My heart and actions are utterly unclouded....they are all those of 'Justice'

>My heart and actions are utterly unclouded....they are all those of 'Justice'.

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Tell him to go eat shit, Johnny.

Perfect example of a "villain" that did nothing wrong. Fuck Johnny for shooting him.

he has good ideas but executes them horribly

>Tell him yourself

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Based antivillain. If he didnt try to play Johnny like a fool he would ve won


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Literally his only mistake was pulling that gun. He could have succeeded if he didn't try to trick Johnny in the end.

If he picked up the other gun, his hidden gun would have been reveled when it tried to merge.

so who the fuck shoot Jonny?

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>have a great villain
>have a great final duel
>looks like it's actually gonna end a bit morally gray like they've been foreshadowing
>lol I'm gonna try to kill Johnny anyway
Went from a 10/10 overall part to like a 5/10 because of those last few chapters. What a waste

two things
he attempted rape

Go on?

>Was right about everything and did nothing wrong
>Writer: "Shit, he's not a villain at all at this point"
>Throw in rape just for the hell of it

He works by the idea of "the end justifies the means" and he is all about extreme patrotism
. Hell, Valentine was planning to fuck over the rest of the world so one nation could last forever thats still (kinda) evil. To put a good comparison see what Griffith did in Berserk that was his end goal.
He is still based as fuck tho his backstory is a damn good motivation

Then pick up the gun.

He thinks Lucy Steel (she's pregnant with the head of Christ's corpse and it makes her look like she fits in her current location and she's in the White house) is his wife and tries to rape her.

Why did he used to be fat

>your wife

>tfw corona ended up delaying part 7 being animated by yet another year

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complaining about referencing something that was 9 years old at the time is fucking stupid, faggot

No means no, especially when she's yelling at you and kicking while fleeing. Don't be a rapist.

part 6 was next user,part 7 would be released in 2022-2023

Lucy killed his wife so he's pretty justified

Jesus made him ripped as fuck

I thought he and a better looking version of himself switched places.

First day here huh?

Nah, I just predate the arrival of the sickos. Back when this board had standards. Back when people saved the needless edginess for Yas Forums
Just remembering a better time.

Speaking of villains that did some fuckin’. You think Kira ever seeded Shinobu?

Like, imagine being Hayato, and as one final “fuck you” from beyond the grave, you’re forced to help your now single mom raise Kira’s kid. Would’ve made for an interesting story.

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Nah. he likely would have decided to kill her much sooner if he had.

He was too autistic to bone down with her for most of the time, but that one night after he first activates Bites the Dust when Hayato dies in the bathroom, he probably bent Shinobu over and pumped triplets into her.

well she already wanted the dick,who knows if ever happened or if she raped him

Kira would never do that since he only wanted to coom on her hands

no, Kira like many serial killers was probably only able to coom when their fetish was fulfilled. Shinobu is still an entire woman and not just a pair of hands last I checked.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Kira was so deep into his fetish that he was physically unable to maintain an erection during normal sex.

The bigger question is why would a paranoid guy like Diavolo let out a hot thick load of DNA evidence and inside a woman no less when his whole schtick is not leaving any traces?

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Trish was conceived before he became the boss. Simple.

He would've walked away if he wasn't a vengeful retard trying to trick Johnny. He deserved what he got.

Because the twist of The Boss was going to be that King Crimson is literally the devil and Trish is the anti-christ, but Araki changed his mind.


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the only bad part about Diego is that he suddenly becomes a rapist just to ensure that Johnny has the moral high ground before he dies

Nanomachines, son.

maybe it was Doppio's idea?
like the boss wanted to see him happy and shit but didn't expect some girl to ended up pregnant
i mean have you seen doppio?, would you belive someone like him had balls in the first place?

>King Crimson is literally the devil and Trish is the anti-christ
That would be so much better

I want to see part 6 animated just so I can watch cutie Jolyne kick butt.

No. She wanted the D though.

I love that he's an autist and kind of cowardly villain but finds strenght in Dio's teachings and his prime numbers. It really nails the idea that Pucci would not be doing any of this if Dio hadn't inspired him.

He should've thrown the gun away. Johnny is based though so whatever.

where did you get this info

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>antagonist goes fucking insane near the end and becomes the main villain

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my ass________

>reread Part 7 last year, reminded how god-tier it is
>mfw having to suffer through Part 5 again but in anime form
I don't remember much of Part 6, but I liked it so that'll be nice to see
But goddamn I REALLY just want the SBR anime

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everyone, he got shot by like 3 people at once. That's why Gyro(?) thought he was done or going to die from it

Why is a man whose power is so overpowered it takes a universe-breaking asspull to defeat so scared of being doxxed?

Like I really don't understand. Literally who on the planet Earth was Diavolo afraid of?

he was literally a dumb teen back then. The autism didnt fully develop at that point

The ultimate mary sue, Jotaro Kujo

He can be easily overwhelmed if you have a bunch of dudes rush him at once - that's why he didn't just flat-out massacre the gang while they were in the Coliseum.

Kaato is still involved with this in some way, she's probably the real main villain

Oh shit I was so disappointed there was no chapter in Feb and then I completely forget that there's one in March.

He needed to sleep. He wasn't invincible, just OP.

Least Jotaro dies from a gay priest.

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I thought he merged with his other selves and got the best qualities of each, making him a ripped chad

He was a schizo, his mental illness was so bad his obsession of anonymity persisted even if he had the most overpowered stand in the series

Also of all the villains in the series the only one that could at least be partially justified because of severe mental illness is suffering the worst fate in all of fiction, fuck Garyorno Stuvana and his D.A.R.E program-tier dream

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Post your ideas for your dream jojo game so the thread doesnt get deleted for being Yas Forums

>Literally who on the planet Earth was Diavolo afraid of?
he was afraid of things he couldnt see or predict because he has power over seeing and predicting thing. The thing he couldnt see would be the thing that killed him, hiding himself reduces the chances of someone sniping him from a skyscraper


Don't do drugs lol

HttF 2

Hitman, but there are stand users lurking in every level

7th Stand User (but with better graphics) in a part 6 or 7 setting.

Basically. Just give Kiryu a punch ghost and you're there.

Part 4 would make a great Yakuza-style game, but since it's manga/anime it'll never have a good video game.

Game where the various casts get their parts switched around, but ultimately need to still get through most of the story arc of that Part and beat the final villain. Because the stands are different, the way the fights are won are also different, and it becomes a puzzle on how you can still manage a challenge or fighting various enemies with new powers (as an example, Josuke from Part 4 having to get the lighter out when he goes to Part 5, possibly using his healing powers to break it and then rebuild it outside).

it's Persona 3 reskinned, retarded AI and dating elements included