New mount & blade game

>new mount & blade game
>it runs like shit
of course

Attached: Mount-and-Blade-2-Bannerlord-Naguide.jpg (672x372, 36.43K)

Did Warband run like shit on release too?

>not paying 400 dollars every few years for a new conso- i mean pc parts

turn down sound channels in the audio settings

>fight bandits
>purchase men from town
>fight bandits
>purchase men from town
>escort trader
>purchase men from town
>fight bandits
Please tell me the game gets better, is this seriously it? Is this actually the whole game?

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already did

It gets much better when you're fighting actual armies and getting all of their fucking shit after a tactical maneuver. Put time into it, it's a slow burn game.

refunded it
pretty nice
gonna get me some nice games from easter sale

so should i wait before buying bannerlord and continue to play warband?

if there was just anything good left to buy...
maybe got any recommendations so i can see if i already have it?

Works on my machine

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is this your first mountain blade

I bet you haven't even autistically ground weapon skills in town yet

Have you played Warband? The fun was to fight for lords and get into the geopolitics of the land

find biggest motherfucker and knock him down

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So is it really that taxing or are people being retarded and complaining that they can't reach 60 fps on a toaster?

Where can I fight bigger groups of bandits? I only find groups of 8 of them at a time so its not worth fighting and they run away too quickly. And I dont want to start fighting lords yet

jesus i know its been 10 years but holy fuck are zoomers actually this retarded?

It's both since Bannerlord uses much more ram and CPU cores than warband due to larger battles (500 vs 500). I guess there are also poorfags who are salty that they can't use the same toaster that they used for playing Warband for this game

It's a huge RAM hog. 8GB is crash central.

based bannerlord exposing the zoomers as buildlets

I started heading towards the desert (can't remember the name) and I spotted groups of 15-20.

Also look for bandit camps, they have a lot of dudes and can be a challenge for early game parties.

not even accurate anymore, you need to improve your relationship with the hirers first

>Be poor
>Games run poorly

works flawlessly on my machine :3


AMD Ryzen 5 1600 AF
16 GB DDR4-3200 Memory
500 GB SSD
GTX 1060 6GB 6 GB

how will I run it?

you'll definitely need $2000 of upgrades

Yeah had to refund it but hopefully once they patch and optimise it then i’ll pick it back up it seems really fun

>Having 8gb ram in 2020
8gb was already little in 2014

I have to bump down to 300 max battle in sieges or I get >15 FPS.

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ok to be fair, it wont load sea raiders hideout
prolly a bug

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kys shill

You should be able to get 60fps on high settings, not on max though

evidently they are, they can't comprehend exploration and involvement unless objectives and missions are put into their faces in the UI & they're gently cradled into achieving goals set out for them having their hand held along the way with waypoints and markers

everything must be constantly stimulating their dysfunctional ADHD serotonin-starved brains and pat their backs with shiny things to retain their attention

as shitty zoomers that haven't played Warband their reaction to Bannerlord is completely predictable

If it was announced in 2012 it should run like a game from 2012

>or I get >15 FPS
thats good

Obviously not, your in the hobo phase still user.

>not having 128gb ram in 1992
lmao poorfags, what, not enough bandwidth to download more?

8GB is the official recommended system specs, straight from Taleworlds' own game's page.
It's not even enough to be the minimum requirement in reality.

Хaхa, бля, нaйти бы yблюдкoв и пepeлoмaть вceм им нoги

it was announced then silently cancelled in 2014

>check out the taleworlds forums
>dozens of threads of people complaining about missing auto block, refunding the game
top fucking kek

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hello newfag

It has a massive memory leak problem. Keep running the game and it'll eventually use almost all of your RAM, whether you have 4gb or 16gb.

memory leaks

this game exposed everything wrong with gamers these days

Even I don't use autoblock and I'm fucking shit at Warband.
It made me uncomfortable to read that blocking was now directional in Bannerlord.
Still haven't tried the game yet

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why are people complaining about it? thats the fun part of the game and im not even good at warband because i never played that much

Runs pretty smoothly for me
>Ryzen 5 2600x
>16 GB DDR4
>GeForce 1050 TI
I haven't gotten to any huge battles yet, though. Still grinding away until I can join up with the faction who's going against the owner of a city I want, siege said city, claim for myself, then immediately defect. I forgot how long the hobo period lasts, though, goddamn. At least it's less ass than native Warband was in that regard.

Also, save your game before accepting the "Army of Poachers" quest. There's a chance it'll cause a crash, and you won't know until after it autosaves forcing you into a crash loop in that save.

my pc runs witcher 3 on max and can't handle a steady 60fps on super uggo kenshi settings

Ambitious indies have garbage optimization

Saving often is just a good general tip for now. I have two alternating saves plus the auto.

If you're shit at blocking get a fucking bow

How do these retards function, goddamn

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yeah I know but I should definitely be able to run this game on my rig

it's way above recommended minimum

what's your specs, user?

I suspect they probably just didn't consider other hardware, so some CPU's or vid cards might run like shit

Can you serve in lord's army like in freelancer mod? I hate early game grind, I just want to get a lot of money and buy mercenaries

Pretty good, most people who have issues only have 4 core i5's and 8 GB of ram

do you mean shield

more like $800


i5 4690 at 3.5
8 Gb RAM at 932MHz
Geforce GTX 970

not ideal but should be able to hold a steady fps at potato settings at least

when you're waiting 10 hours for the siege engine to reach the walls you might want a shield

I found a top tier weapon fairly quickly but im a bit more perplexed on where to get good armor. Is it really just tournies and praying to god for a decent one in a town?

the only thing you need is a helmet with horns everything else is irrelevant

This is one of my favourites.
>it got dumbed down for console players
>why is there only directional blocking

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>>it got dumbed down for console players
>while the UI is PC af
>and blocking requires precision mouse movement, instead cowering under 180deg shield like in warband

>mudshit army attacked my white kingdom with 500+ soldiers

I go give them a stern talking to and crush their army

>tfw bow and crossbow men turn those mudshits into arrow porcupines and then my elite soldiers cleaned them up, there only people left were the calvary which i cleaned up 1 v 1

it went from 90fps to 20fps

>Also, save your game before accepting the "Army of Poachers" quest.

Hah, yep, fucked that up. Now I can't leave town or even wait in town as any advancement of time more than about 5 seconds freezes the game and then CTDs.
Fucking hell do I wait for a fix or just start a new game?