I feel like the opinion of this game has dramatically changed around here. What was the tipping point?

I feel like the opinion of this game has dramatically changed around here. What was the tipping point?

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Cyberpunk became a passé aesthetic.

It's popular so hipster Yas Forums must hate it.

>tranny puts tranny in the game
>nobody notices
>they start putting it more and more in the gameplay reveals
>nobody notices
>finally have to put it center fucking screen for anybody to notice
>people "why is there a tranny center screen?"
>cdpr pretend to be the victims

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They waited too long. Just like bannerlord

most inbreds here are contrarian for the sake of it

Purple Haired Polish Feminist.

It became popular and mainstream

This is the lead level designer, lead quest designer and quest development co-ordinater being interviewed by the head of UK communications.
They all worked on the Witcher series

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The Witcher games fucking suck. Why do people get hyped for CDPR shit?

Yas Forums is gonna love it when it comes out I guarantee it we're gonna get a better look at the inner city and they'll nut when its dark and raining with the buildings blocking out the sky

when they moved farther away from an open ended rpg to a more narrowly focused, main story driven, celeb-mocap-money-wasting, action adventure "rpg"
im not even saying its bullshit they dont let you be a rockerboy or a corpo or a trauma team, even though that's a disappointment. but the game is less fallout new vegas and more grand theft auto or other rockstar "mission based" game for my liking. i fucking pray im wrong

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People were expecting TW3 cyberpunk edition. But they see its looking more like Saints Row 5

2018 trailer. That's when all the shit about a named, voiced protagonist and three locked classes came out. Before that most people who knew about the game thought it was an RPG.

don't worry, IGN will give it a 45/10, Yas Forumsedditors here will follow suite and suck it's dick for a month or two after it comes out, calling everyone who saw the dumpster fire from a mile away a contrarian and the world will keep spinning

Honestly, I think it's going to play kind of shittily.
I haven't been overly impressed by the content of the quests, and the "look at how many ways you can approach these situations!" tag kinda loses any weight if you've ever... you know... played a videogame.
A first person shooter that plays badly is infinitely worse to play than a third person action game that plays badly. And TW3 plays badly.

I think the tipping point was when they changed the games twitter description to call the game an action adventure instead of an rpg. They changed it back but the damage was done.
Also the turnaround took longer than it should have because the cdpridf figured out that the perfect way to discredit criticism on Yas Forums is to claim that all the posts shitting on the game were one person, 4chaners are always quick to believe that.

When they first showed the trailer at e3

>im not even saying its bullshit they dont let you be a rockerboy or a corpo or a trauma team
It is bullshit. I remember back when they said they wanted to allow for players to be able to print character sheets. The vision completely took a 180 in roleplay freedom. Fuck this timeline where vidya is just interactive movies.

>"look at how many ways you can approach these situations!"
I hate when developers say this when it always just comes down to “look at all of these pre-determined paths we created for you to use according to whatever skill points you dumped into X playstyle”. Very few games have actual emergent gameplay/decision making. Deus ex 1 is one of the few that actually do this

When people learned that there was a sun.

mostly just one autist spamming angry threads about it

People were hyped because we knew literally nothing about it, then shit started getting deconfirmed and TORtanic posting rose up like with literally every new release

Who has the photo of all the dykes grouped up at cdpr?

So if the entire game was like this it would be good?

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It insists upon itself and CDPR's name rather than looking at the hardcore facts that this is a diluted version of the original vision for the masses

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the fuck are you expecting? what is the witcher, to you, exactly?

>open ended rpg
you have to play as geralt the witcher, period

>narrowly focused, story driven
exactly like the witcher?

okay so just a general negative that makes other negatives worse

was the witcher more of an rpg? you picked one dude, one class, one fighting style/weapon type and then put points into % damage and stat modifiers for the rest of the game

just idk, why the fuck is anyone expecting anything other than the witcher in a cyberpunk setting when they dont seem to be advertising anything other than that?

not defending them btw, im team contrarian, but just curious

Yes, mods will save it.

When Trannies were given representation.

I dont care what anyone else says, that's the moment the threads took on a TORtanic feel. Before that it was just shitposting about the sun

Fucking retarded trend of announcing games years YEARS in advance. People get hyped, people talk about your game, they datamine every tidbit of information, every screenshot and scrap of concept art. Then by the time the (often delayed) game finally comes along everyone is completely burned out on the game they have never even played and have already moved on to something new. If they had kept it hushhush, then come out with a surprise reveal followed by the release a month later it would be a different story entirely.

Personally I am already bored of hearing/seeing anything of this game. When are people going to understand oversatuaration? The same happens in the news. corona corona corona corona corona, or, poor starving kids in africa poor starving kids in africa poor starving kids in africa. People switch of to it after a while.

The only game I can think of that really pulled it off is STALKER, but honestly that game took so long it was forgotten about completely before it released.

This, but I’m still getting it and I figure everyone else is. The problem is they were just too late. When bladerunner 2049 came out was probably the peak of cyberpunk in current mass culture. Now you’re just on the tail end of it and it is getting really boring to look at.

I had honestly thought the game would be all about dancing the fine line between cybernetic upgrades and cyberpsychosis, doing official and unofficial stuff as a MAX TAC agent. Granted, yeah, that was just a teaser, but still, it wasn't entirely unfounded.

Its gonna be GOTY2020 and Yas Forums will eternally seethe
We still get threads seething about the Witcher 3. But this is going to be a whole new level

It's confirmed to have DLSS 2.0 so my hype is restored. I thought my 2060 was going to suffer but no worries now.

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The shit music.

>It insists upon itself
How does something that has not been released insist upon itself? There is no "it" to do any insisting, nor is there any "self" to do any insisting upon.

dude they marketed cyberpunk for YEARS as being different than witcher. one of their first trailers that said they were forcing you to stay in first person purposefully said "we are doing this to differentiate from the witcher. you arent playing the preassigned role of geralt, you are playing a generic nobody named V"
but then V just became its own person too. gay

i'm pre-seething because you're 100% correct

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If it's GOTY 2020 I'll be happy as fuck because it means TLOU2 movieshit got BTFO


both games shilling sjw trans shit for political points, who's really the winner?

this, it's going to be gta2077 and everyone knows it

>sheltered liberal white people being racist by putting black people into important roles in their fantasy but not willing to hire them and work with them
>look at all these cool women in the game!
>but the real women in the work place are never told no, that's a bad idea and instead just are free to spoil the development process with their bad ideas

Me for fapping to aerith and tifa instead.

Anyways to be entirely honest.
The 2018 gameplay video looked good.
The 2019 gameplay video looked good although it should've been as long as the 2018 one.
I didnt give a fuck about Keanu Reeves.
I didnt give a fuck about these zoomer musicians although it makes sense a cyberpunk world would have a variety of genres from rap to punk rock even though I'm only going to listen to the synth-wave.
I'm holding off until release because 1) I never pre-order and 2) holy fuck there is a ton of misinformation around this game.

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> holy fuck there is a ton of misinformation around this game.
Such as?

You don't give a fuck. But the American SJW consultant does, and so they spend resources and development time to put nigger rap in and a popular actor.

When it stopped being an arpg and turned into a "cinematic experience" filled with sjw shit

that looks tiny as fuck, which makes me wonder how much (indoor) railroading they are going to add to make up for it.

shitposters are spamming and making stuff up about the game
it's the most anticipated game now with half-life alyx and doom gone

Nah, hype has significantly died down for it.

Cyberpunk because it's in a setting that actually has degeneracy make sense

is it? I haven't heard anything about it for ages. Unlike eternal, which basically had constant media presence. That's how you market a game. Where's all the hype for cyberpunk?

Dumb plebbit immigrant brainlets and their "hype" obsession.

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Someone please post it. CDPR has burried it and I can't find it anywhere.

>degenerates portrayed as the good guys
No thanks

I recognize that bulge

Lots of changes that were made from the original design that people liked.
>RPG -> Action
Its shooting itself in the foot putting in vaguely sjw things in a serious world. Having trans people in it is totally realistic and they would be there considering cyberpunk is all about transhumanism. But people already got pissed about a trans person being used in marketing. Its gonna be the ultimate games journo shitstorm. Its gonna make shit go sideways.
>black people being in a gang called the Animals is racist
>muh trans representation
The game is no where close to releasing and its already triggering people.

Probably how little gameplay there actually is available to see and of the gameplay they've shown off (that isn't pre-rendered nothing about seems that interesting

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Been here longer than you, faggot.

lack of media isn't a huge idea, but it's a bad sign. It was clear that bethesda was very confident with eternal, and wanted people to see as much of it as possible. What's the implication when a publisher does the opposite, hmm?

>What was the tipping point?
Disney is releasing Marvel Avengers the same month now after CP2077 got delayed. This sudden shift is (((Disney))) counter-shilling in action.

CDRed has been treating us like some kind of chump..........

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Holy fucking COPE