Is it worth getting a switch in 2020? What are the pros and cons? Never bought a nintendo product yet.
Is it worth getting a switch in 2020? What are the pros and cons? Never bought a nintendo product yet
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cons: expensive
pros: good games
>pros: good games
Such as?
pros: nintendo games
cons: price
>>Icons: expensive
Just my salary for two days
Get some job,poorfag.
pros: portable
cons: weak as fuck, multiplatform ports either don't exist or are horribly downgraded, even exclusives often run at 30 FPS
So it makes no sense in 2020 considering the corona shit. Portability doesn't matter when you have to stay at home anyway.
Pros: good games
Cons: not very many games
okay, but are there any other cons other than paying for the thing? no
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Splatoon 2
and more
It's also a great place to play Wii U games you probably missed such as:
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Bayonetta 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
It's also awesome to play these games and many more on the go, especially when on holiday or visiting somewhere temporarily.
Some Bluetooth headsets don't work without an adapter, pro controller isn't included but recommended, online could be better and they need to add more games to the collections more regularly
online too sucks in a lot of games. Also, everything that is not nintendo (except for some exception) is not worth it, because it's overpriced and downgraded.
only console worth getting if youre on pc
>$300 plus tip
>$60 games that never go on sale
>$70 for an actual controller
>another $25 for online access
The pros are that it has all of Nintendo's first-party releases upcoming, and a bunch that are already out. If you didn't get a Wii U, then Breath of the Wild helps make a Switch worth it; your mileage may vary on Super Mario Oddysey; Smash Bros is a good shout if you have friends to play it with; the new Animal Crossing is fun, if you like that sort of thing where you play games to relax; and of course, there'll be other releases in the future.
The Cons are those things with the buttons and the control sticks on either side.
so the same crap games like always, no thanks
Switch and PC is the best combo
Do Yas Forums unironically lack friends?
Pros: the pro controller
Cons: the joycons
The Witcher 3
switch has no games
why should I buy the inferior version of that game too?
I don't know. He asked for good games on that system.
pick only one
I got a switch in 2017 on its launch day. I preordered the limited Animal Crossing one in your pic. It’s the same price three years later but the battery is significantly better and it’s great to have a new set of joycons. I just sold my used original for $500. It’s hackable so it has a nice markup and I sold it complete with original box and pack ins. Many people keep the joycons. New switches are selling for a premium right now too. Lites are also selling for a markup. Lots of used ones that aren’t hackable selling for almost new prices (or are at new prices in some cases but seller takes a slight hit on eBay and PayPal if they use that).
Anyways, add that to the pro column for existing owners at least. The thing held it’s value for over three years. In 2017 when I got an XB1X to replace by XB1, I sold the XB1 for $115 including the $60 controller which was from the XB1X and brand new.
>Portability doesn't matter when you have to stay at home anyway
It does if you’re a grown ass adult. I’m not going to kick the wife and kids out of the living room every time I want to play fucking animal crossing. I’m not going upstairs and isolating myself either. I’ll play it on the couch with one of the kids watching on and the other watching their show on the living room TV. Portability allowed me to complete Witcher 3 after all these years. And in quarantine. Portability means you can play in bed. Or play on my lunch working from home. Since I had a GBA I always preferred portability. It’s nice to have a personal video game playing device. Obviously if you’re a NEET living with your parents, this probably doesn’t matter. But if you’re a NEET and in your 20s, you have a problem. Especially the closer you are to 30. I would say if you’re a NEET and 25 or older, you should be gassed
You heard me, Todd Howard
Price did go up quite a bit because of corona-chan. Looking at $450+ rather then the usual $300.
I ain't gonna waste $150 when I can wait a month or two and get it for 33% less.
huh? huh? huh?
I haven't had a Nintendo console since the Wii so I'm wondering the same thing. I'd seriously consider it if they made a new Paper Mario in the same vein of the original/TTYD. I've heard Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is really good but Nintendo insists on selling a 6-year old re-release for $60 which is irksome.
Nobody even mentioned neets
>I would say if you’re a NEET and 25 or older, you should be gassed
this wagie is rabid
Wagie wagie get in cagie
Yes, I would like fries with that.
On Wii U
Only for women
And More doesn't count
Stop pretending you're on the go. Most fans don't go anywhere with their system, they play it at home. And when they DO go somewhere with it, they look like complete fucking spergs.
And no professional is lugging around that chunky piece of shit to play in their hotels either, they're already bringing their ipad.
Good luck fucking buying one.
>Buying a WiiU for one game
Its also good for watching Youtube on the go
Good luck getting one right now
Good system with a solid first party lineup and a metric fuckton of ports. Whether the system being a port machine is good or bad is entirely up to your tastes I suppose.
Incorrect. I work an "essential service" and staff bring their switches for something to do between the hour + waiting between customers
>Never bought a nintendo product yet.
why would you buy a switch then
the only reason to get one is if you're already a nintendo fan
if you're not a nintendo fan, you wont enjoy any of the games it has to offer
The best place to play Nintendo's god-tier exclusives
Not as powerful as Ps4/Xbox
Less third party dev support as a result
Overall, great console, if you're into Nintendo games. If you like Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing, Smash, Xenoblade, Metroid, etc, it's a good pickup. By this point it has a pretty solid library of really good first party games.
What switch lite colour should I get, blue, red or yellow?
Don't judge I specifically want a lite
>good switch games
>good ps4 games
Nioh 2
gee, what should I get
>the only reason to get one is if you're already a nintendo fan
Not true. I've never been a Nintendo fan but the Switch has been a Godsend for me. Portable Dark Souls, Doom and Diablo 3 is fucking bliss.
BotW is a really good game. I don't think it's really productive to just name good games that each platform has. Both platforms have plenty of good games. Ultimately it comes down to preference.
For right now, I'll put away my Switch, I was just playing Animal Crossing. I have to go out to pickup my copy of Persona 5 Royal :P
Good fucking luck finding a switch that isn't price gouged. Everywhere is sold out, and the only places you can buy from are scalpers.
>get to game when someone else is using the tv
>easy to bring to your friend's house for multiplayer games
>really easy to switch between tv and handheld mode
>different controllers for different playstyles
>some really great games you can't get anywhere else without emulation
>physical nintendo games almost always appreciate in value
>noticeable lag between pro controller and console
>noticeable lag between regular controller and console when not handheld. Makes games like hollow knight a bitch
>expensive games
>not a great way to play multiplats
worth it if you either REALLY like nintendo IPs or if you intend to do a lot of bus/train/plane travel. if you're just gonna fatbody at home like the rest of Yas Forums, then no, it's not worth it. botw is able to be emulated on PC and so are all the mario games they're planning to charge to for rereleases of.
Really depends where you live.
i don't understand the switch lite
>and so are all the mario games they're planning to charge to for rereleases of.
>remake game in HD
>charge money for the work they did
those fuckers. why can't they give it away for free like the yakuza HD collection or Shadow of the Colossus HD or the metal gear solid HD collection?
It has a lot of third party support but outside of Square Enix it's mostly ports. Though it can be argued that is a good thing, the Switch has become basically one big virtual console.
It's a tad smaller, I don't need to worry about the joycons getting lose and you can replace drifting joysticks.
Perfect if you only want an upgraded handheld.
i guess so, but the option to move it to a tv is honestly really great
>I don't need to worry about the joycons getting lose
humm user .....
because the games are old as fuck and being willing to pay for better textures when you're there for the nostalgia/gameplay and not the pixels is some plebian shit, user. sorry that you're easy to milk.
It really hurts to not have TV mode, but 100 bucks just for that, a slightly bigger screen and rumble?
No thanks.
I really don't like the screen being detachable, seeing how flimsy the analogue stick is, I don't wanna gamble on the joycon hinges.
Going from TV to portable is honestly fucking awesome and super convenient. If you really want the lite though, get red.
It's definitely a worthy trade off, but when it comes to non-essential stuff like this I turn into a money hoarding dragon.
Can't help it man.
If i get a switch do i need to get more memory? 32gb doesnt seem like nearly enough