Sometimes I think about little blue children and grandmother Benezia edition
Mass Effect thread
>big blue veiny milkers
*hits red sand*
Is marrying Asari the ultimate cuckoldry?
This one cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than marrying Asari. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, supporting and preparing a girl for all your life solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man the second you die. All the hard work you put into your beautiful wife - getting money, making her go to the gym, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, marrying her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Married the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who wasn’t even born when she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you taught her. Your own daughters, which themselves are the near ultimate cuckoldry and all you’re ever going to get, aren’t even made from your DNA.
As a man who has Married an Asari you are LITERALLY dedicating the rest of of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Liara takes after her mom. They grow up so quick...
Every time with this seething.
>facts from the lore
Half of it's just the usual hits pipe nonsense.
>we'll never get another game with big tiddie asari sluts
>father an asari child or 3, raise them well, watch them become decent adults in your twilight years, and they'll spend the rest of their lives remembering you
Based, give me sexy blue alien pussy pls
it's still matching perfectly to asari's lore and procreation process. They are literally "my wife's daughter" race, since no partner's DNA is used
Not DNA but they still use you in some form to create offspring (it's just space magic bullshit, but whatever). If you are so worried about passing on DNA then you can just have your shep donate to the sperm bank. I'm sure a lot of women would go for it.
You all do know that pasta is just for funsies, right? Right?
>Hey, what if we made a big tiddy asarian dommy mommy gf and then made it so the players can't fuck her
Why did they do it?
Just fuck her daughter instead, it's the ultimate alpha move.
Replaying the trilogy right now as a renegade adepts.
Used to be stuck in paragon plauthrough because of autism, it feels so good to agree with garrus and wrex and tell the council and udina (and everyone else) to fuck off.
Dying of a sex aneurysm is not the ultimate alpha move
You should use save editor to max out paragon and renegade point and just pick what you want.
Is there any way to salvage the series?
>she will never dominate with her hulking asari dick
it hurts, brehs.
>unimaginable ecstasy with hot alien babe
>die in bliss
>don't even have to deal with red/blue/green reaper shit anymore
i dunno man, seems pretty alpha to me
Short of a reboot/reimagining, no.
ME3 fucked any potential sequel hard and Andromeda was just....
No futa memes in my thread pls.
I don't know. If you just want more ME stuff then I suppose it's possible, but if you want more Shepard and or retcon pf ME3 ending then it's probably not possible. Which is kind of a deal breaker for me and frankly story of ME started to crack during ME2 and I think they should not have set up Reapers at the end of the ME1 to be this next incoming threat and instead they should have focused on Spectre business and exploration of the Galaxy.
yes, making games that have nothing to do with the main plot with new characters utilizing the thought through lore (game where you play a C-sec officer, game where you play a justicar, game where you play a krogan warlord etc) and well made gameplay.
There's loads of potential really but bioware are the last persons that should work on it
Currently replaying ME3 for the first time in seven years, it has aged significantly, janky animations blocky textures, clunky movement; especially rolling in combat. Still pretty fun in spite of the ending and the fact that my waifu, Jack isn't recruitable. The dialogue wheel is a mistake that limits true roleplaying, in some cases you say exactly the opposite of what you want. A lot of the converstions, perhaps most feel fairly shalow. The graphics while functional, feel uninspired.
7/10 if we ignore the ending. With ending maybe a 4/10.
We need a Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered with all cut content included, a new ending that takes into account our choices, new graphics and larger levels.
I always thought she was the ugliest asari with the ugliest breasts.
Tell who your ME waifu is, so I can organise an Asari futa gangbang for her.
Do people still play ME3 MP?
No idea haven't checked it out and I'd rather play solo games in any case.
>game where you play a C-sec officer,
Translation: borefest
>game where you play a justicar, game where you play a krogan warlord etc
Translation: shit taste
There are many many ways, the problem is not that there are none. Problem lies with the devs, they can't do shit right. And as long rights are owned by them/EA it will suck dick.
Also Liara best waifu.
If only she didn't have to die. If only we could have had a happy ending for ME trilogy... It always seemed like an upbeat series where we defeat enemies despite all odds. Instead we get weird space child and weird endings that are not explained well. Plus the whole ''kill organics to prevent synthetics form killing organics'' which could have worked but only if Reapers were dumb janny AI that went rogue. Dumb drama for its own sake.
>Problem lies with the devs
>Also Liara best waifu.
Well fucking done Mac
>f only we could have had a happy ending for ME trilogy...
>implying Destroy Ending wasn't happy ending
I mean sort of, but shit's still kind of fucked and we don't know if Shep survived or not, if I remember correctly.
His hand comes up out of the rubble if you maxed out your battle readiness or whatever
>shit's still kind of fucked
Not for humanity
Citadel dlc should have been redone as the real ending,
Yeah, make a fun game where I can be a vorcha
And someone to dig him out.
Jack is disgusting
>His hand comes up out of the rubble
No. They just show the chest piece of his armor, which he doesn't even wear after the beam run, moving, like someone who is wearing it, is breathing.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my N7 class in the Interplanetary Combatives Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Cerberus, the heretic geth, and the reapers, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am the first human Spectre and I’m the top sniper in the entire Alliance Military. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this galaxy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Extranet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the milky way via the Shadow Broker, and your IP is being traced right now, so you better prepare for the shitstorm, varren shit. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Alliance Military and Citadel Security forces, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the universe, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you, and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Jack is love, Jack is life.
>Jack is disgusting
>literally best face in the franchise
>good character development
>stays on Earth
>asari was uplifted by protheans in everything, from mathematic to biotic
>asari had fully functional beacon with every piece of knowledge including Reapers threat and Crucible schematics
>it's even had instruction about Catalyst and how to use Crucible
>asari did nothing with it
>asari enforced law which prevented any other race from keeping prothean artifacts for their own use
Sasuga blue lezbians!
How can something live for a thousand years but move so quickly?
Their lifestyle is far too efficient for their expectancy
Some time, red ending with lowest War Assets is worth it
I'm still mad about ME3.
Me too user, me too.
My anger toward ME3 has been a real driving force, for me.
>mad about ME3
What are you on about?
It's been a good and a bad thing, playing less games but picking up a lot that I wouldn't have looked at otherwise.
ME3 was written by a Liarafag
Liara is Mac Walters waifu
Can you stop with your Liara hate? Anyway, I was not happy with the ending for ME3 and frankly ME2 was already a sign of things to come.
>Can you stop with your Liara hate?
Can you stop your faggotry?
>I was not happy with the ending for ME3 and frankly ME2 was already a sign of things to come.
So why you didn't moved to Andromeda?
>So why you didn't moved to Andromeda?
The fuck are you even on about? Andromeda is shit game and I don't care about it.
>The fuck are you even on about?
Androneda was done for ME1 fans
>*throws you out of the map*
How so?