The last good Sonic game in terms of plot

The last good Sonic game in terms of plot

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Sonic and the Black Knight, fucker.

I don't give a single fuck what anyone has to say, Heroes was the last good Sonic game and it is painfully, criminally underrated.

You better explain yourself, because as far as I'm concerned Heroes killed the series.

Being a contrarian doesn't make you impressive or unique, OP.

>only 3D sonic that wasn't a clunky, low-budget-looking buggy mess
>the following games are incapable to replicate the magic so it killed the series

So let it die

Why didn't Mephiles just fuse with future Iblis?
Why didn't Mephiles just cut some onions in front of Elise?

Totally Agreed

Why is sonic so fucking SHIT when it comes to plot and instead of being more like Crash or Mario and just being fun kiddie game time it tries being a shonen anime so hard?

so basically your post is just
but here's my counterargument:
Everyone too slippery. Me no likey. But me likey Metal Sonic so 6/10.

But Sonic 06 is a literal non sensical mess that constantly has you asking why Mephiles just didn't do things this way or that way, or how are things happening
I know time trial plots are hard but they literally gave up

Sonic 2006 is the Sonic Adventure 3


sonic had a continuing consistent plot from 1991 all the way to sa2. plot means fuck all after that though

because that's fucking boring. Like it or not, Sonic was better off doing shonen stories because it's more ambitious. Sonic and the Black Knight is the most recent example of its execution done well, Sonic has actually good characterization and there are actual narrative themes. Every other Sonic game afterwards is doing the same haha jokey writing that has softened this series to a mere shadow of its former self. Forces could've been the edgiest game in terms of story, but it never goes the extra mile and committing to fully realizing its story and as a result, the story feels like a vanilla mario story that's trying hard to be dark but not too much.
Sonic was all about that edge and cool factor, the shonen stories helped with that a lot.

the argument is not "soul". It is that Sonic Heroes manages to look and handle much better than games made a hole 5 or 10 years later, with not a single hiccup in gameplay, graphic quality or random bugs jumping in, as much as we have had in the following many games

Sonic tournament arc when?

The future Iblis was corrupted because Elise died, Mephiles had to fuse with the pure Iblis, who was the result of Elise crying.
Where is a shadow-goop demigod going to get onions, get close enough to Elise for that to work, and even know what an onion is?

Doing a 3D Sonic isn’t even that tough to do. All they have to do is take SA1 Sonic, make more open levels like the beta Windy Valley, and make level design more focused on using Sonic’s physics. It’d certainly be cheaper and easier than doing another Boost game.

True but I don’t like how Sonic or everyone else controls in that game and control is a very integral factor to when I play a 3D platformer or in Heroes’s case, a weird mishmash of platformer and beat-em-up.

The most successful sonic games are always the ones with the better gameplay, story always falling behind it, The original sonic games were huge successes, despite having a story that was basically "these animal people fight a bad scientist". All this edgy anime bullshit that came later for complete weirdos to obsess about isn't that important in the grander scheme of things for the success of the series, but casting commercial success aside, I will never understand why spergs want to see overly-complicated plotlines and anime-esque edgy narratives in games like Kingdom Hearts and Sonic and other media made for children who care little about following a story so dense in what is not a cartoon or a movie, but a game.

It is a videogame made for children, these oh so deep narratives can be saved for sonic comics and what not

>a story that was basically "these animal people fight a bad scientist"
Brainlet detected
Sonic had a large-scale plot since the very beginning

one of the reasons this series became so shitty, should've remained like a saturday morning cartoon instead of turning into a shitty shonen

It's one of those games that is very "unique" in its controls, and it takes a little getting used to. The characters can be very erratic but it's the way it was designed, they could have made the switch between characters smoother.

'06 DOES NOT have a good plot.

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The majority of the fanbase who care more about the story and characters than the gameplay ARE the children, user. Ever wonder why there’s so much shitty fanfics and fanart with the edgy KH stories? The majority of it is kids and teenagers, because that’s the demographic Sonic aimed for in that era. Current Sonic tries more to aim for the 20+ years old audience, which is why they dumbed down the stories and tone in games like Sonic 4 and Colors.

This. Sonic in SA1 has the best 3D controls of any Sonic game, which is both sad and impressive seeing how that's the first mainline 3D Sonic game. Never understood the people who complained about his controls in that game. But yeah, the level design in SA1 feels really basic, it isn't complex enough considering just how much ground Sonic can cover, and it's a shame they didn't stick to the type of level design seen in beta Windy Valley.

Does the game ever explain that future Iblis is unsuitable for fusion? I don't think it does.

Have you not played Colors, Generations or Lost world?

It’s pretty self explanatory, I think. Elise dies in Silver’s future, which causes the giant monster Iblis, while when she cries in the last story, Iblis is just a pure ball of fire.

It's not that the game controls bad, it's the camera being shit that makes people thinks it controls like shit.

>with not a single hiccup in gameplay
Special stages

>random bugs jumping in
Homing attack sends you off in weird directions ten to twenty percent of the time

Still the best otherwise though

>Why didn't Mephiles just cut some onions in front of Elise?
Better yet, why not just kill her? It gets the same results anyway, as seen with Eggman's ship crash, and it's easier for him to do it.

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Are they children tho? They always struck me as weirdo teenagers that are way too into creating OC's. It's like saying that the bizarre side of the Cuphead fandom that creates "cupsonas" is responsible for the series' success.

Why do people complain so much about plot in Sonic? It's understandable when it comes to unskippable cutscenes (though really, just make them skippable and it's a non issue), but otherwise it's autistic to care so much about the tone of something as varied as Sonic. Obviously gameplay matters more than story, but why is it a requirement that kids' games have to be as sterile as Mario?

Mephiles didn’t want the giant monster Iblis to appear because he’s too uncontrollable and he can’t fuse with him. That’s why he changed the future and tried to get Silver to kill Sonic instead of Elise, and then did it himself when Silver couldn’t do it.

Hey, I fucking loved those Special Stages then and I love them now, but if I can make a confession, I just love the special and bonus levels in most sonic games, even though most people seem to hate them.

Heroes was incredibly buggy and unbelievable clunky you nostalgia blinded faggot.


Who's to say future Iblis didn't just start out as a big ball of fire, too? Then, he would transition into a giant monster.

That’s just my assumption. I’m pretty sure even the story is a bit unfinished and had scenes cut, so that’s just what I took from what was presented.

Because people can't stand the fact that an anthropomorphic hedgehog has a story that actually tries.

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I play it every other year, I know Heroes and it's good shit, specially compared to the rest of 3D sonic.

I don't get it, if Mephiles was an alpha gamer then why did girls friendzone him?


>in terms of plot
Finally someone gets. Sonic under Iizuka has shit writing, shit plot, shit character development, etc. When will he retire?

Because they still only saw him as an item.

Jesus I'm so sorry that you were born with no taste.

>shit taste
But my favorite Dark Souls is 2!

Yeah now that I think about it, Sky Deck was really annoying when it came to the first act where you're trying to jump on the narrow paths. Other than that, I don't remember many instances where the camera was bad, but there could be other examples I forgot.

the soundtrack in that game was tight as fuck, but that's sonic for you

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>The original sonic games were huge successes, despite having a story that was basically "these animal people fight a bad scientist".
Yes and you want another reason why? Because those games had ambition. While mario games recycled overworld themes for their games, Sonic 3K has unique tracks for each ACT of each ZONE, which was mindblowing at the time. Everytime a sequel came out for the classic games, they would not only try to one up the competition, but themselves as well.

That's why I like the shonen shit in Sonic: they demonstrate that ambition. No sane Sonic fan thinks the stories are above average, what they like about the ultra serious shit are the setpieces they lend themselves to that lead to memorable levels. White Jungle from SA2 is a very good example of this: after a fight with some gay ass hedgehog you start speeding out of the jungle to escape it before it explodes. That shit's cool as fuck. Hell, the first time through Crisis City in 06 was cool as fuck too because it's a post apocalyptic city with fire demons all over the place thanks to some angry sun god.

I like the shonen shit because it leads into cool shit, as juvenile as that sounds. I'm not looking for super complex stories like KH, no single Sonic game except 06 is nowhere near that batshit convoluted, I just like stories that lend themselves to cool levels.

What makes Elise crying and unleashing disaster different from her dying and unleashing disaster? That just sounds convoluted, especially for a Sonic story.

>White Jungle
That was Green Forest.

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adventards should be strung up like christmas ornaments

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Yeah I have to admit, say what you want about SA2's story but it does a very good job at contextualizing the stages, a good example being when they storm Eggman's base in the pyramid- Tails paves the way for them to enter, Sonic races them through into the center, and Knuckles finds the keys so they can access the final room. Same deal for the dark story when they storm Prison Island.

Although I understand where you are coming from, while it's probably worth it to try and pursue ambitious storylines, it isn't necessary to bring in more climatic set-pieces or more engaging gameplay (though it can help).

Also both Mario and Sonic recycle levels left right and center, it's not like sonic every had some edge of mario at that

Except on Prison Island, they're all kind of split up doing their own thing, which I guess symbolizes how they're not exactly all on the same side.

>he hasn't read original japanise manuals

I thought Unleashed was okay, although I take away some points for being the first game to have Tails as "The guy who just holds a tablet the whole game"

Literally, it's a meme.

To those who want all the Sonic friends to be playable: How is that going to work, let alone successfully?

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You play the campaign again and again with each different character and they all have different playstyles, like a fighting game, and the game allows you to change characters in between levels.

In a 2D game? Make them all play the same but with a single special ability, like in 3&K and Mania. In a 3D game, just rotate the roster in each game.