comfy animal crossing thread
also as i promised i would, come catalogue a bunny hood and then leave for others
comfy animal crossing thread
also as i promised i would, come catalogue a bunny hood and then leave for others
Turnip Seller...
I'm going to some Japanese guy's island for turnips. He has 32.4k followers on Twitter. Wish me luck.
fucking god bless nook island and fish bait. i wanted to tarantula farm but two coelcanths in a row with no rain is a godscend
Megaman user here
>lighthouse has a fucking midget door
turning it backwards I guess
What sort of updates can we realistically expect?
It's for the gnomes user
You... DO have gnomes, right?
Why is the bunny hood so popular? Also isn’t there a smaller version where it’s just the ears and no hood?
you know it
Villager romances with animated sex scenes
Rank the AC games as honestly and unbiased as you can.
New Leaf > City Folk = New Horizons > GameCube > Wild World >>>>>>>>>> Happy Home Designer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amiibo Festival
there's a bunny headband thing yeah
and idk if it's super popular, but i've been asking for it like once per thread since the game came out
so a lot of those posts might've been me
Are you using amiibo cards to get villagers you like? I'm only moving in pic related.
im only moving in molly with amiibo
i fucking wish.... i want to pop her cherry
disaster events
I got some tags to give my man Punchy since I've had him for three straight games already.
If black vending machine user is still here, tell me and I'll reopen my gates.
New Leaf > New Horizons > Gamecube > Wild World > City Folk > Pocket Camp > HHD
this is my first time hosting and already i hate it oh my god
How the fuck do you people find these japs on twitter
I'm not sure if I want to, maybe just to reunite with Freya/Marshal/Olivia from my past games.
fyi, after 3 people close the gates
spam A on that dodo
Do your villagers dance, bros?
What’s so popular about Del? I have him in my game. Is the holes in his jaw a reference to another character?
PSA: You can place houses on beaches
i will wait at the dodo thank you
yo has anyone successfully removed a villager without using an amiiibo card? I'm tired of this stupid fat ugly bear breathing my island air. Been complaining about her every day since I got Isabelle.
Good luck user.
>He's a crocodile
>He's also a warship
simple as
Anyone have decent Turnip prices?
Uhhh, I don't think they thought this line through....
My wife Olivia is here!
I went out and got cards of most of the villagers from my NL town so I could bring 'em all back. So far I've managed to get two of them through island rolls, and two friends of mine each have one in their town. Currently working to scan Kid Cat into my town.
Ok I'm in
How do I get this guy to accept my tip? He's not picking it up
god joining one town here is already sheer hell, i can't imagine joining a twitter-famous nipman
let me know when you get in and once you do, how many more people join before you can even get off the airport dock
h u h ?
Store isn't open all night. Good luck
Time to fuck the cat I suppose
mine dance AND sing Sprocket is such a cool dude
Can extra flowers grow past the 5x5 setup when crossbreeding?
I got Kidd as my smug, how is he?
that user was right about the eyelashes
>wolf villagers tails wag when you use the greet emote
Don't spend your bells yet, get that free interest come Wednesday
If you made the full 2,176,000 profit, you get a free extra 108,800 bells
Does a new random villager move in every day if I have empty plots but haven't queued up mystery island villagers?
you both disgust me.
you would think they'd make a surefire way to move villagers out with everything else they did like putting their houses wherever you want
Assert your dominance with english text.
its not a fucking payment if its a tip
just fucking leave it you gaylord
asking again, is the villager removed by the incoming amiibo villager random or can you pick one
thanks for the catalog friend
>caught two sturgeon right when the game came out
>maybe a model would be nice, not worth farming them though
>randomly catch 2 today
Should I grind for another one for the model tomorrow, or just be content with my buddy in his entirely too small aquarium?
I got some NFCtags today and made me an Ankha token. So yeah, using them... in a way.
you pick it
Oh, Peanut.
oh god i wanted to step away from the dodo because somebody left something but now i'm in looks like somebody's on their way hell
what site is archiving all the variants?
Might as well. also do the butterfly one as well and put in room cause you can only get one model per visit
I had Fauna singing today and it was cute as hell. Does that count?
flick makes you a model of stuff you give him
I'm a fucking American. It's what we autistic burgers do
It's 0.5% not 5%
Oh nice, thanks.
i'm not paying some fucking scalper 200+ dollars for one card and i'm too lazy to do the
nfc spoofer guide so i'm just going to cross my fingers and hope for the best
I'm hearing on /vg/ it's bullshit, and when I moved in someone with no houses available they just said they can't come because there's no room.
>be in a foreign country
>know tips aren't expected
>feel like it's still expected of you to tip because they know you're american and americans always tip
OKAY gate shut for a second, jesus
the villagers are so goddamn cute in this, between the singing and the retarded naturo running they're liable to give me fucking diabetes
im going to miss catch sea moths for an easy g
I asked in the last thread and got no replies so I'll ask again. Does anyone know how to place items in the center of a 2x2 table outside? Placing the item always puts it on an edge, can you not put shit in the middle of tables without using the furniture moving thingy inside? If so that's a pretty big oversight on Nintendo's part.
Just asked this thing to join my island
Did I fuck up?
She doesn't look very cute...
Make love, not tools.
Japs don't accept tips. They consider it rude.
I have a shit load of these things but the only one I have that I really want in my town is Bob. I'm gonna try and get the villagers I actually want through mystery tours and then if that fails I guess I'll start using some of the better cards I have.
Anyone wana come thru im chillin with my bearded dragon gates open just lmk
post & rate villagers/homes
that's because you tip for feeling sorry for them.
for not being american
possibly the only cute monkey in the game
You've still got hermit crabs for an easy 1,000 year round and my uncle stinkbugs almost year round
Cataloged the Hood, thanks user.
yes time to burn the game and sell ur console