Just played this Michiru best girl

Just played this Michiru best girl

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I agree

Good taste

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>not impregnated your daughter

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The chads assemble

I like the tsundere but horny girl, whatever her name was

>I'll need to question her indirectly, in the most gentle way possible
>"last night you were masturbating to my dick weren't you"

I liked the redhead who casually shows up at your place topless. But then the game got too boring/repetitive and I dropped it. Does it ever get better?

What is this body built for?

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I found her route the most boring

>Can't buy the r18 version on steam
Why are we so fucking cucked?

Its not that hatd to download the unrated version

are these games any good on switch? i’ll otherwise grab the lewd versions

Michiru's ending would have been so, so much better if the magical memory cells weren't actually real.

Also Yumiko best girl.

Gotta get it from their site to buy it uncensored no? You can either choose to have the updated stuff from the vita version or the old uncensored version. I'd rather we get both

I watched the whole thing recently.
Season two was meh compared to 1.
Season 3 was wtf? Who the fuck are these people

The Vita/Steam version has a few more CG's and some other stuff, but no sex scenes whatsoever and they even censored a lot of more racy dialog. More info here:

IMO just pirate the 18+ version from Nyaa, that's what I did.

Honestly i dunno why they dont just release an inratex patch on steam

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Just pirate it.

I already did that im just saying there is worst shit on steam so why not

Because the school setting = exploitation of minors. Valve won't allow this.


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Best girl is Sachi
Best route is Amane’s

Frontloading all the filler is a bold move and will turn away a lot of people but it’s totally worth it

My nigga

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yeah i almost droped it because of that but im fucking glad i hung on


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>Frontloading all the filler
Was this your first big VN or something?

>that Makina

What a little slut!

pregnancy is the best

Not video games. Fuck off.

All games can be found on Steam.

calm down kiddo

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Mitchers best girls.

Wait, when did Mitcher get pregnant?

End of Eden

is there a more based mc?

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How do you even get onto routes how long is it until you make a decision

Good taste lads.

All routes suck. Yumiko's at least has a semi decent romance. Michiru best girl. Amane's route is overrated as fuck JUST FOLLOW THE FUCKING WALL.

It takes about 10 to 15 hours

I did the black haired girls route first since she seemed the most interesting in the common rotue and had not much development. I dropped the game during her flashback namek arc
What a shitshow, to think fucking steam weebs played 3 games of this shit
I kinda feel bad some days for never getting around to Michiru

I need to get back to this.
Only managed to finish Mitcher's route before getting swamped by new games/other stuff.

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only michiru2 is good
normal michiru is fucking cancer
best main girl is yumiko

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doesnt makina get het to ruin her hair in that game?

Yeah, let me ignore my rotten corpse inside that trash bag.

thats a cat user
a realy fat cat

Fucking FINALLY someone who understands. Everyone hyped this game up for the witty dialogue, based MC, interesting and fun girls, and of course the sex jokes.
What did I get? fucking 50+ hours of god damn filler slice of life bullshit. I literally fell asleep playing the boring fucking gags over and over again. They never fucking end. And why the fuck is every girl hypersexual? I guess it's just a game for horny teens or something, babby teen's first VN with crude and lewd dialogue and no depth.
Then after the slogfest of the common route, suddenly something happens and Yuuji has some mission or some shit, I was hyped that SOMETHING was actually happening... and it's FUCKING OFFSCREENED while they show the fucking girls worrying about him. Not a harem my ass.
Not only was there no plot advancement for the ginormous common route, but the routes themselves were boring as sin as well. I did Yumiko's first and my god it was a fucking slog. I remember seeing some image of her on Yas Forums back when the fan TL came out, with Yuuji doing a weird spaz dance in the background on the hill, like his sprite was cut out or something. I thought it would be cool to do her route first because she got no development at all in the common, and what a fucking mistake that was. I went from common route hijinks for hours on end, into a woe is me flashback for twice as long.
What could this game even have done better? Nearly every VN on the planet has some form of light foreshadowing or ANYTHING to keep the plot interesting or looming in the background All we get is a bunch of kids with problems doing sexual gags and skits, with extremely rare foreshadowing of their issues. Yuuji being a "badass" people claim he was is the most wrong statement ever. He doesn't do shit ever and his mysterious background and job doesn't affect anything in the game, nor does it really matter outside the first 30min or the game, or his survivalist autism in skits.

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>first big VN
No VN on the planet has a more boring and memey slog of a frontloaded common route, than Grisaia no shitjitsu.

I still need to play Eden. Give me some motivation anons.

yeah, it's like FMP, except with unlikable characters and typical VN pacing

That's how VNs rolls bro, FSN sakura cooking for example

You have good taste.

>Michiru best girl

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Nice job, you came to the correct conclusion.

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Mitcher made for bullying with my penis

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that pic looks like those virgin marie worship pictures

completely fitting.

Play her route on the sequel. Fucking god tier threesome scene with Yuuji, Mitcher and Mitcher That scene is fucking phenomenal.

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I must say the other girl is pretty based

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>seeing the normally calm and collected mitcher gett all weird and excited when she experiences her first time
I wish mitcheru was a bit more accommodating sharing her boyfriend though.

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