laughed harder at anything else?
How did you clear the timed encounter with the marauder? I'm trying to clear it and I just can't kill him fast enough.
>Not using explosive splash damage in combination with high-flinch-chance hits when he's exposed + throwing on some burn damage when he flinches
Again. You're garbage. In general, not just at Doom.
Are you fucking retarded?
Nigger. Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's an exploit.
They sold it on console so they should make sure it works on console.
>hurr durr don't kill an enemy in the most efficient way possible
>Fucking retarded devs didn't playtest on console enough
Use runes like savagery and stagger the fuck out of him.
Use a grenade or a shotgun sticky bomb to kill the two zombies on both sides of him in one go.
Doom Eternal AKA nudoom, is a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to combine what they think console kiddies and nostalgic boomers might both like.
>that one encounter where you need to beat this nigger within 30 seconds
He's easy but not very fun to fight
Should be more aggro but not have a shield to be desu with you
Yes you can you moron.
You can switch weapons on the wheel faster than it appears if you memorize the directions, and for an even faster swap you can tap the button to swap to your last used weapon.
Damn I thought savagery just made the glory kill staggers longer, not all staggers
>had low ammo and health
>didn't know what the encounter was
>hit it anyway
>fuck, a marauder
>run away
>get message I completed the encounter
Yes, I'm based
>>hurr durr don't kill an enemy in the most efficient way possible
>hurr durr I'm trash and I have to use the easiest way to kill an easy target because I can't think of something else
>stunlock is not an exploit
right right, retards
I guess you punch zombies to death too.
imagine thinking anything in a mainstream AAA game like doom is an actual casual filter. this shit is literally made to be beaten. retard twitch streamers whose job it is to be dumb as fuck for 14 year olds have beaten it with ease. way to expose yourself as a real casual
Nice bait. I refuse to believe anyone is this dumb.
>I guess you punch zombies to death too.
No, I actually play by myself instead of copying what I see on webms to make the game easy.
It's not a stunlock, you retard. Learn the meaning of the words you're using.
he's quite literally made to be that way hy the developers lmao
It's not a stunlock nig. It's just the highest DPS you can unload on him in his stagger.
tell me how keeping him stunned and hitting him with arbalest not stunlock
Dude just click the weapon wheel button and it'll go back to your last weapon.
Agreed, you are fucking garbage in general. Kys faggot
>this projection
So you actually had to look up a way to fight Marauder, huh.
I thought everyone who played through Eternal at some point had figured out swapping weapons is faster than waiting for the reload animation to finish. I guess I was wrong and there are people like you.
>So you actually had to look up a way to fight Marauder, huh.
So you have to invent shit because you have no arguments, huh
You don't keep him stunned, idiot. You stun him when you counter his green-eyed swing and you have some time to deal damage until he recovers - that's literally how the game tells you to fight him. Then he recovers and you'll need another opening for a counter. Alternatively, you can use Rocket Launcher to stun him instead but the same rules apply.
"Stunlock" means by the end of one stun, you would stun him again thus not giving him an opportunity to act, which is not a thing in this game as all enemies resist stun for some time after recovering from one.
Here's my strat for killing a Marauder quick:
>Fully Mastered Remote Detonate Rockets over his head; this nearly always staggers and also kills the shit that spawns nearby
>Plug him with the ballista
>Back up, rinse and repeat
>Remote detonated rockets kill his wolf when he summons it
>SSG if he gets close, otherwise just kite him
Works pretty good.
Cheer up, crew cut.
probably because you don't lock him into stuns, you just stun him
My only complaint is that there's no post-game. Battlemode is trash. Extra lives mode is too easy. Ultra nightmare is anti-fun and frustrating. Dunno why they dind't ship the game with a good ng+ mode or horde mode or something.
>be me
>beat him first try
It's funny, I beat this one at second try, but the fucker that appears after you've retrieved your blade handle from the giant demon always cuts me down to size until I run around in headless panic trying to restock my health and ammo.
He pulls the curtain back on how abysmal the gameplay truly is.
Arcade mode is coming soon, and they promised new campaign content in the form of game modes and challenge levels.
1) Stagger with SSG
2) Primary fire with Arbalest
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2
I don't understand the frustration. Just use arbalest charge shots when he turns green. Eat the axe hits to stay at the right distance and heal when you have to. Over in no time.
>arcade mode
What's this about? I don't think I played it in Doom 16
If you're still stuck you can just stagger him then BFG to oneshot him. By that point you should've learned how to swap between weapons though so he becomes a pushover even in slayer gates or mxied with enemies.
Literally just stay in range to trigger his opening and shoot him with the Ballista. There is no reason to use any other strat against this fuck aside from trying to be fancy,
Ultra Nightmare except you have to pay $1 per attempt and if you win you get your high score posted on the official leaderboard.
It's not that he's hard, it's that he's no fun at all.
>Game about going fast around arenas
>except for one enemy where you have to stand still and wait for the AI the throw his one vulnerable attack, which he'll struggle to accomplish if the terrain is not perfectly flat
Refer to this webm The game is pretty open about being able to backstab enemies with explosives.
Are you joking?
Since you never encounter them in the same place, do you think there's an animation for killing a Doom Hunter/Marauder with a Berserk power up?
It's not that he is hard.
He is just not that fun to fight.
I would've liked having him as a recurring Boss,
that stalks you through the levels and initiates a one on one duel.
You never kill him (he just flees) and every time he gets new abilities, mirroring Doomguys power. This way it wouldn't break the flow of the normal encounter and fighting him would be a lot more personal
Just us remote rocket launcher and grenades to chip damage while leaving him for last. Made the 5th slayer gate a piece of cake.
Why don't you find out? There is a Berserk power-up cheat, user.
Only problem with switching quickly on the wheel is it can fuck up your aim very easily.
ngl I thought for sure he was unstaggerable from explosions from the back, I tried it a bunch of times without getting any results, but I guess I fucked up the timing every single time. Might go and finish the master levels now.
Thanks user.
The first slaver in bannerlord when he asks to 1v1
I spent a good fucking 40 minutes replaying that fucking mission just to win 1v1.
>all these people that admit to playing this on console
it used to be a meme
now its reality
Also, killing Marauder without using SSG or Ballista.
For good quality: