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Where do I find a girlfriend that plays video games

being in debt is pathetic

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game happy but reality sad. get it? game happy but reality sad

Video games

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did s2 have any redeeming factors?

fucking hell weebs are embarassing

explain it

the dumpster. you shouldn't want your partner to enjoy your hobbies. you should want them to look at you, shake their head, smile and say, "you and your hobbies."


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It had some yuri.

Игpa cчacтливaя, нo жизнь пeчaльнaя, тип oкeй

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so no, thanks.


Stop making this fucking thread. this is the third time in the same span of 24hrs

/o/tism, I'm assuming.

Seek the answer inside your mind

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this is how you end up with a 'man cave' and that shit you see on reddit with women dictating how long you can enjoy your hobby with 'good hubby points'


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no, very big waste of time

Is Animal Crossing what real life would be like if there were no Jews?

that really isn't how it works. the shy, ugly girls in my school were treated far, far worse than any boy by both the sexes.

This. I‘ve paid all my houses in cash + tip.

he cute

Assuming you marry an insecure control freak.
>inb4 all women are control freaks
they're really not. most are, but not all.

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you don't have to date a clone of yourself or end up a hopeless cuck. There are other options. Set up boundaries and date reasonable people, not BPD sluts.

>enemies can knock you out in one hit

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i pay for all my space programs in gold doubloons + tips

are you married or even have a gf?

Yeah well, not all of us went to school in opposite land

I thought this was real for a moment, but then I realised it has to be satire.
It IS satire, right?

it blows my mind that they actually referenced this in apex legends

of all things to make an execution

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God I hope, at this point fuck everything. Let the whole shit spread

At Chad's house

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I thought that the Chinese girl was supposed to be Mickey Mouse for a second

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Honestly, thinking back and it's insane. There were two girls in particular that I'm thinking of that were treated appallingly and they were sisters. They weren't even bad, they didn't smell or anything, they weren't rude or obnoxious - they were literally just ugly and that was it. For that crime they were bullied relentlessly, anybody could seemingly say what they wanted to them with utter impunity. If you said it to one of the geeky boys then there would at least be people who would call it out as bullying but these two girls were open season. You always hope that time was kind to people like that and that they blossom after school but I saw one of them on the bus the other day and she was EXACTLY the same.

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>game predicts future

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>never should of come here

>You always hope that time was kind to people like that and that they blossom after school but I saw one of them on the bus the other day and she was EXACTLY the same.
needless to say i bullied her off the fucking bus. not having that ugly piece of shit sit next to me

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imagine going for a walk through a forest and seeing this guy fuck the trees

this peak nippon story telling

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This had me cracking. I need to sleep

do they fuck on the next strip?

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>game has placement

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>tfw youll never be catcalled

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this says alot about our society

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>work in low skill production field
>most coworkers are women because it's low skill and low pay
>i'm one of the only young guys there, and i'm literally the only young guy that showers daily and works out regularly
>this is literally my life
idk why women complain about it, it feels pretty nice desu

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0:1 KD Ratio
fucking shitter lol

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