Th-They're for my son

>Th-They're for my son.

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what a cool dad

I cant believe this fuck is banging Ana De Armas now.

That'll be 1000$ plus tip. I count at least 15 games

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laugh about him all you want. this fucking nigga is shagging Ana De Armas every night while you jerk off to porn

jokes on you, i jerk off to Ana

What a thoughtful father. I hope he and his son can do co-op on a few of those games and spend some quality bonding time together

He's actually bringing games to trade so he can afford a switch

What vidya does he play?

Ben Affleck is banging Ana de Armas!?
>t. got a photo somewhere in my home with me and Ana de Armas back when she was doing a Spaniard TV series (El Internado)

Ben looks like he's seen some shit.

She's like 15 years younger than him, she most likely grew up with him in his prime being one of her ideal men.
It's the same way Leo or Johnny Depp pull supermodels and much younger women, despite being out of shape and old. A woman will still idealize them in her head.

If you've ever had a younger neighbor girl grow up around you, you'll understand, because she'll still like you because you were tall and thin as a teenager regardless of if you're a wasteoid with no job and greying hair before you're thirty now.

Post proof faggot

>some white roastie

leo and johnny depp are award winning millionaire actors. not some fucking neet past his "prime" spanking it to the underage neighbor girl.

Looks like he's trying to make up for a decade of being a deadbeat.

I bet all those games suck. Only way I actually believe a celebrity is a gaymer is if they play some really jank shit like EDF not everything popular.

I gotta search it, my house is a clusterfuck full of old memorabilia, military-related crap and photos with some actress
if I find it I'll make a thread just for you, because that photo is 12yo, more or less

2 sports games, the rest are lego games.

>mfw sour grapes
>mfw cuban is somehow white

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literally diet mila kunis

And this is my son's room, he's quite the avid gamer if I might say so myself!

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> buying physical in 2020
LMAO at that boomer

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that's not the point, fag
johnny depp picked the wrong one and ended up with a insane bitch who cut off part of his finger and like beat him with wine bottles and shit and then tried to get his career ruined by saying he was abusive. and affleck is a depressed alcoholic

if it as just about awards (are you fucking serious?) or the money, these girls would be dating successful actors that aren't over 10 years older than they are
it's the childhood crush syndrome

>Ana De Armas
she's ugly as fuck you brain damaged retards

And from the looks of some of the posts in this thread, he lurks Yas Forums as well

Anyone embarrassed to buy something in public should get help.


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>Ana de Armas
yeah she is

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>Go to buy a game
>The cashier is female
>Don't buy the game and go home

get triggered you worthless brain damaged retard

why do you even care what will some roastie think about you?


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epic bait you worthless brain damaged retard

Better than a middle aged, stern looking man.

what if i was buying a sex toy or adult diaper? heck even some girls get nervous buying tampons

>why yes this copy of Style Savvy is for me
They're actually good games

She will be judging my appearance and the game I chose.

>Yes they are all for me, im quite a gamer as you can see

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No do it now

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I'm rangebanned from posting images but now would be the perfect time to post Ryan Gosling's GOD DAMMIT reaction image

You're not a gamer unless you drink cement mix or say the N word at least once an hour (preferably both)

Ana looks like shit without makeup
If anything based Ben is doing her a favour

I'M TRYING BUT HOLY SHIT I HAVE SO MUCH CRAP I CAN'T EVEN FIND MY OLD AMX-30 DRIVER MANUAL(which is pretty big btw), imagine trying to find a small photo

I gotchu

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>Not asking the cashier to wrap it up

Hurry up and do it now

Haha post a picture of her looking all disgusting without makeup so we can all vomit haha.

did you miss where I said I'M TRYING
wish me luck

You go in there and do it now or I'm cutting down the internet.

who? why would I care who some faggot nigga is bangin?

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Yeah, she doesn't look too good.

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why did you get banned user

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Why does Ben look like he's on the verge of killing himself in recent pictures? He's got money, a successful career directing, and all the pussy he could impregnate 10 times over. Is it because he didn't get to direct his own Batman movie? I mean shit Clint Eastwood directed and starred in his own movies so Ben can do it too.

now let's see your gf without makeup

I want to fuck that cavewoman and call her Wilma.

Probably something to do with relativity and success blindness.
He probably can't see how good he has it and is sad over minor shit like he can't get kangaroo meat from the local shop and has to drive 20 minutes extra.

I dunno. There's a lot of things that could be wrong, but if it were me, I'd probably think that hollywood being full of fake jews and backroom deals and shit, I'd probably feel like the industry just churned me through and left me jaded.

Imagine simping for a celeb lmao I hope you guys don't do that

I'm not the one that called her ugly. I just posted the first photo I could find. Believe me I would suck her farts through a straw if given the chance.

women are fucking disgusting without their makeup and photoshop

body still tight. her face is probably like that because she was up late drinking booze with ben.

damn you can straight see her nipples through the dress. Neck-down she looks fine, but there's just something about that face and expression that seems so lifeless.

>rich as fuck and handsome
Yeah. It's so hard to believe.

Her nipples are top tier in Knock Knock. She's just got that look all women have everyday.

Have you ever bought either of those things?
>sex toys
Every single time I have ever been in a sex shop, it's almost exclusively women that work in those places and half of them look like Suicide Girls that will actually give you sex advice and tips on how to use the toy when you check out. Hocking dildos is literally what they do for a living and you are absolutely no different than any other person that goes into those places.

>adult diaper
People will just assume that you're taking care of an invalid grandparent or some shit. If you proactively tell the cashier that you're buying it over some weird fetish shit instead of playing it off like you're just a caring and compassionate person then that's your own damn fault.

tl;dr there is absolutely no reason to feel embarrassed by making purchases in public

and hung like a horse

makes me mad honestly this beautiful woman is getting dicked like never before and this sad sack of batman shit can't be happy

ok digicuck