Why did people hate the Lara reboot series, again?

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smaller tits = game is shit and infected with dumb cunts who get upset at pixels so hard they actively censor it, pretending women with big tiddies don't even exist

imagine being a chestlet lmao

Is third one any good? First one was great, second was meh.

It's more of Rise, with even more of the collect-a-ton aspect (not a big fan). It seems to have more and better puzzle tombs though.

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The third one is not cringe, is beyond pathetic.
An psychotic immature 40yo woman who believes she's Lara Craft murders hundreds of people just to get a mental breakdown on the next scene worthy of a spoiled brat whose parents toke her smartphone away from her.
Just no.

It's unbelivable how much of a wimp they made her, acting like an angry teen doesn't fit with a girl that climbs mountains and pops heads with double deagles

Does she get the crazy fucked out of her at least?

They're all very generic.
None of them really do anything new and interesting, they just copy all the latest AAA games.
Haven't even played SotTR beyond the demo because the demo bored me to fucking tears.

>oye niƱo, quieres /ss/

TR2013 was legitimately the most rote AAA game I've ever played. I started falling asleep because nothing in it was particularly engaging.

Yep, I must have had a higher tolerance for that kind of trash back then since I was fresh out of high school at the time, I played through all of it.
Thankfully I didn't pay any money for it.
Remember when people swore up and down "t-this is just an origin story, the next game will have Lara back to her old self?"
I wonder if they'll reboot this shit AGAIN and pretend that they're "returning to their roots" or some shit next gen.

If I was going to play a Tomb Raider game it would be the original one/original series, and if I was going to do that I would've done it a long time ago.

It's bland as fuck. Story feels so unoriginal.

It's helping natives in a hidden city, AGAIN.

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They made Tomb Raider too serious. It needs cheesy characters and big tits.

Yea, they made it like every other AAA game.
Boring, empty, soulless crap that takes itself too seriously instead of being tongue-in-cheek fun.

Not only that but collect-a-thon crafting and skill trees. I fucking hate this trend so much.

she looks like she fucks shotas

mainly one chronic schizoposter who's obsessed with OG lara croft and other retards who otherwise wouldn't care go along with it because old game good new game bad

I think a good question to ask is, what are you missing out by not playing these games?
What new things do they do?
What can I get out of them that I can't get from say, Uncharted, with more polish to boot?

Played some of the originals yet still got some enjoyment out of reboot 1 & 2. Recently picked up 3 however it is just terrible. Lara is now full asexual now (been a gradual decline since the first) and the devs have patched out all the mods so nothing works anymore. Add to that the game is just watching unskippable cutscenes with small bits of gameplay inbetween. Some user here said 3 was just more of 2. What a load of bullshit

they're good for corona quarantine cause they take forever if you want to 100% them

If you really like cinematic AAA console premium adventure experience and you're not a salty fanboy of a particular brand, you'll like it.

Got it as a gift, 100%'d it in 16 hours. No replay value at all. Also webm related were my exact thoughts during those segments.

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But what does this game do that the million other cinematic AAA console premium adventure games don't do better?

Nothing at all other than some pretend girl power theme. I'm not even a fan of Uncharted but it does everything better than the nuTomb Raider games.

nothing, if you want more of the same it's ok

So if it's more of the same and it doesn't do anything new or interesting or particularly well, what's the point?

It's either this or uncharted, considering they made only 4 uncharted or so, this is your second best choice

If I had to choose between playing this and replaying Uncharted I'd go with the latter any day of the week.

The nuTR games have much better graphics on PC, especially shadow with RTX features. Since graphics are half the point of these "cinematic" games that holds at least some value. It's not like you're playing any of them for their gameplay.

I play games for gameplay, and Uncharted's gameplay is better than nu-TR.

>I play games for gameplay
Why are you even playing Uncharted then?

I tried it out because people were hyping it up.
It's nowhere near as good as they make it out to be, but it's definitely better than modern TR games.

Okay, but none of these games have any value in their gameplay. Not nuTR, not Uncharted, and not nuGoW or anything in that "cinematic action adventure with crafting" genre. If you play games for the gameplay you'd try them, play for maybe 1-2 hours then drop them forever. The only reason these games even sell is for the "cinematic" experience and graphics are a huge part of that.

>white lady

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They don't even have the best graphics on the market so this is a moot point anyways.
If I want to play a game for its graphics I'll go black Battlefront or Battlefield 1 or The Division or Hunt The Showdown.

Fair enough, so there's no reason to play any of these games ever and therefore there's no reason to compare them either.

Such a pathetic on the fence answer for that last question.

>Her getting a job is more about wanting to socially convene with friends a be a team player
Did the HR department write this shit?

Old Lara always struck to me as having some exotic roots.

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>so there's no reason to play any of these games ever and therefore there's no reason to compare them either.

its time

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Uncharted is completely linear. It's a literal corridor that you progress down and in each self contained segment you either climb or cover shoot or take out enemies in an arena through stealth or more cover shooting or solve puzzles in an abandoned tomb of some description.
TR2013+sequels have all the same elements, but they attempt to add more freedom into the mix. Where in Uncharted you basically have to glitch the engine in order to fail at the climbing, tr2013 you still have just enough control to leap to your doom. Where Uncharted combat is basically Gears, tr2013 has 4 weapon types you keep for the game and some special modifiers like explosives and fire arrows to make combat a bit more varied. But getting back to the freedom aspect, sure you can wander about where in Uncharted you simply can't beyond a few areas that you get locked into, they only use it for Ubisoft style hunt the icons on the map crap. Rise and Shadow have some tombs to explore as a reward for hunting about, but too many of them are literally go right for story, left for optional tomb.
But where Uncharted is the better of the two is in the story. Nathan Drake is cool and the story is worthwhile even if it is highly derivative. TR2013 is unbearable. Lara is whiny and irritating and by the end of the first game she's somehow more badass than rambo AND still whiny and obnoxious. It's weird. Rise gets a little better, then Shadow undoes everything and makes her a literal psychopath within a story arc that makes little sense.

Why was the first reboot trilogy so good, bros?

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>no jailbait Lara

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big tits
no whammies

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Because all three games are functionally identical and they're just bland Uncharted clones with a dash of Far Cry.

I liked it for all it's a janky mess, but I remember people hating on it. Ironically it was hated on for the gameplay but we remember it more fondly for having a Lara that was worth a damn, as opposed to 2013's Lara which we don't like, but the gameplay is actually there.
Remember, I *like* legend, but you have to admit the platforming WAS more automatic than 2013 and the gunplay was literal auto-aim.

I think you could change the options to have her "platform" manually like in the original games, where you have to actually push the button to grab and hold.
Most people just played with auto grab and shit.

Also some of the gold rewards you practically had to glitch the thing out to get them. The physics model was not exactly refined and it felt like maybe it had been tweaked before release but nobody had fixed the gold rewards to make sure you didn't have to do frame accurate tricks to get them. Hell, the first level you "simply" lock the mechanism halfway but I swear to god it doesn't work 9 times out of 10, being just *slightly* out.

>platforming WAS more automatic than 2013
Wrong. Even with generous platform lockon you needed to actually navigate through the environment and if you were hunting for relics the routes weren't obvious. The ability to backjump off ledges and walls means you have way more routes than 2013 where you know that once you start climbing a wall there won't be anything interesting until you climb all the way up or down. 2013 has barely anything "hidden", all the tombs are just straight in the open.

Also for Anniversary and Underworld you had the option to turn off autograb.

You could make the controls more similar, but the actual snapping to ledges and beams stays. You don't need to align anything like in the original series, you just sort of get to the edge of things, press the direction you want to go and the engine resolves it for you. Still, it's not nearly like Uncharted where it won't even let you leap off unless you will magnet grab the next ledge.

>tfw Soul reaver and Amanda costume

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I'm someone who actually played the games from the beginning and not just here to hate on everything by default. The TR2013 was great action game and Rise was even better with the sandbox, even if the icy environment held it back IMO. As for Shadow it starts good then it becomes a letdown in almost every regard. There are simply almost no memorable scenes in it and it has an extremely weird pacing in every regard. Lara has less abilities, less weapons, less opportunities to do stuff. The biggest mistake IMO is after the few hours of introduction (which is good) you get into the largest place in the game, a hub city and from then on you are restricted in a way that doesn't make sense. You can't use anything but the bow except in a few designated places, you can't wear your outfits but one (more with dlc) for 90% of the game from then on. The game enforces "realism" on you with this but never gives an explanation why is a white girl walks and talks naturally around native people who never seen an outsider in their life. The previous two games built most of the places on a gimmick. Not here (DLCs tombs changed that to an extent). Here you do the same exact things over and over everywhere. The story has a few good parts mixed with disaster. I felt all the way they had some original planning then threw it out because deadlines I guess? If you try to 100% the game then the story has no stakes and ridiculously different than the main game. If you rush the story the game is extremely short and drags you around without explanation. I didn't regret playing it, but it is very weak and isn't really a closure for the trilogy.
Unironically the best thing in the game is the photo mode. I had more fun with it than the main game. And the loli Lara level was cute as hell.

autograb is just like changing z-targeting from "switch" to "hold" in oot. You aren't changing the way the game works, it's still forcing you on 1 of 4 directions and auto-resolving slight mistakes, you just have to hold a button to make the final grab like TR1 instead of it only requiring you to press it when you land hard and off-centre. In TR1 if you were off-centre you fall to your death, like it or hate it.

8 looks like she's been relentlessly bullied by the others.

I couldn't even make it past the first one. I remember when you're only a few minutes into the game and Lara gets a really bad stomach wound or something. Then she's like swimming in all this crap and stuff, yet somehow walking around like normal shortly after. Shit was so bad I literally dropped it then and there. Something tells me it was probably a good thing in the end, but maybe I'll recheck 'em out one of these days...

White women are allowed to be saviors, white men are not. White men are the enemy, even though without white men that game would not exist.

>which we don't like, but the gameplay is actually there.
But TR2013's gameplay is awful.

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2013 was so notorious about gruesome wounds and deaths the devs toned it down a ton in Rise and Shadow barely has any way to brutally die. I for one really liked it, it is shocking but actually brings the realism in a way. Unlike 99% a games where you just have a jelly screen for a few seconds then go forward.

Finally someone who gets it.
Nu-Raider for its many faults still feels more like a video game than Uncharted. Uncharted is what you get when you polish something down to a nub.

Aside from them making Lara uglier in the third game, which is the sole reason it was instantly forgotten and there's no fourth one in the works, it was just Uncharted with lite RPG elements.

The original games were never anything to write home about, aside from creating a character that even your dad in 1999 was mildly interested in, leading to fans. Tomb Raider lives and dies by wanting to fuck Lara. The reboot was some weird shit about wanting to "protect" her, which was lame, and a bad foundation to start on, then I guess along the way they let a woman alter her face and body or something and nobody cared anymore.

if only

I remember the time when all those "tomb raider killers" were coming out, all those magazines going "move over Lara, there's a new hotness in town" like Drakan, heavy metal FUCK, Bloodrayne or whatever, only for them to fade away.

I just finished Shadow a couple of days ago.
When you get to the oil field, Rourke says Jonah is dead, Lara goes full psycho rambo mode and you shoot some dudes with explosions and a helicopter crashes when you shoot a couple of barrels. Lara gets knocked out and comes to to see Jonah and it's all good let's walk off to the mission in the sunshine and let's not resolve anything that just happened...

Because story/gameplay dissonance you let Unaratu get killed and now there's no Ix Chel or whatever and the "Crimson Fire" will hold "you" as the new Ix Chel to your duty. You murder the powered up Amaru, take the dagger for yourself and be the sacrifice to the sun. Except the dagger somehow just kills the "god" and it's all maybe just symbolism and you're back with your friends and that's that? And the feral-humans I've forgotten the name of go back through a mystic portal to space or whatever and Lara decides to sit in the fully restored croft manor that was rebuild with no money and never having any believable archeology to tell the world and decides that drinking tea and writing letters is a good use of a life?

No sir, I don't like it.