My new best friend Jeff
Half-Life Alyx
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he's a good friend
Source 2 SDK when?
Jeff could be an interesting multiplayer gametype
There was that one VR game where you navigate via echolocation, something like that maybe
I hate you, Jeff
>open one the lockers
>bottle rolls out
>catch it before it hits the floor
HLA feels like what Half Life 2 should have been, as in it actually feels like a half life game. 2 just feels so fucking off compared to the first game.
I actually felt like Alyx is more Half-Life 2 in everything except for maybe physics puzzles
Half life 2 has too much running and gunning against combine with very little in terms of interesting aliens and setpieces, something Alyx excels at. 1 had the perfect balance of both though.
Good point, the parts with Xen infestation were very unsettling yet cool
The whole area felt like a SAW segment
apparently it was recycled from the cancelled L4D VR project
What's up with the silly HUD? It looks like Zelda.
Well physics are a common thing these days, so Valve would be dragging a dead donkey by doing puzzles just for the sake of it.
The physics are still there in the form of things rolling off ledges and stuff but there's no need for giant see-saws
HL2 is plagued by symtpns of it's time. Vehicle segments, pseudo-jumpscare stuff and boring turret sections to name a few.
Thankfully with LAWLdi out of the way things are finally looking up!
That's the hud for spectators. There's no actual hud in game it's all on your gloves.
What would have happened if you let Jeff out free into the streets?
So is he a head crab manifestation or a flora infected human? I can see bits of barnacle on him.
Jeff feels like he belongs more in RE than HL. I don't super hate it, and the overall mechanic it introduces is fine, but I don't think it has EVER been implied that Xen fungus could turn you into a cordyceps zombie. It just doesn't sit right with me.
Maybe I'd feel better if Jeff was NOT from Xen at all, but brought in by the Combine accidentally from a completely different planet/universe as an invasive species. Would make complete sense and you wouldn't have to change anything.
>the inner Vault structure that houses G-man is shaped like a Nihilant, with the big glass structure being its head.
Bruh, that game theory kid was right all along!
>Jeff feels like he belongs more in RE than HL
the first half of the game felt like RE because of scarce ammo, most enemies are zombies, the atmosphere, and the music
Seems to be the latter, there's concept art of him having little hl1 tentacles and hydra-looking things growing out of him
HL1 was kinda survival horror-ish in the same way.
A major "game mechanic" that never really ended up as anything more than advertising on the box was that you could "hire" security guards to assist you. Now, in game, Gordon is a fucking one man army; but in the very first levels after the cascade you do kinda need to get one of the guards to follow you because you only have a crowbar at that point. Obviously most people would just steal his gun, but the thought of "oh, the player has scarce ammo, he has to work together with other survivors" was present during development. It just immediately shat the bed for obvious reasons.
Remember Gonarch? Yeah, that was a thing.
How the gameplay idea is presented is unimportant, the focus is always on how it plays. They wanted to make it a robot, a headcrab zombie, a tentacle mutant, but it would only change so much.
He used to be a blinded Combine robot, according to the IGN article about the segment. I prefer the infested version because it gives the spores more of a threat.
Gonarch was literally the "adult form" of the headcrab, or queen of the hive or whatever. That boss in and of itself explained what the headcrabs were and where they came from.
Jeff is kinda just a fungus zombie that may as well have been from tLoU or RE7.
Anyone know the console command that makes me untargetable by the ai?
It was a joke. Gonarch was a unique thing that was never explained.
No it was definitely the queen head crab.
This is some john wick Kino but the game really doesn't make you play this way. I appreciate the larp though.
I don't like the design of Jeff. Its too generic for my taste and it didn't communicate how invincible the creature is to the player. I prefer more outlandish "zombie"ish design the concept art has over the finished product.
It was a boss that had to have an appearance. Headcrabs were cloned in HL2, and they look like they come out of nowhere in HLA.
how the fuck did you get combine in that level?
I thought spawn commands don't work if your in vee arr
Is this game actually good? Gameplay looks underwhelming then again all VR games do
Use wasd+mouse to spawn stuff.
Go back to vr to shoot stuff.
VR videos can't do justice. Only way is to experience it first-hand which is the difficult part
It's the best game of 2020 for me.
Sounds like you already made your mind up, so why ask?
>Vehicle segments, pseudo-jumpscare stuff and boring turret sections
thank god nothing like this is in half life 1
I love the half life games but it looks like an on rails shooter to me. I've never experienced VR though so it probably feels completely different to how it looks
Great to hear. I'll definitely pick it up at some point. If the contrarians here love it it must be good
If you already have VR then yeah its worth it. Game only really becomes super fun after the Jeff chapter. Everything before is essentially a tutorial
Damn, I very much would have liked that. Alyx I think, wants to have a kid friendly tone though. HL2 is pretty campy by today's standards but at the time, the gore was pretty unsettling. The fact you see his mask ripping apart in your pic really activates my fight or flight. Alyx quipping also wasn't on theme.
It would be nice to see more of their life cycle. Maybe encounter mini-gonarchs or elder zombies that birth the same baby headcrabs.
best game I have played in a very, very long time. haven't felt this way about a game in a long time either. feels like its from the near future. same as HL2
I was delightfully surprised when Valve managed to completely subvert my expectations here. I'd gone into this segment of the game already rolling my eyes at the prospect of some zombie cat-and-mouse shenanigans straight out of TLOU. (Don't get me wrong, TLOU is a great game but I'd never want to play it in VR)
Instead, Jeff is this lovable doofus of a monster. Solving puzzles with Jeff around is like trying to do office work at home while your 2 year old is bugging you for attention, where simply tossing a handy object into the next room easily removes him from the equation. It's honestly such a clever deconstruction of the horror genre that I'm surprised we never saw it presented in such a way until now. I mean, when you really think about it a monster that hunts on sound is kind of a laughable concept.
>on rails shooter
Only in so much as it's about as linear as every other Half-Life game.
Too Bioshock.
It's much the same as HL2 in design but precision shooting is more encouraged with enemies having weak points.
>I mean, when you really think about it a monster that hunts on sound is kind of a laughable concept.
Maybe you could have gotten quads if you'd posted that incel shit on Yas Forums where it belongs.
Your post was a faggot post with reddit spacing. Kill yourself
>Reddit spacing
First day on Yas Forums after browsing knowyourmeme, huh kiddo?
forgot your tripcode
It's less linear than HL2. Lots of unnecessary exploration.
If your posts aren't a big lump of unbroken text it's reddit, I guess? People on Yas Forums don't have enough education to know what paragraphing is.
And that's a good thing.
they clearly wanted a "not stranger things Demogorgon" when they went with the ingame design
As far as I can tell all enemies (except maybe Combine 'Captain'? and presumably manhacks) have special 'artificial stupidity' to deliberately stop and stay close to nearby grenades. I think Combine (any who can throw nades, not sure if that's just the hazmat guys or what) will probably stomp any other enemy, because of this, under these rules.
>same ip
jesus christ how pathetic
They were created by captive gonarches, dude. Combine ripped out their legs and left only the womb.
>those little tentacle boys
Should have made it in.
Obviously. Lots of stuff you'd only get in places like Kleiner's lab.
You're shit at bluffing.
It was cut, no in-game explanation exists as to why they would exist post-HL1.
>Use wasd+mouse
Can't wait for the game to be modded fully for this.
You think you do but you don't. The game would be mediocre if not for VR.
>can't wait for something that will never happen
sounds about right
It will and to some extent has.
How are the combine in this game. Why do they say sorry when you kill them
>Alyx I think, wants to have a kid friendly tone though
The fuck? The depictions of violence and corpses in Alyx are more graphic than ever.
I think it would have to be a total conversion to really work. Changing the weapons for all the attachment options, new puzzles that work in 2D, tweaking the enemies, etc. Even then, it's going to be a shadow of the original VR version and you might as well just watch a playthrough of that.