*cockblocks you from having fun and makes you quit the game forever*

*cockblocks you from having fun and makes you quit the game forever*

Attached: Lady-Butterfly-Sekiro-1-780x405.jpg (780x405, 47.52K)

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Really wasn't any harder than any other "hard" boss in a souls game. Die three or four times figuring it out, then die one or two more times playing by its rules but still making mistakes, and then beat it the next time.

>people are STILL getting filtered by this old bitch in 2019 + 1

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ez boss

Just deflect dude

Attached: me and my grandma.jpg (212x302, 42.4K)

*spams side dodge attacks until she dies*
So this is the peak of Fromsoftware difficulty huh

She's so easy, just dodge slash her and shuriken her ass when she's jumping.

Honestly the shadow grunts are harder than her.

The fucking battle monks are the hardest though, right with the headless.


Owl 2 was where I got stuck for a bit and I died to Demon of Hatred a lot but he feels more like fighting a Dark Souls boss with an unupgraded uchigatana, just tiresome

She's literally the based granny forcing you to learn the game. Once you beat her you very likely now "get" the game.

if you didn't beat her on at least your 2nd try when the game literally tells you how to cheese her you never deserved to play the game in the first place desu

That's Gennichiro.

More like
>Teaches you that dodge attacks are broken and how easy boss posture regen is to abuse
Thanks for sucking all the fun out of the game you old hag.

Nah, if you do the granny before jobchiro then you're prepared for one-trying him, which is what I did

I have more troubles with Gennichiro than granny.

Well my granny taught me not to be ashamed of my ninja tools and when to dodge or block so gennichiro was just a slow pushover.

Yeah, dodge is huge in the game. It's a game changer after I discover I don't need to parry everything.

Why do so many people think this miniboss is one of the hardest in the game?

They bad.

Also, granny is a full blown boss, not a miniboss.

Yas Forums didn't post the image for some reason.

Attached: Orin_02.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

How do i get more of the phase 2 item things for her?
I blew like 3 of them the first time i beat phase 1 expecting an immediate reaction and then used the rest being a shitter on retries getting fucked by projectiles

Because she attacks fast I guess.

I just stunlock her with the Sparking Axe.

Literally just throw a knife at her, damn.


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>fights the hate demon
>not just convincing him to kill himself

If you blew them, you don't have access to them for a fair amount of time, so just tank the spirits since the pillars exist for that reason.

i shit on this boss when i reached it, i think it took two tries - but i think i got around to it very late in the game. i didn't parry or throw knives or whatever, just circle strafed and chipped her down.

OWL on the otherhand FUCKED MY BUTT. HARD. i took a break because something else came out and i still havent been back to finish the game.

they patched that out.

good morning, son

like the first OWL fight? on top of the castle?

Just cheese her bro

i'm on 1.04 and i still yeet him off the cliff lol

>spam shuriken at her
Wow that was hard

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yes :(((((((((((

I ran in circles the whole fight and it became piss easy


I like your style.

maybe you should get back to that battle then, user. he awaits.

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>Finally face Isshin sword saint
>He fucks my ass over and over
>About to quit
>One last time
>Clutch it, I was one hit away from dying when I finally got him
>Remember I had the dragon bell all along

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I meant DEMON* bell, ffs

yikes bro...

punish his jumping slam by dodging to the side and hit him with the mortal blade
very effective

>play a game
>not having fun with it
I bet you faught the guardian ape twice, fag.

fuck off reddit

Would you...?
>at her actual age
>whit no boob enhancements

I cheesed this cunt on the bridge, whatever strategy I was supposed to use to actually fight her was definitely not intuitive, so I regret nothing. I killed the final boss on 2nd try, mind you. I stI'll don't know how to fight her but I'm dead certain the strategy is some unintuitive and gimmicky bullshit.

She was probably the most broken boss in the game and that's saying something, you can kill her in less than 30 seconds just by strafing properly.

>fights the optional cunt
I just run past her.once the life bar is gone, i explore, then fight the monk.

parry and then jump on her head?

I want her to bake me pies

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heavy disagree

stop being a pussy and stay in her face. What are you afraid of an old ass bitch?

i could never get into the mortal blade while i was playing, i hated getting locked up in that dance-y animation. it's so crazy because people are talking about this boss now too and that's another one i fucking demolished without realizing it was a boss. why was owl so fucking difficult for me? lol

in my first try i almost killed her and then did it after another few tries but i beat jozu in first try and im not good at soulsborns at all and sekiro was my first game like this
flyhing motherfuckers from ashina castle and monks were worse than half of the bosses in this game

Glad you agree.

>Still no DLC

What the fuck happened?

i thought they said there wasn't going to be DLC right out of the gate? that it was going to be an upfront complete product.

She's really not that hard. Get her rhythm down and she's dead. Genichiro was way harder.

Easiest boss not counting the ogre and the horse general. Even the sumo gave me more trouble than she did.

Your granny gave you good advice