March 31 2020

>March 31 2020
>I am forgotten..
guess brother Nier was the right choice after all uh

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I'm excited for it, always wanted to play Nier

Almost bought Papa Nier version for christmas, I wonder how much they will charge for the remake/masterthing

papa is better and no faggot will ever make me change my mind

Do you expect endless threads about a remaster of a decade old game that has already been discussed to death by the people most familiar with it?

Automata noob here, excited for this one

It was so weird to see people crawl out of the woodwork and act like replicant is the superior version after a literal decade of seeing everyone say they prefer papa nier

I'm looking forward to this. I can't read moon runes so all I know is from daddy nier version.

IMO we're getting a better deal in the west cause it's a different "perspective".


I hope 2B is in it in some way.

Papafags were a loud american minority. Most people wanted to at least play the real version to see the differences instead of the ported ps3 translation we got.

Selective memory is a bitch but every time you see someone admitting their love to papa nier then there was someone doing the opposite. How can there be discussion and arguments if only one side was present?

I still don't see why they don't include Gestalt if it's just a model swap

replicant shitters are just contrarian sub-humans or literal faggots - who also fall under that category.
the official squeenix annoncement video has its comments section disabled. this will tell you everything.
also some gay buttsucker wanted to prove something and made a thread with a strawpol and Replicant gay faggots got BTFO with a 80% to 20% poll.
no one asked for the bishonen shota shit licking gay butt sex edition. literally no one, even the japs are shitposting about it. calling Taro an anus licking chocolate cave explorer.
they fucked up.

see Typical american insecurity at play. They can't get their head around the fact that papa nier is an underdeveloped manchild because he wasn't written for this story.

Probably because they realised that they don't need to shoehorn in a big old guy to make games sell in the West. It was never a part of Taro's original intention, it was just an attempt to make the game more marketable to Westerners.

>the official squeenix annoncement video has its comments section disabled
you mean like every single video in their channel that isn't a stream?

take your meds, schizo.


>Why do people only talk about papa nier when 99% of the Western community only played his version?


lol, brotherfags are already going through kubler-ross model

You weren't supposed to point this out.

you just said it yourself, buttfaggot.
99% of the world only ever played Papa Nier.
Replicant only sold 100k in radioactive gook island to extremely repressed, closeted homosexuals. Nier Gestalt sold 2.2 milliion in the rest of the world. No one knows that gay edition. No one cares, no one asked for it and no one wants it.
You are the 1% and you will soon join the 50%.

Why are you so incredibly upset that the remake/remaster/whatever is following Yoko's original idea?

does this game have that tranny


The futa? Yes

how about instead of just hurling insults at each other we settle this the old fashioned way

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it's impossible to hold a poll when the majority of people didn't play Replicant and don't know the character

You mean a hermaphrodite, that one actually has both working parts inclusive a womb.

user nier prior to automata's release was exactly the kind of niche title where anybody who cared enough to discuss it was aware of and possibly even played the JP-only version

If Square wanted people to care about a Nier remake, they would have found some way to force 2B as the protagonist.

She's in the game though

Rent free papafag

we already had a poll yesterday you pathetic buttfagot brothersucker.
buttfaggots got btfo so hard, they are still licking their asses.

Nah. Nierfags knew of brother nier, but none of them played the JP version and experienced the NA version first.

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you overestimate EOPs

>coping&anal prolapsing
>zero counter arguments
typical Replicant shitters.

>Hopefully more Kaine art is made

Automate did some good for me after all.

Please, PLEASE have sex.

Hopefully there will be more futa on male doujins

aren't you just glad you're going to play a different character besides old man Nier?

what for?

That's what I don't understand, shouldn't these people be happy they're finally getting the version that never came to the west? Now you can play both in English

Reminder that some user found proof that there is a good chance Yoko is a an unironic cuckhold.

no one cares, buttfaggot.
100k sales vs 2.2. million sales.
the whole world agrees that gayfaggot brothers who takes it up the ass to save their shitty sister is completely unrealistic and nowhere near as engaging and relatable as having a terminally ill daughter.
anyone saying otherwise has no siblings. 9 out of 10 cases sisters are insufferable cunts and if you are lucky, you only come to terms with them in adult life and even then you don't love them unconditionally or to the point you would give your life away for them or let others fuck you in the butt for their sake. ask anyone who actually has a sister. on the other hand a bond between parents and children is the strongest feeling life can give you.
something you homosexual deviants of course never experienced, because your parents hate you for being deranged freaks of nature.
Replicantshitters are simply edgy contrarians.

Good one

>no one cares
stopped reading there, barafaggot
keep seething

>everyone thinks this is a nier replicant remaster
>yoko taro pulls and absolute madlad and actually makes this a bridge game between nier and automata

the first two makes not sense, because it loses those things with brother Nier; last one makes no sense for me

I don't know, but 9S and 2B seiyuu were both cast for this remaster

>I s-swear I didn't read
Of course you did and you know I'm 100% right, but because you are a typical cowering faggot who takes it up the butt and has zero counter-arguments, you have to be all tsundere about it.

Full price, definitely

Buy it, It's a great game.

10 year old game, if someone wanted to play it they would have by now. Nothing else to say.

>nigger wants arguments
>show him that said arguments
>>no one cares, buttfaggot.
take your pills, schizo

Don't own consoles anymore and emulating 7th gen sucks ass most of the time


Brother NieR takes it up the ass

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I feel PapaNier fits better for the father/daughter dynamic as opposed to brother/sister
Though I will admit BrotherNier is better suited for the rest of the game's plot points, especially everything involving Kaine


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Uhh, you can't say that bud.

Has been playable on RPCS3 for over a year now.

i was quite mad that we didn't get pretty boy Nier and that they thought the west wouldn't like it.
i didn't bought this game because Papa Nier looked like a stupid gorilla.

I just need to see Kaine jerking it like in the short story.

>more cute Nier/Emil art soon

I wouldn't be surprised
Yoko Taro is basically a walking meme