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Original was 3 hours long.

sfm/blender is free

I don't mind. It will be 0 dollars soon.


Only for losers who play on standart and assisted

You're meant to play it over and over again to get unlockables retard. It's not 5 hours, it's like 25 hours.

It’s almost as if it’s a remake of a game that was originally 5 hours long. On most people’s first play through of course

heard it is like 7 hours on your first playthrough

I played re3 for the very fucking first time last week and beat it in four hours. Yeah an RE game is short no shit. Live selection is gimmicky and not a good reason to replay teh entire game. Fuck the random loot, all the replay value the original had was artificial, the new one probably has actual reasons to replay it.


has anyone try the multiplayer? is it anything decent?

I hate her model. She reminds me of Milla Jovovich. And that pisses me off.


am i the only one who can't play horror games more than once? it's not scary when i already know where all the enemies are or what their behavior is.

A five-hour game for $60 is only bad if you can't get anything out of it after the first playthrough. If it's designed for replays it can be worth it. Not sure if it will, I haven't followed this game much, but all the shitposts about it being 5 hours long slightly triggered me.

Also isn't Project REsistance stapled to this? If you get 5-10 hours of that and enjoy most of that time it pays for its worth.

She just needs more feminine qualities. Wider hips and a little more weight.

a complete new face. I dont know where the fuck they get these faces, but like CLaire, they failed to get a good model

stale meme


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Can anyone redpill me on what the "hours of gameplay" thing is?
RE4 took me 24hrs to beat on my first run through reading everything and exploring a bunch, but that was only the main story excluding mercenaries and the Ada side campaigns, i just googled how many hours of gameplay there was and apparently its 30, but on my experience it would take me well over 30 hours to beat every single part of the game
how do these ppl come up with these estimates

it doesnt even have ng+ my dude

i was on the fence but they gutted so much im just waiting for a sale

Reminder that you can only unlock Nightmare difficulty by beating the game on Hardcore.
Do not waste time starting on Normal.



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>Mikhail goes out by telling Nemesis to "get off my train"

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Joe will eat the game up.

>not just pirating it
the online is going to be dead in weeks anyway

I don't know why...


The model looks "okay" but doesn't look like Jill.
At least she doesn't have the retarded Down's Syndrome face Claire had in every scene where her mouth was open.

I played RE3 demo for 4 hours already

Then why be so lazy and take out choices?

the point of resident evil isnt to be scary with scripted sequences, the point of resident evil is to be scary by overwhelming the player with resource management while they get fucked by monster when they have no ammo

I'm still too scared to do Leon B on hardcore :(

has Carlos's model been ripped yet?

please don't defend the existence of the live selections
they were the bane of my 9 year old self for thinking they actually changed anything

I've played it for 26, without coomer mods

What’s this from?

I spent an hour doing Shoryukens on Nemesis. Pretty fun. It's a shame regular zombies are more threatening than him, though.

What's Nightmare difficulty like?

people who got it early only played on assisted, so we don't know yet

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Why do people act like the OG REs weren't short as fuck?

They also removed two areas and turned one entire section from the original into a simple boss arena.

A 2 hour movie costs 60ish dollars (snacks, popcorn, and gf). So why do people complain about a 5 hour vidya for 60 dollars?

What level of cope are you on?

Nice try, Capcom. It'll be on sale in 2 weeks.

More trick shots. Jill isn't that good looking in this, but she isn't that bad. That dude's jaw is wide and he's got a cleft chin. Hers is far narrower without the cleft.

$15 if you use ebay coupons: 2 tickets, 2 drinks and a large popcorn

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Not even that upset about the length. Sounds about in line with the original. Wish they would have expanded upon some areas to increase the length however.
Instead, what they did is kept the same runtime while cutting out the fucking only bonus mode the game had.
Way to fucking go Capcom

PS4 update just hit for the REsistance open beta

I tried a couple matches of the beta. It's ok. I fully expect the community for it to dry up REALLY quick though

i think team ninja are the only ones in entire industry who can create realistic faces withnout uncanny valley

Reviewers and modern gamers today are fucking morons

It could be but I dont play any RE for that long.

holy fuck

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>huge opportunity to expand on the original
>fanboys defend it because it was accept back then

>the point of resident evil is to be scary by overwhelming the player with resource management
>beat first run on hardcore
>has to replay the game with easier difficulty and much more ammo resources to unlock all things

>I don’t care Joe

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It doesnt look like Jill...yet its fucking Jill retard

Too bad that the games are only good the first time through and playing with overpowered weapons is boring. Unless you're REALLY into speed runs I don't see the allure.

So was 2 though
>b-b-b-b-but muh scenario B
Okay, add 45 minutes for all the unique content in scenario B.

>this is realistic

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They barely did anything in the original you twat. Fight nemesis or go to the station. You just run to the station....incredible it's like Mass effect so in depth

So why take it out?

It's 2020 and you're dealing with gen Z retards that's why and millenials barely remembering or having their hopes up so high they expect to be Final Fantasy in terms of length.


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Yet, they also added new areas also

But they did? They determined a few things like item placements and also whether or not you had to fight Nikolai or whether he just escaped/got killed by Nemesis.

Yet, dont complain about Call of duty campaigns being short as fuck also.

>titty monster japanese
based, too bad i have better chances of going to the moon than finding one

>being this much of a dumbass

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You have resistance though so makes up for it and mercenaries has been fucking been beat to death

Enjoy paying one dollar for different faces

>No Clock Tower
>No Park
>No Gravedigger
Fucking why? Why can’t Capcom just make an actual fucking remake instead of these fucking ‘reimaginings’?!