Only gamers who finished UV or above can post in this thread
Only gamers who finished UV or above can post in this thread
Haven’t played Doom in years and wanted to ease in with HMP, once I get 100% I’m gonna jump straight to Nightmare
Also Battlemode is fantastic.
I just spammed grenades at his feet
I'm getting filtered at Cultist Base.
I did. Mauraders still suck dick. 99% of combat is deftly moving around the battlefield while aiming your shots correctly and then this stupid fucker comes in asks you stand in a 6 inch sweet spot so he can open his guard and then he doesnt even flinch sometimes even when you get a good shot in because fuck you.
Just finished the Cultist Base Master Level without dying once on UV while styling on daemons. Time for Nightmare.
My copy won't arrive until May due the lmaovirus.
I have been replaying Doom 2 in the meanwhile on UV.
I already watched the cutscenes and I would really like to play the game bros.
Nightmare sucked on 2016, why is Eternal different?
I did not find it an enjoyable difficulty. It is like those peppers that just are hot but have no flavor to them.
Nightmare is really good for Eternal, only time that it feels frustrating is the beginning when you're limited on your weapons and still getting your abilities trickled in. Once you get the rocket launcher and super shotgun, it's smooth sailing.
have you tried experimenting?
Unironically filtered
I started to reply shit talking the mauraders, but then i saw their strengths of design
Ah a thread for me. Nightmare Eternal was one of the most fun games I've played in recent years, the only downside is the beginning which is a slog but after that it's so fucking fun and fast.
Nightmare 1st playthrough reporting in
>beat game on Ultra-Violence normally
>go back with console cheats and speedrun Ultra-Nightmare for the shitty Gold skin I don't even use
Tch.. nothing persnale..
this would be acceptable if you had finished nightmare as your first run but otherwise you're just a beta
based fellow nightmarechad
yeah, try doing that on console.
I believe in you user, you just gotta masturbate that controller
Good thing I didn't start on Nightmare. I remembered I don't really play FPS much and I shouldn't be so cocky.
UV was just right to make me suffer through the game while still being able to enjoy it.
Replayed a mission on Nightmare for a local retard just now and turns out it became manageable!
I'm playing on UV but haven't gotten far. Honestly after clearing the first Slayer Gate I feel like if I were to try lowering the difficulty it'd be too easy for me now even if I can't handle Nightmare. So I'm just gonna keep soldiering on.
You git gudder the angrier you git
First slayer gate was the hardest for me
Ultra Violence is too casual. Only people that played their first run on Nightmare are allowed to exist now.
oh no no no
>t. 60 hours to beat the game
14 actually, it's not that damn hard and I don't know why people are overblowing it.
Decent face model.
Why does the same model look like fucking shit in these other screenshots? Is it the higher FOV making the eyes look massive?
I played on UV and currently on my Nightmare run, and I still found the pathetic ammo capacity annoying. Back on Doom 2016 I somehow found ways of using my full arsenal without having to chainsaw fuckers ever 2 minutes.
no way these are the same face
Oh yeah, I finished on UV. Loved it.
It's odd, though. The difficulty felt great, but I feel like I died less than when I played UV in D16. My deaths felt more fair, too.
Am I just built for Nightmare?
Maybe one's a cinematic model and the other one's an ingame model?
They both look legitimate. It's fucking weird.
Anyone else worried we're apparently getting two campaign DLC in the same year as release?
I feel like they're either going to be rushed, or they'll be super short. If a single one is less than 4 maps I'm going to be disappointed.
i don't get the -ino thing
Well, I guess it's mostly because the engine is polished enough and easy to work with.
I watched this dev video where they showed that most of the extra detail textures were just decals slapped all over the place and it blew my mind.
something about the reddit boogeymen using cutesy language like "doggerino" and shit.
why does every dev have to force the psuedo rpg unlock shit into their game? you can get every meaningful upgrade like 1/5 of the way through the game and the rest are just shit that you throw unlock tokens at. half of them should have just been the default, like better air control or the item vacuuming. they even managed to have the unmaykr just be a boring sidegrade to the bfg.
I believe, it's ok as long as you progress
>finished UV on console
>only had to replay one mission for a secret I missed
>unlock unmaykr before going to Urdak
>take it to the ripatorium to test it out
>no fucking ammo until I find the next BFG cell
Same. I'm going through nighmare extra lives for that skin before going for ultra nightmare. The only parts I'm really spooked for is early game and end game.
First slayer gate is honestly the hardest because it's really cramped and you only have combat shotgun, heavy cannon, and plasma rifle versus dread knights, plus no freeze bomb
player retention and padding
Why are TORfags trying to use this webm as an argument against the game?
Of fucking course being really good and utilizing a special strategy will let you cheese a miniboss.
The funny thing is that it only really feels harder than UV until the Super Gore Nest, at that point you've got enough upgrades that the gameplay is business as usual.
>Struggling with the Marauder
Wanna know how I know you're a journalist?
>Doomguy, LIVE
It's really bizarre that the practice room doesn't give you ammo to play with
>needing remote rockets on Marauder
lmao, I bet you needed Havel's gear to finish Dark Souls too.
Beat it on UV then nightmare. It was a 6/10 tops. Easy and a snoozefest. Playing D2 instead now.
I don't think they really thought the special weapon ammo through very far. It carries over mission to mission, so if you want to play early levels and still use it, you'll run out since there's no drops. But the other applies, you can play later missions and store up ammo so you you're starting with every advantage. I don't get why it doesn't just either fill or empty at level starts instead. There's no runes affecting it any more either.
Look user, not everyone is good at video games. I handled the marauder fine, bit I'm not going to ignore the fact that others may have trouble with it.
It's okay to be shit sometimes.
>Watching seething juan review DOOM eternal
>he's on console
Oh no...
"I chose Ultra-Violence because I wanted to challenge myself"
>Low ammo is there to prevent abusing certain weapons!!!
>I need the game to force me to use multiple weapons instead of naturally gravitating to weapons that are more effective on certain enemies like in the originals!
Cop-out game design made to cater to low IQ consolebabbies NuDoom was made for, but ignore that, git gud and look at these pretty skyboxes!
Have you played the game?
>Is it the higher FOV making
>simpy11 had to dip outta UV
I am playing with 1 praetor suit upgrade and 1 sentinel crystal on nightmare for milestone and its fucking hard
should I switch to UV and chill, or keep going on nightmare?