i imagined Denuvo would be the end not this
PS5 COSTS $396
another generation of 30 fps trash games :)
more than enough. the eye can't even see more than 25 frames per sec
each eye can see 30 interlaced frames, so you need 60 fps for a smooth image
Looks like another SONYCHAD victory in the bag boys
For Western trash yes.
For JP titles, 60fps is easily achieved.
That's good, but I don't like any Sony exclusives anymore. The ones I liked in previous generations dropped off last gen, and the new ones thing gen didn't grab me at all.
>the end
Didnt that dasboschitt video have PS(4) getting celebrated for being 399?
With shitty graphics, sure
How old are you to still fall for the same fucking marketing ploys for 15 fucking years straight?
ps4 was equivalent to a 750ti system ON RELEASE
ps5 is equivalent to a high end system on release at $396.
>ps5 is equivalent to a high end system on release
It's a 5700 XT equivalent m8.
By release that'll be a mid-range GPU at best, much like the HD 7870 was in 2013 when the PS4 released.
i thank them, because i dont need to get another GPU.
>5700 XT
COPE HARDER. thats a $450 card alone
then you need another $800 for a pc to go with it
Maybe for ps5 but sex will easily get 60fps
>thats a $450 card alone
Oh, it's a Eurotard, carry on.
>no name retailer from no name territory puts up placeholder thing
make sure to wash your hands when your handler tells you to, tardbaby
it's dangerous for your health out there
Consoles have to sell at a loss to make profit. Expect loot boxes for every Sony exclusive moving forward.
It's going to be $500, it's over $450 to make & that doesn't include taxes & shipping
Series X might be $599 too unless Microsoft want to take a big loss
What a weird world
Games consoles are half the price of cellphones
I have gotten to see the Okage: Shadow King remake run in 120fps. Looks pretty good too. Having a consistent and develop art-style does wonders.
PS5 is a RDNA2 5700, it's 36CU's, not 40.
I expect the PS5's GPU will be $250-300, AMD will likely release a RX 6600 or something
Most jap titles are 30, Capcom is the only one that goes for 60 but really only achieves it on the Pro consoles, REmake 2 & 3 should be 30fps locked on PS4/XO
I thought play n trade was dead what the fuck.
Confirmed fake.
>$550 for a game console
Vancouver isnt a no name territory
Play n trade is definitely a no name brand though
Oof, ps5 is dead.
$399 would be a reasonable price for a decent console, not for ps5 tho
$400 USD
Wow, can't wait to play all these multi-platform games in 4k at cinematic framerates. Or I'll just upgrade my gaming PC, because trash consoles ain't got games.
Unironically how the hell does Sony release everything so cheap? Even GOW which sold 10Million copies got marked down to $20 in a matter of a few months
jesus that due hasn't posted anything for 2 years
oh man im so surprised they need to keep the cost down 30 fps or repeat the ps3 disaster
I keep considering getting a PS4 and switch for a total of less than 10 games exclusive to them
Sony's games are there as marketing material. They're supposed to make reddit go
>wow sony is REALLY KILLING IT with their exclusives!
because they won't actually sell all that much by themselves. They discount and bundle them hard to pad numbers. The Playstation business model is to just get $8 from every copy of Fifa sold.
>so cheap?
Their consoles are either the most or second most expensive as for their games they launch at the standard 60 but they make most of their sales in the first month or two hence the drastic price drops out of desperation.
Will SeXbox have any exclusives anyway? From what i understand M$ will release everything on PC too, do if you have decent rig there is no point at all in buying sexbox.
>the ps4 was cheaper than the ps3! trust me!
>ps+ doesn't count! why would it!
why did you edit out the part where one scandinavian store was selling them for 1000$?
Well it's not "Five hundred and ninety nine US Dollars"
Seethe more. PS5 will be a hyper powered PS3. Exclusive games will make full use of the cell like uncharted did and achieve frame rate and detail better than ANYTHING on pc
Xbox never ever had anything except Halo.
This. Retards citing $399 for PS4 can't into basic addition.
Just like Eternal on PSpro right?
>lock 60fps
>high details
The PS5 is going to be $500 USD. The PS4 was $400 CAD and $400 USD at launch.
>selling point of game consoles is now specs
He was talking about jp games, are you too poor to pay attention?
Shhhh. Lammy is sleeping
The end of what?
>posting Chad while talking shit about the PSTriple plus two
>renaming a 30 fps vs 10 fps webm to push your agenda
CAD tanked in value though. It's never going to be a 1-1 conversion.
Consolefags never could into the whole "in the long run" meme.
Good thing motion blur is a thing, then. 60 looks like pure shit without motion blur too
>haha let me show him by posting another 30fps vs 10fps webm made to mislead people
Is this all "mustard race" people do these days? It's no longer about videogames, it's about coping?
I don't though and don't feel the desire to upgrade. I don't want to switch to Windows 10 and actually a PC upgrade will be much more costly. My entire build will need redoing. Plus on top of that my controller has packed in so I'd be buying one of those and my mates play on Xbox.
It isn't a case of liking anything about Xbox, but I might. Meanwhile I know I don't like Sony anymore.
I'll get it when the games are good. I didn't get the PS3 for years because it didn't really have any good games.
>Good thing motion blur is a thing
It absolutely isn't a good thing.
That's pretty alright. Thought it was going to be $500, which is absolute nonsense.
On Doom Eternal graphic settings go:
>Ultra Nightmare
So "High" settings aren't that impressive.
That’s because developers add artificial settings to make their “””””””technology””””””” seem impressive. The only settings that should exist are low, medium, and high. Period. Maybe custom if you’re autistic/poor.
Eternal Sonata!
You’re just being dishonest friend. Admit you wasted money on a PC and move on.
>he actually belive this
>he actually believes that niche JRPG makers can develop nu-DOOM tier optimizations
This but unironically
Nwm, that was on ps3 as well. I guess there's really nothing
That's a grand cope on your part.
This is how you know someone's gone so far into graphicsfaggotry that the game itself doesn't matter anymore. The game could be pure eye orgasms at the second to highest graphics but the fact that it isn't the highest setting invalidates the entire experience.
I don't usually "yikes", but that's a fucking yikes!
Wrong. You really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Isn’t this shit just a placeholder deposit?
No lie, faggot. You're not my friend.
is this the part where pc.ucks pretend they own a pc more powerful than a ps5?
>For JP titles, 60fps is easily achieved.
yeah during the FMV cutscenes
then you go back 22fps with PS3 graphics and when they port the game to PC its locked to 30fps because they whole logic of the game is tied to the framerate because japs cant code for shit
Well I have a 2080 ti and 9900K overclocked to 5ghz
Bought it last year, so yeah.. already next,next gen since last year.
Feels bad man.. you peasants are holding back gaming.
I really hope you're paid to pretend to believe this, anything else would be really embarassing
>For JP titles, 60fps is easily achieved.
>all nintendo games run sub 30fps
>non nintendo game runs at 30fps