Why havent they made a crono trigger game thats like ff7 remake?

Why havent they made a crono trigger game thats like ff7 remake?

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Because no one gives a fuck about Chrono Trigger

Probably come next after trials of mana
Screencap this

This. FF7 is the only JRPG that matters.

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Don't worry, a Chrono Trigger remake is next

Someone post the hentai where crono impregnates ayla thnx

After Trials of Mana. They seriously can't ignore the fact Chrono Trigger won the best game of the era.

Chrono Trigger doesn't need a remake. It holds up as well as it ever has because pixel graphics age much better than early 3d. The music, art and gameplay are still phenomenal. What would you realistically improve aside from a hard mode?

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because they're cowards and wouldn't make ayla the love interest that wipes marle from existence

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It doesn't, but that won't stop it from eventually happening since Square knows how many people would buy it no matter how good or bad it was. Chrono Cross Remake is something I would like seeing since there's room for improvement there without having to gut anything, but companies base their decisions on what makes the most money, not what would make the best game.

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Body too muscular

Dating sim where you can get Alia to ride you until she pulverizes your pelvis

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Why does she have 2 belly buttons?

Honestly, I could see them adding date mechanics if when they do the Remake, but given how those usually go, it'll ben a binary choice between Lucca and Marle. Still worth it.

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Why does she have 10 abs

Superior cavewoman genetics

You can't improve perfection

Why would anyone want that?

Why is anyone excited about modern FF at all?

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

What's the point ? The game is already pretty good as it is. If you ask me the only thing the game needs is another OVA.

because sprite based games hold up better to time
also who the fuck wants squenix to shit on ct like they did ff7

Crono cross


damn... shes got like... a 10 pack...

Chrono Trigger was lightning in a bottle. It was a passion project from some of the greatest minds in the industry that were burnt out on working on their legendary franchises, so they decided to make their own thing. And half of those people are either dead or barely even associated with the industry anymore. It needs to be left alone. Hell, as much as I dislike Chrono Cross, at least the director had the good sense to realize that they couldn't just make "Chrono Trigger 2" and have it remotely live up to the name so they took it in a different direction.

I could've sworn I remember reading an interview or something that said something along the lines of Chrono Trigger being considered a 'sacred cow' internally and would never be remade unless they were 1000% sure that they could do it justice.

Only if they don't nerf the titty monsters like in certain other Squeenix remakes.

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Oh yeah, look how fucking thicc this beast is.

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>hundreds of unskippable cutscenes

>cucked out of existence
damn man

Ayla in full HD would render the entirety of the male population impotent through the realization that the women of this time simply cannot compete

I wish they remake it.

lewds with a patreon link should be a bannable offense

Chrono Trigger is too tame to get that kind of remake. It’ll get something more like Trials or Mana

>they add dating mechanics for all female party members
>expect Marle or Lucca to be number 1 in polls and shit
>all polls and official game stats rate Ayla as number 1 pick by an extremely wide margin
never underestimate snu-snu

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it's not fair bros

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>flea in 3D
what a cute trap

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This fucks up the timeline

But my boner doesnt care

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It's perfect as is, I hope they don't.

Lets not get crazy, Chrono Trigger is good but it isn't perfect

How the fucking hell did Atari E.T. cost 22 million to develop?

For that matter, why the fuck haven't they made at least a Spiritual successor to Chrono trigger?
They have yet to make an RPG with similiar mechanics and gameplay style: Party mechanics focusing on things like combo techniques and spells and abilities of specific zoning/range types (Slash through them all, small aoe that you have to target on a specific one for maximum hits, Ect).

On a seperate note: Fuck Chrono Cross. Fuck it hard.
it would have been better as its own game, because it shits all over Trigger.

>wanting nu squenix to handle a classic square IP

It hurts, but it's better this way

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To be fair, the third PE game was shit partially because they lost the rights to that IP, so they had to make up a bunch of really insane shit that didn't link to the first 2 games.

a big censored retcon shitshow?

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I'd expect a remake to be more along the vein of Trials of Mana or Dragon Quest.

Though if they did remake it, I'd want to hope for an expanded 1999 AD segment.

You know you wanted to explore that era.

Because it would be a soulless money grab since there's no way to improve on the original. The bonus content on the DS port already shows how incompetent SE is with the story and gameplay, so I'd rather they left it alone.

Now Chrono Cross, however, is in such desperate need for an HD remake that it would be the best way to drum up enthusiasm for a 3rd Chrono game afterwards. Just imagine all those exposition symbols being replaced by actual storytelling, characters having additional relevance/abilities, and the actual comfiest setting in video games being presented using actual 3D assets rather than super low res pre rendered stills. They can literally copy and paste the OST and nobody would be mad.

Because normies that don't play video games won't clap and break down in tears when they see something they know like Sephiroth or Cloud.

License fees

Only if they give you Glenn on both playthroughs.

The fact that the third most important character in the game (and best character powerwise) is basically hidden from you by putting him on a route that 99% of people wouldn't pick unless told to is annoying as shit.

it wasn't a remake it was a murder

it will happen depending on how much trials of mana sells, it will play like FF7RE with the ATB bars but i dont know how the fuck dual and triple techs could work though but i sense it coming

>copy and paste the OST
With one obvious exception, of course.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake OST is up.


Would much rather it look like Dragon Quest XI and be released as a single episode.

I wish

Why haven't they made an FF6 remake?
FF7 still holds up, but FF6 has a lot of problems that a remake could fix.

I literally just finished Chrono Trigger for the first time, blind, a couple of hours ago. It's great but the 16 stage final boss into Cell with nipple beams is a bit much.
I don't see the point in a remake or a sequel, people just want more of a 25 year old game they love.

Radical Dreamers/Chrono Cross is technically a sequel but ultimately has very little to do with the first game.

>Little to do with the first game

Probably why people have shit to talk about it. They could have just been a Xenosaga or something instead of a coattail rider sequel.