Yoko Taro

>Yoko Taro
>Hideki Kamiya
>Hidetaka Miyazaki
>Hideo Kojima
>Hideaki Itsuno
>Koji Igarashi
>Shinji Mikami
>Keiichiro Toyama
>Tetsuya Nomura
>Masahiro Sakurai
>Naoki Yoshida
>Goichi Suda
>Fumito Ueda

Is the west even fucking trying at this point?
>todd howard
>that jew from naughty dog

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westerners are soulless

>Koji Igarashi
He made 1 game. Elder Gate. Nobody played it. Why the fuck did you put him on this list of amazing directors?

>chun ching chong
>washi washu
>takataki tikayaka
>Hieie Haiwo
>I_love_pussy 69

literally who


You're right. It's not even a good opinion because it's just obvious. The japanese clearly make better gamers.

in the west we have sex

>The japanese clearly make better gamers.

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damn nigga i didn’t knew countries can have dick because you faggots can’t stop sucked japan (femenine) dick every 5 seconds

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He's right tho

You forget GabeN but otherwise yeah

True, but he’s still a soiboy for:
1.being a weeb
2.playing videogames
3.be on Yas Forums

>Fumito Ueda
Where is he?

What has gave developed in the last decade? Hasn't he really been about getting the steam software to run efficiently and shit? Hes useful to vidya but not really qualified to be called a developer.

>not mentioning Miyamoto or Tezuka

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>yoko taro
>hideo kojima
hacks who can't write for shit

>Toby Fox
that's just two that I can name off the top of my head, but there are others

Westerners don't let one man take the credit for an entire games development

John Carmack

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Gabe did nothing besides being more fat

whats with all the Hides

>>Is the west even fucking trying at this point?
No. They're not. Publishers make sure you never know who's the key game designer so the brand name gets all the recognition and nothing bad happens when the game designer leaves.

whats with all the Brads, Jasons, and Toms

Ok, that's one.

>he memorized jap names
what a fucking cuck lmao i bet you eat sushi

Sex is fukken gay.

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I mean he founded Valve which gave us Half Life, Portal, Steam, etc.

it shouldn't be so hard to name 2

you're right but can you not fucking reply to everyone you absolute coon

What about Tom Clancy?

Don't forget
> Katsuhiro Harada
>Tetsuya Takahashi
>Toshihiro Nagoshi
>Hisashi Nogami
>Ryozo Tsujimoto
>Hiroyuki Sakamoto
>Yoshiaki Koizumi
>Shigeru Miyamoto

good post

lucas pope is pretty cool, but he's not a director

Isn't it mostly because the west values teamwork more.
Japs when talking about the production of a game speak of the vision and dedication of the man in charge, while westerners praise the entire team for their work. Names are of course harder to be heard in this case.

and that's why Wolfenstein: Youngblood exists

maybe that's why japanese games are so much better

This nigga so good he’s still making games even after he died

true, it does affect the individuality of a product
it doesn't mean talented people are nonexistent in the west

this guy

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Here is the western hero we've been waiting for

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Seething lmao

Cleveland "Neand'R'thal" Blakemore
Maybe Chris Avellone or Richard Garriott or all those other guys like Spector, Cain or Levine if they still made actual games or didn't prove themselves hacks.
Fares-kino shits on David de Cage's movies. Looking forward to his next game.

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I think that's the fundamental difference between western and Japanese games. We know all of these Japanese directors because their games and styles are something you CAN know. This barely exists in any capacity with western devs. It's all design by committee/shareholder bullshit now.

Mike Harrington
Tim Cain
Leonard Boyarsky
Chris Avellone
I'm pretty sure you must have named a few niche guys so might as well mention some like the DF dev or something, i love myself some jrpg but you're being stupid if you think there aren't plenty nameworth devs, those were from the top of my head tho.

>Made 0 good engine
>Have to borrow or use based Western game engines
Maybe not so based after all

The west is chasing the bankrupt goals of cinematic quality and realism, it's been this way for basically 15 years

For a while Japan was chasing the west, but they figured out that led nowhere and doubled down on the shit people actually like.

The west is chasing the bankrupt goals of cinematic quality and realism, it's been this way for basically 15 years. It leads nowhere because your graphical powerhouse game with super good facial animations still gets outclassed in 6 months by someone else doing the same thing. All the while, the actual mechanics of the gameplay suffer.

For a while Japan was chasing the west, but they figured out that led nowhere and doubled down on the shit people actually like.

it's somewhat ironic that the Hollywood auteur theory is dead in America and alive and thriving in Japan.

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>but they figured out that led nowhere and doubled down on the shit people actually like.
Or more importantly doubled down on the shit the devs themselves like. This is the paradigm shift caused by Miyazaki's way of directing games.

California is the diseased cesspool ruining games.
There's Western games, Japanese games, and Californian """ games"""

Having sex with trannies are gay bro.

Lucas Pope lives in Japan.

Then maybe you should stop bro

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Literally who are any of those.

The only ones I recognize are miyazaki and kojima and the latter was made fun of in the industry for making the most unfun "game" concept imaginable

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Not a director, or if he ever was it's certainly not what he's known for. He's done good but just as a code monkey.

Also forgot Larian and the Italian studio making Alaloth otherwise pretty much. Also namco devs (harada) and sega devs, specifically yakuza team

Also random indie western devs. Hat in Time guy, Rob whose making Clive N Wrench, that Pumpin Jack guy or whatever that game is called

Japan's game directors are auteurs. The west's film directors are auteurs.
>Quentin Tarantino
>Ridley Scott
>James Cameron
>David Lynch
>Martin Scorsese
>Edgar Wright
>Guillermo Del Toro
>Peter Jackson
>Sam Mendes
>Sam Raimi
>The Coen Brothers
>Alfred Hitchcock

mad that it isn't school shooting season?

play western shit that isn't AAA or learn to value the myriad PC-oriented genres that japanese devs wont touch with a ten foot pole

good luck finding an amazing JP strategy game, or a classic japanese FPS, or a JRPG with actual roleplaying in 2020

the west and the east have grown in different ways, and while there is overlap each region do certain things far in excess of the other's ability

there was a long period back in the late 2000s/early 2010s where people here thought jp development was in massive decline compared to the west, now i suppose it could be argued that japanese games development is waxing while western game development has been hamstrung by cannibalistic publishers like EA
and yet the respective expertise of each region remains

also if you need superheroes to look up to and point at you're a brainlet