Literally name a better comfier game to play when stuck at home during rainy whether

Literally name a better comfier game to play when stuck at home during rainy whether

Pro-tip: you can't

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I'm 30 hours in P4G, it's kinda wearing thin on me. I like the time spent in town, the cutscenes are kinda long. I'm stuck fighting Shadow Mitsuo, I lost hard twice and now I'm just grinding levels.

Should I have all my characters set to Direct Commands all the time? It makes the combat so much slower and the AI works pretty well most of the time.

Shadow Mitsuo always relied on Garu the last time I fought him, so I just ditched Kanji for Yosuke and brought along a Persona with Wind Null and everything was good.

What is the appeal of this game other than the fantastic presentation and life simulation elements? It seems like JRPG elements are really stale, the combat is kinda boring but admittedly flashy.

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Mostly that, the life sim and presentation. The soundtrack is full of earworms too. Gameplay wise, though, Persona 3 and 4 are just watered down versions of Nocturne's dungeon crawling and combat.

Bosses can be tough it's usually a good idea to go through a dungeon again to get some levels also who are you using on your team?

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