Final Fantasy VII Remake

Well Yas Forums..?

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Giga lewd

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Something puffy fat and big like your tiddies

Give me your anxious heart

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i think ill make an account on resetera just to tell them to stop being retarded trannies and being jelous over a 2d girl

You can't. They require work/school emails and for you to basically dox yourself in order to join.


Everyone knows Cloud is a huge pervert in the original game.

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Why is that? not even reddit does that

>guys, can someone tell me what I think about this?
Wow, it's like I'm really on Yas Forums.

next to you, who wouldnt?

Either way, something hard isnt a joke.

Something hard.

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>it's literally a 1 to 1 scene from FF7, same dialogue and everything

What's the context?

>Why is that?

So that they can call your job and tell them to fire you if you disagree with them on anything.
That's not a joke. That's what they actually do.

Kill Sephiroth.

Something milky.

>The doujins write themselves.

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maybe play the original you fucking pleb

post reactor 1 bombing intro, you meet Tifa for the first time at 7th heaven. Everyone else goes downstairs for a meeting, Tifa offers to make you a drink.

IIRC the dialogue isn't changed at all/much. Tifa asks you what kind of drink you'd like, and Cloud says "something hard" or "I don't care/whatever" iirc. So only the second dialogue option has been changed. Then she mixes you a drink, you briefly talk, and then go downstairs.

ok this is fucking cancer i thought it was just a reddit like forum where you make an account and thats it

what about making a fake email and shit?

>hey is this [workplace]
>yeah do you know user?
>well he disagreed with me about a video game

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FF7 could seriously use a hot love scene after the plot twist where Tiffa checks up on Cloud to make sure he's alright.

The pinnacle of human evolution right here

They'll call your boss and tell them you're a racist, sexist literal nazi bigot. They'll do this ten times a day. Most bosses will get rid of you rather than investigate or deal with that shit.
R*era is practically a cult and operates like one. Their "religion" is being woke.

I think I got my first cumshot to this back when I downloaded this from Kazaa some time around 2002-03.

Where da Marlene at?

>tifa was my favorite growing up
>so this scene directly from the original greatly offends me

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Makes sense since most of those trannies do post on here. I know some of them.

jesus christ so this is america

On the other hand imagine the day someone find a way to hack into resetera db.

Leftists are controlling little assholes. More News as 11.

America has freedom of speech, which means it's up to corporations to pick up the slack and be the ones who police your speech.

We'll never have an end to Tifa threads will we?

Leftists unironically need to be killed. Hopefully corona does a good job.

>Click to shrink...

Shit. I never saw this reply. What thread is it? I am hungry for more.

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what if im not from USA

Libs aren't leftists

Trash is trash, my friend. It's all the same.


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Leftists reject the term "liberal," because classical liberalism is about personal freedom, whereas Leftists reject freedom and focus solely on equality.

i-is there a tifa upskirt

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which thread was this posted in?


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juicy thighs haha

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StarCraft Gold and now 7R

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that was the old leaker, stop posting this shit

Why the fuck would anyone be upset about leaks? Especially on Reddit? Just don't click the leak threads.


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Comin' to that PS quadruple.

What resolution does the game run at?
What does super-sampling push it up to?

check the digital foundry video nigga

Fucking top notch SFM pron when?

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That's for the demo. I wonder if the full game will be the same or not.

wait for the digital foundry video nigga

Got around to playing the demo finally and I think it sucks. Combat is bad. Who thought an action game where you select your specials from a menu was a good idea? English voice acting and script is terrible, feels stifled and completely unnatural. Even the remixed soundtracks feel wrong, like the composer missed the point of the originals

Glad I wasn't looking forward to this because I doubt they'll ever finish it


when does she take her top off

Betatest the episodes well!
I'm going to play the full game in 120 fps/ 4k with nude modes

you're not gonna get that kind of info from a leaker lol

Imagine being this desperate to see naked guys