We continue the last thread

Any news on the DLC? Will we finally get to see 0LYMPS?

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Is Makinami /ourguy/?

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Let’s not turn this into a Yas Forums tower and spam the shit outa it until it becomes Stale

hopefully they add some better mid range options because it feels like all the best guns are shotguns, handguns, magnums, and sniper rifles

How far in are you? You must not have made it to the Natural Warzone yet. It's like every range fighters wetdream

>they're remaking the first game again for the THIRD time
I get the first remake, as enough time passed between it and the original and the original didn't age well, but the second remake was pretty much perfect and still relatively recent. It brought it up to the standards of the sixth game and added a fuck ton of bonus content and minigames. There's no point in another one, unless there's some big twist and it's not actually the first game again.

damn I put 60 hours and there's still more this game just keep on giving
im actually having fun

Depending on what path you take at the beginning you will find some areas sooner than others but yeah you got a ways to go.

Which is why I thought the game's moral about peace-making and conflict resolution was so strong. But I understand why the majority of the players wanted a more typical "video game ending," and if they went that way it probably would have worked too.

This is the only use for rocket katana after the first couple chapters but unfortunately it goes away if you don't buy it. And you're not gonna want to buy it if you don't have Salim

where do you find salim?

I don't know why Salim gets so much hate he was alright for an introductory party member

Can someone explain Dr Bogus? Why does the academy hate him so much? all of his theorys were right, so why isn't he drowning in Nobel prizes?

reminder to anyone on their first playthrough to totally ignore maria despite having the option to give gifts she can't ever join your party or be romanced or even affect anything in the story no matter how many gold flowers or mushrooms you gift her she will just stay as a generic npc in the starting village despite what her dialogue may hint save your time and resources she never becomes a party member or ending.

am I the only one who thinks elle is the cutest thing ever seriously she's so sweet I think I might get sick

Because he was a tribalist. His research was sound but they didnt want to admit someone from his background was capable of higher thought than even some of the most educated. Just ask Suna and you'll get the whole story

You're supposed to give her the Emerald Flower then she'll set on a quest for her fathers amazing set of armor

I hope the waifufags stay in the last thread. Also here are the endings ranked OBJECTIVELY and not by character romance. Remember that you do NOT have to romance the character for most of these endings, just that most people get the endings because they want to romance.
Martyin Bro
Emerald Queen World Tree (with Charafa)
Charafa Clockwork Apocalypse
Jeremy Imperial War (with Chairman)
>Great tier
Salim Magister
Dark Queen Edgelord
Martyn Queen
Edge of Time Mason
>Good tier
Charlotte Unification
Suna Tribal Genocide
Ashley Burning the World Tree
>Decent tier
Both Susanna endings, they're ok but not great and are too similar
Gerhardt Church Reform
Jeremy Imperial Peace
Dark Queen Betrayal
>Bad tier
Jeremy Imperial War (no Chairman)
Edge of Time Ross
Lucian Kill the Pope
Salim >m-muh spirits
>Trainwreck tier
Charlotte Martyn
Suna Full Communism
Emerald Queen World Tree (no Charafa)
Both Harrington endings, no exception, worst character in the game
Lucian Burning the World Tree
>Joke tier
Charafa Dragon NTR
Ashley Hermit
Gerhardt Church Burning/Suna NTR
Final Chest Parasite Faggotry
Margaret Jade Ring, instantly ends the game
Suna Church
That gay ass tryhard time limit "the winner is you" crap
Becoming the Beast of Comsutum, why was this even in the game, it ends your whole run at ch5, I don't believe this is anything but a meme, even if you get the fire loli
Reminder: This list is OBJECTIVE. If you disagree, you're a retard.

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>Charlotte/Martyn is trainwreck tier
>When if you bro martyn after setting him up with charlotte you get a qt royal loli wife
Not gonna make it

Elle is one of the best NPCs. I kept worrying she was gonna die when shit got serious and I'm so glad she ends up okay. Susanna is a boring character otherwise but having an imouto as adorable as Elle is worth it. Also which quest reward did you take for her last one? I'm stuck there right now.
>Inferno of Comsutum is the best AoE in the game but takes forever to cast
>Tides of Koros can 1HKO all enemies and some bosses by endgame but takes so much mana and is the ONLY skill in the game that requires you to use the finicky manual aiming mechanic
>Gale of Marithos lets you do the teleport invulnerability trick but is otherwise resisted by most bosses

>being a cuckold is fine if you get to be a pedo afterwards
Nice try Goldstein.

not sure why the game tried to make charlotte the waifu while constantly using her for fart jokes

>Artemis...the clocks reached five.
Name a more KINO scene. Protip: You can't

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in the clock tower

Guys whose the best to take with you during the Heretic Raid? I already know about Sergei since I did his weapon quest (jesus christ) but what about the other two?

How is that ending getting cucked? You support your bro on his royal campaign, get him a reformed heretic waifu who's now fully pro-church, and then you get to either be next in line to royalty (assuming you enacted egalitarian monarchy policies) or you get a huge status boost and a qt loli wife. What's not to like?
Unless you're talking about the femc version where you try and get Martyn's Big Paladin Cock but fuck up because you forgot to do the conversations at camp, in which case, who cares about femcfags?

Redpill me on the Intersection at the Edge of Time endings. Do people not talk about them just because they require you to not romance anyone? The prophecy is about being pure of heart. Of course you have to a virgin to get them.

Its suck he planned so far ahead only to get fucked over by Clockwork bullshit

>he wants to stare at a man's ass all day instead of the 2B-tier femc butt
Point at this fag and laugh.

Charlotte if you want the best Martyn ending or you want to waifu her yourself
Gary if you want him to survive
Vengurt/Lucian for some kino ripping and tearing
Gerhardt for laughs, but make sure he dies during the raid or you'll set yourself up for suffering

I think you have it confused
Suna was the braphog smelly mudhut dweller
The charlotte thing was once and Suna started it anyway

Fuck You!

>"I too shall find salvation"
couldnt stop crying

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The scene after you come back from the beach filler episode and see Lord Ashborne's estate burning down

>he did the entire weapon quest
Holy shit. I'm impressed. I couldn't take it anymore after the fourth time you had to revisit the Demon's Horde but good job.
Most of the enemies there are weak to Fire or Wind, and there's lots of small weak enemies, so pick whoever has Fire or Wind AOEs but NO Shadow weakness or you'll get fucked up the bum. Susanna on a Fire build, Kayleen with the Marithos Rounds equipped, Jeremy with Whirlwind, Charlotte if you finished her fifth or sixth side quest whichever one takes you to the Ashen Churchgrounds and Caleb (minor recruitable in ch4-8 in Fae woods) are all decent choices. You can risk Charafa but only if you have Shadow res armor and potion on her. DO NOT FORGET TO COLLECT THE HERETIC HOURGLASS, YOU CAN'T RETURN TO THE AREA AND IT'S A KEY ITEM IF YOU WANT TO DO CHURCH ROUTE otherwise you're locked to communism route or treehugger route.

>yfw you find the story break
>yfw the moon turns red
>yfw when Apollo, the hour has not yet arrived

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>"At the end of it all how about we convene for scotch and cigars..."
We didn't deserve him

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you did pour him a glass right user?

>sided with crabs during the blue moon
>never worry about going moonmad because based crabbro is watching over you
>suddenly red moon happens
>go to crab village
>everyone is dead because the Clockworks are salty faggots
In that moment I knew the chairman was right the entire time and I did the clockwork apocalypse ending just to genocide them.

Yeah Horde is a pain in the ass. At least ina rare act of mercy from the game it give a lot of chances to restoke and re-order your party at least. If it didnt let me jsut stock up on Light Flasks those shadow fuckers would did me in
I'm already on the Church route. Too bad I wont get to see the World Tree until my second playthrough. I heard the theme is one of the best in the game

I was too late... The clock reached 5

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Who was the real evil in this game? Blue Moon, The Clockwork or the World Tree?

well at least we can drink in his memory

The Parasite

W-what happens to Preachers Valley after The Heretic Raid? Is it alright?

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chairman was unironically a retard and I don't know why Yas Forums keeps sucking his dick
>ah yes I'm fighting against the personifications of time and entropy
>hm in order to do that I will enslave all humanity and kill the dragons
>also will reanimate my brain via blue moon magic so I become immortal unless the moon is destroyed
>what do you mean people revived by the blue moon lose all their personality and memories and have to start over
>what do you mean the world tree can accomplish almost
the same thing as the blue moon but without turning humanity into zombies
Like what was his plan? Killing everyone then reviving them as moon zombies just to slow down the heat death of the universe? All because he couldn't stand to admit that everything has to die some day? You have to be a retarded lawfag to want to freeze time completely instead of just killing the rusted clockworks? The real problem is the clockworks not letting humanity choose their own fate, not the fact that the universe will die one day.
Dumb chairman should stick to his watermelon and fried chicken.

those damn treehuggers tried to scam me multiple times until they told me it was all an elaborate test and they told me I passed I have no idea what the hell just happened and im kinda freaked out right now

Isnt it sort of connected with the World Tree?

The writers for making such shit waifus
>Charlotte is a mary sue "woe is me please dont let me die :)))))" waifubait slut
>Suna is a stinky druidnigger that exists only for coomers, literally kills her own children so her nigger god will bless her
>Dark queen is literally impossible to get without guide bullshit
>Ashley is a fucking psycho
>EQ is a dumbass
>Charafa is scalefaggotry
>Susanna was literally copypasted from witcher with the whole "epic sexy mage girl thats actually old and illusions herself to look young" bullshit and the easy as fuck romance scenes
At least most of the dudes are based in one way or another, the writers were clearly otomefags

the parasite is a fucking copout that only exists for the sake of muh golden end just because the devs had a contract for a trilogy but didn't want to bother implementing any of the actually interesting ends that had consequences for your actions in the sequels

You clearly missed the part where the World Tree rejected him due to his previous contact with the Clockwork. Besides he had a plan to avoid the Blue Moons enthrallment that was so close to working
Until the clock reached 5.

You need to make sure you grab the hourglass before you talk to Martyn's knight order or they won't believe you since you used to work with Suna. Otherwise you get kicked off the church route at end of the next chapter.
If you choose to blow up their stronghold, everyone in the valley gets sacrificed by the Seals because it turns out the heretics were the only major force stopping the Seals from moving in. If you spare them, the people in the valley call you a traitor and you have to have at least 5 charisma to continue the church route plus the hourglass but they remain alive and you unlock some extra sidequests later but they're just fetch quests so your not missing much. If you allied with the Seals instead of the Crabs and have at least 20 reputation, they'll ask your permission first and you can convince them not to eat the valley folks at the cost of some rep and gold.

Based kyleenchad

Thanks bro. Where is the hourglass by the way this zone is way too fucking big

Fuck you, Suna Church ending was fucking based. Getting to make the bitch who was behind half the horrible shit in the game into your personal slave is literally the most chad thing imaginable

Kyleen wins again! Charafa is scalefaggotry but her route is pretty gud if you install the anime portrait replacement mod. Also where did Suna kill her own kids? You mean the fact that she sacrifices her own fertility forever in exchange for the chairman not being able to enslave humanity to the spacejews forever? I thought it was tragic. Also fuck anyone who defends the spacejews. Going moonmad is pretty much the same as killing yourself and someone else using your body.

She was playing the Shadow Council you numbskull. If it wasnt for what she did you never whould have found the Blue Moon OR the Clockwor

When you kill the heretic commander, go to his tent and place his ring in the chest, it'll open a compartment on the back of it which has the hourglass in it

The zone is a huge pain though not as bad as Emerald Keep. The copypasted hallways are fucking annoying but they all have different number labels on the right. Hourglass should be behind the ninth right hallway, after a fight with the Shadow Kraken, who is one of the toughest mini bosses in the game. Make sure Sergei still has some fire ammo left or you'll be sorry.
Suna Church is for gaylords who want to have their cake and eat it too. A true paladin of the church would never stick it in some AIDS infested communist whore. And the ending implies she gets TREE'd due to slave despair so it's only a matter of time before the Parasite is unleashed and now the dragons aren't even around to stop it. You have to kill her to purge the world of the possibility.

can you get to the commander's fight without going through the kraken bitch? I literally can't carry enough potions to beat the kraken AND the commander immediately afterwards with no checkpoint

>A true paladin of the church would never stick it in some AIDS infested communist whore
>Implying I wouldn't become a paladinchad just so my dick can purify the aids from dumb whores and make them addicted to JESUSDICK

Commander is easy if you have anyone with a ranged weapon or daggers. He has a lot of damage but with an AGI character in your party you can either stunlock him to death or 1shot him from stealth

every person who rates Sunken City of the Titans as a low-tier area has no sense of aesthetics
it might be ass to play but the area itself is easily the best-looking in the game

>EQ is a dumbass but DQ is fine just impossible
EQ is literally a smarter version of DQ. Instead of becoming like all the other DQ clones, EQ tells the Blue Moon to fuck itself but still recognizes the Clockworks are the real threat.
The only arguably dumb thing she does is not recognize Suna as a potential ally just because Suna doesn't immediately kiss the World Tree's ass when Suna doesn't have enough info on the game. Suna is the best route anyways since you kill the Clockworks, Blue Moon, AND World Tree. If you're a man and a human being you'll agree with her because that puts humanity on top.

Right before you reach the boss room have Sergei Craft a couple Light flasks. They do the equivalent of posion damage to shadow creatures. It eats away at his base defense nd should make the fight easier

>ending literally flat out tells you that in 30 years or something TREE'd Suna will give birth to the Parasite and the world will end if you don't kill her
Read the lore dumbass and stop thinking with your dick. Only downside to true church ending is that you don't do anything about the BM/WT and Parasite/CW during the campaign.

This anyone who falls for any of the big deities is going against the Chairman's vision and is by default a fucking slave

thanks, guess I gotta go back and grind some mats
i love this game but the crafting system is too annoying and it sucks that the devs made church route pretty much require a guide

As long as you never recruit Suna or Gerhardt the church route is pretty straightforward, as long as you don't do anything stupid
It's only once you add the heretics into the mix it gets awkward

But the Chairman previously worked with the CW before figuring out they were shitheads and is currently working with BM.
>b-but the Chairman was gonna betray the BM afterwards! He's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor so he MUST be able to outsmart them
Not only did the CW outsmart the Chairman, but it would be impossible for the Chairman to outsmart the BM after humanity is reborn since all of humanity would be moonmad.

It does suck but it is one out dozens of genuinely unique endings so you can be too made at the devs

Listen you gotta understand that the Chairman is dealing with forces mortals were only ever meant to be subservient to Sure he fucked along the way and he lost in the end but he still laid the groundwork for us too be able to defeat them in the end. That makes him real human being in my book

Does anyone have good build suggestions for Kyleen? My party is Water/Crushing 2H axe tank MC, Fire/Light mage Suna, nuke katana Shadow/Piercing ranger Salim, and I want to go Wind/Slashing for Kyleen but her starting build makes me think she's better suited for Fire/Piercing since she has so few wind ammo choices.
Suna is literally the main heroine, on the box, first cutscene. You have to jump through 500 hoops not to recruit her and that basically requires a guide itself.

How the FUCK do you beat Lucian on heretic route? Overgrown Scythe kills me instantly even when I use my shield mastery skill to get invincibility, it just kills me through it. Suna is fucking useless and Gerhardt is too busy spamming buffs so he can do le epic double leaden fist to do anything useful. I can't dodge the attack since it stuns me first once the cast ends, what the fuck am I meant to do?

Makinami is the art director right? Why is it ok for him to admit he's into bestiality? Isn't that illegal?

The cast takes like 5 seconds and he doesn't shield himself when he does it. Attack him once and it'll interrupt the cast.