Was Oblivion a good game? I'm blinded by nostalgia and can only remember it being fantastic, but I'm sure some boomers out there remember the real deal, so tell me, how good or bad was it?
Was Oblivion a good game? I'm blinded by nostalgia and can only remember it being fantastic...
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It was an ok game crippled by the leveling/scaling system
There are definitely good things about it and it's my favourite game in the series but I think you'd having to be delusional not to think it doesn't have issues. Most of them you can mod out so whatever.
It's a heavily flawed game but I don't think any of the flaws are offensively bad (like, it has things like ugly potato faces, but playing Oblivion doesn't make me think "seriously? this thing was supposedly made by professionals?") or bad in such a way that they get in the way of enjoying the better aspects of the game. Conversely, it does have strong points (atmosphere, music, some really nice quests mixed in with mostly all right quests, that sort of thing). So yes, I would call it a good game, even unmodded.
The biggest flaws were level scaling, monotone combat and samey dungeons. Everything else was great.
one of the most glaring problems is that no one ever really modded the women well enough. with skyrim so many people threw ideas at the wall that quality things rose to the top. the only other issue is more subjective, but i find the magic system in skyrim to be more engaging and rewarding than the one button thing. those are the only things that i consistently uninstall the game over.
The worst parts of Oblivion are the parts in Oblivion
I love Cyrodiil but you get fucking bored detroying all the portals
No. The main new features fail to be important or good. Daily schedule for every NPC is barely noticeable. Level scaling is awful. Cyrodiil is made into a boring generic fantasyland instead of what previous TES visioned. Combat is still simplistic. Dungeons are bad. The saving grace is music, exploration and quests. The problem with the latter one is thst there are only a few ones - the game shipped with like 35 proper quests.
I believe it was. It may not have aged well, but it still has charm. And of course, with the mods that exist, your experience with the game can always be somewhat different (that fact factor, however, is due to the effort of the fans rather than the game itself).
The level scaling and leveling system are some of the worst ever made
The story is a boring fetch quest until you get up to the blades thing and even then it doesn't get into what the blades actually are. It should have delved more into the lore of the akaviri and all that nonsense.
That's like deep lore and I'm already not giving a shit.
It feels so uninspired and generic compared to Morrowind.
Also considering all the features they removed they should have just called it The Elder Scrolls IV: No Fun Allowed
Bandits running around in rare, expensive armor
Entire enemy types vanishing after reaching a certain level
Oblivion gates
Loot scaled to your level
Copypasta caves
Generic medieval fantasy setting
Floaty physics
Potato faces
Leveling up makes you weaker unless you level skills you don’t use
The only good parts are
>Dark Brotherhood
>Some of the Daedric quests
>The music
>The Shivering Isles
It was a great game raped, tortured, and mutilated by the leveling system. The progression system and scaling system team up to double fuck the game into oblivion. Everything is fine to fantastic. I think the biggest victim is the combat system. People shat all over Morrowind's dice roll combat, and Bethesda massively overhauled the combat. Aside from poor animations, the combat system itself is actually quite nice. Nothing to write home about, and not particularly complex, but completely serviceable for an RPG. There's blocking, parrying, stance, light and heavy attacks, and dodging, and you need to consider all of them along with what weapon you're using and what your stats are. Unfortunately, you almost never experience it because it's virtually impossible to come across a well balanced enemy. You're either under leveled because you got fucked by the absurd attribute system, or you've got a good build, and the game just gives you a massive damage sponge.
It was a revelation in open world game design.
Morrowind feels like a theme park complete with railings everywhere. Don't go off the road kids! There's nothing there.
what mean?
If you can put that story, they had in oblivion into more that a wikipedia pamphlet? I fucking dare you.
Aren't there any mods to fix this?
complete opposite of reality lol
What you can't deny is that all the armor looks like pajamas and you just float around, floating your sword at things until you get some gold or something. Pick it up, good boy/girl/xri/scizzor person and isn't that music pleasant?
comes down to taste probably but i like it more. way cooler weapons and gear, the storylines were actually incredible (as in guild stories weree better than skyrim main story). it felt like more of an adventure to me than on on-rails experience (not that skyrim was, just relative to oblivion).
been thinking downloading the big dlc lately that I've never played (the mania one) wanted to when i was a teenager but didn't have money.
Nothing wrong with it to fix other than a mod for loot tables. The purpose of level scaling is to allow players to go in any direction they want without running into a "you shouldn't be here yet" area.
It's the exact reality lol. Sorry kiddo but your Certified Reddit Gold game has downsides too!
It bothers me that interaction between the player character and the NPC (even when it's scripted) is so utterly limited. If you were to script an NPC for a very personal interaction now, why wouldn't they be immensely versatile?
Thing is, you could have the controller react to body temperature if you wanted. Like if you weren't calm, and your pulse was high? The people in your dialogue could know it. That's very easy to do now. There are things you could do, better than VR.
good in comparison to skyrim, yes.
good in comparison to morrowind, no.
The game lets you use and abuse every feature in the game to a ridiculous degree.
Yeah it's broken as well good point.
You have to be eighteen years or older to post here.
I didn't really pay attention to the leveling system on my first play through and it was one of the best games I'd ever played. Then I crafted a 100% invisibility outfit and it broke the game. Then I started a new game and tried to do perfect leveling and it broke the game. I tried to go back, but once you figure out how to optimize the leveling system it's impossible to just ignore it and go back to just having fun. Still one of the best games I ever played.
When you turn 18 do you usually lose the ability to make anything other than copy/paste meme posts and parrot opinions?
.. so be sure to play with Ultimate Leveling
No, but when you're older than about fourteen you should be able to structure your posts in a manner resembling coherent language instead of the random vomitus you clearly prefer.
>copy/paste meme posts
Are you trying to advertise how new you are?
Bland socio-cultural context, worst level scaling system ever done in video game history (and probably for all eternity), not more proper quest indications system, just follow the marker bro.
At least quest are decent, unlike skyrim, but overall it's the worst TES.
I didn't actually do any of those.
Most of the good content is guild quests.
it's not about leveling skills you don't use, you just need to make sure you grind and level 5 skills before you level up. You'd usually do this right after you level up to make sure you're safe to get some xp.
Well, we all look back on that time. Either from a short distance or a long one. Don't suppose you'd know either.
what story? there are idiots who played oblivion for its main quest?
Best quests among all TES games.
That's pretty much it.
I'm a little surprised I played it al all now. I tried making a new character, going to battlehorn castle and felt like I was plastic man making plastic world. Oblivion is fucking weird.
Oh look he's trying to seem clever. Maybe start with something of substance first. You haven't earned such a vapid posts as I have.
Go back here
And respond like a big boy this time.
If I were you, I wouldn't talk in a way that describes somebody else. Makes you look like you're throwing rocks and random things verbally.
Thanks for taking only a single reply to confirm the accuracy of my post, you illiterate.
Oh and how you have exacted justice, king of the dick plant. May your purvey it like a king of your own twat waffle for many years to come.
It was a downgrade from Morrowind, tailored for consoles. That's when Bethesda started getting lazy.
>procedurally generate various caves and dungeons
>remove the advantage of procedural generation by keeping them the same in every single game
Bethesda are truly an inspiration to us all.
The combat was also trash and the face models were some of the ugliest ever, even upon release
The quests (at least the sidequests) were a huge improvement.
It's the only good elder scrolls
And also the bugs
>the game shipped with like 35 proper quests.
I doubt that, there is already one proper quest per city for the games guild.
Oblivion is a fun, yet ultimately flawed game that shines through when playing side/guild quests.
Most of its problems can be fixed with an unreasonable number of mods, but you won't be able to play it at an acceptable framerate because the engine is so old and can't handle much.
Out of every Bethesda game, Oblivion deserves a remaster the most. Morrowind is already getting covered by OpenMW.
If I were you I would be an obnoxious person with nothing of value to add to any discussion. I would also post on 4channels and go into Oblivion threads, post the same ignorant parroted opinions I got from fellow Morrowhiners in order to get that splash of a false sense of superiority that I need to sustain me throughout the day. I would also get butthurt and call anyone that finds any flaws with the perfect masterpiece that is Morrowind an underage even though I was a child when I played it myself and they didn't bring up Morrowind (in an Oblivion thread) in the first place. It was me of course. Not the habit of an obnoxious person at all.
I'll restate what I originally said since all you could reply with amounted to "nuh uh." It must have taken even such an obviously intelligent person some time to come up with that rebuttal.
Morrowind feels like a theme park, not a living world, and there's nothing to do off the main paths, which have nice railings so low IQ morrowhiners don't get lost. Don't forget to stop and chug a stamina potion before doing literally anything. That stamina potion adds a lot of worthwhile depth after all.
The soundtrack consists of hymns of a rapist, so no.
The leveling system was better than Skyrim.
Not really. People remember the standout quests of which there are a few, but on the whole it wasn't an improvement. This is mostly due to Oblivion's inherent problems (again, the level scaling and other mechanics) but there are other issues as well. There's no faction exclusivity or even any faction conflict like there is in Morrowind. The guild questlines might have good individual quests here and there, but overall they're mostly stupid and poorly implemented besides - even the Dark Brotherhood, which consistently gets the most praise for its quests, is guilty of this.
>finish playing skyrim for the 10th time in a row
>grab oblivion from a garage sale
>play for the first time ever
>spend the next 6 months playing only oblivion
>didnt even start on the dlc until a year later
no one told me the shivering isles was better than everything skyrim had to offer
I played it a lot but thought (and still think) that it's trash compared to Morrowind. Like everyone says the scaling is what ruins it but it has plenty of other shit aspects too.
>level up
>highway bandits suddenly carry high level rare weapons and armor
>they could just sell their armor and live like kings if they're that desperate
>instead they attack you like suicidal thrill killers and get wrekt for no reason
Is this what domestic abuse looks like?
It was bad. All surface, zero substance. Thé journos lied a lot before release as well. The level scaling made the game basically broken. A bitter disappointment to me.
Whenever I replay I spend 90% of my time stalking houses and pilfering everything once the owner falls asleep
You could still join all the factions in MW and finish all their questlines if you did them in the right order to avoid killing essential NPCs.
MW's quests were all pretty basic though. I can't remember a single twist like in the Oblivion DB questline.
>Start Oblivion
>Enter goblin cave at level 1
>Sneak up behind basic goblin enemy
>Sneak Attack him with my rusty iron dagger
>It instantly dies
Fastforward 50 hours
>Enter goblin cave at level 30
>Sneak up behind basic goblin enemy
>Sneak Attack him with my +5 daedric bloodsucker of godslaying
>Goblin loses 10% HP
>Cue 5 minutes of button mashing to deplete the rest of its health
And that's why Oblivion sucks
>start as a weakling
>slowly get better
>eventually you're so good that you're literally a god, flying around and destroying entire cities
>start as a weakling
>slowly get better
>everyone else gets better too
>eventually you're a master spellsword, and so is everyone else and combat turns into backwards running and bouncing all around the room avoiding peasants firing glass arrows at you with master marksman accuracy
>That's when Bethesda started getting lazy
Nah, they went to shit immediately after the release of Morrowind, the expansions to Morrowind feel remarkably similar tp Oblivion and Skyrim (boring, shallow, grindy). A lot of the actual talent behind the scenes actually left before the release of Morrowind since Bethesda was bleeding money (Morrowind saved the studio).
Stealth is hilariously broken in this game. I have solved several quests in this game simply by hiding in dimly lit corner and shooting 3x damage arrows at targets who apparently can't see me. It gets really tedious in higher levels because I have to shoot literally 50 arrows at my target, and even then they might not notice me at all.
They're all terrible.
Your arguments are the exact opposite to how it actually is
The one thing that was impressive was the NPC schedule AI. That shit looks fucking stupid now, but for the time it was really interesting.
That's it. They spent all their fucking time on a gimmick. The world sucks, the story sucks, the stability sucks, the visuals suck, the quests suck (fuck DBbabbies), the combat is the fucking worst of all TES games and that includes Daggerfall and Morrowind. They spent all their fucking money on Patrick Stewart for Uriel Septem just so Todd could cream his pants. Oblivion is absolute fucking garbage, and I say that with 220 hours spent trying to enjoy it because Morrowind was and still is my favourite game of all time and it took me that long to accept that it was Bethesda capturing lightning in a bottle.
If only Morrowind had similar NPC system as in Oblivion. If the NPCs in Morrowind went to bed, work, walked around the city talking to each other, it would make Morrowind perfect. It's not perfect system in Oblivion either, but at least it makes the towns seem little bit more alive and it makes being a thief/vampire very interesting.
>Daily schedule for every NPC is barely noticeable
What? It's like night and day compared to Morrowind.
It was really cool when it came out. It was something new games pretty rarely get the chance to do, which is display a new technology or just push the boundaries of what we thought games could be. Of course other games looked better than Oblivion but it still was impressive technically.
You know what nobody ever brings up when talking about Oblivion? Dialogue. Not that dialogue was super amazing in Morrowind either even if it was better, but at least in Morrowind you usually had multiple choices for things to say and ask. In Oblivion all you have is yes or no responses, but usually just yes. Your character has no personality which is just sad because role playing is all about crafting a character, and what is a character without a personality.
>The one thing that was impressive was the NPC schedule AI
not really. ultima 7 and gothic did it better years before oblivion
You could join all of the factions with a bit of work, and while you could complete all of the questlines you couldn't complete every quest without either metagame knowledge or a lot of work (not that you'd even want to, necessarily). That wasn't my point though, which is that Oblivion lacks faction interactions like that entirely because of how simplistic the faction mechanics are.
>I can't remember a single twist like that in the Oblivion DB questline
There wasn't, which is a good thing considering that "twist" gets telegraphed hours in advance and leads to some of the worst railroading I've ever seen in a game. But Morrowind quests are good in other ways, from ones like the Disappearance of the Dwarves which you have to solve yourself, to the faction conflicts I've already mentioned, to things like (unmarked) alternate quest paths and scavenger hunts for ruins/artefacts.
I mistyped, I meant more stuff like the random conversations. Even when I first played Oblivion in fucking 2014 I thought it was pretty impressive. I fucking despised everything else.
Also, daily reminder that Oblivion ushered in shitty DLC with horse armor
What are you even talking about? I think you're the first guy I've ever seen having that opinion of Morrowind. It makes no sense. It's like saying the same of Gothic
Oblivion is one of those shitty games that I know is shitty, but I still love it. It's so much full of bullshit, from level scaling to potato faces to plastic feeling weapons, but it also has lots of redeeming qualities such as gorgeous -even if generic- environments, crazy shit like being able to turn into a vampire, dark brotherhood and all the funny things you can do with poison apples etc. It's a game I'd recommend for people who are not easily angered and have patience. That level scaled giant slaughterfish with high level character was an absolute nightmare to fight, it was not fun nor exciting, just frustrating, but in the end I laugh about it how stupid it was and that's what makes Oblivion fun.