Nah, upgrade your comp and get a VR headset imo. Why do you assume I'm a snoy?
Robert Ortiz
I already own a switch though
Robert Ross
>ryujinx based, fuck the tranny yuzu devs rent free
Jacob Gonzalez
Why are they trannies? Why would that make them a bad place to get a switch emulator from?
Jayden Baker
Stay mad, bitch
Christian Cruz
>emulator >can't play online it's fucking nothing
Eli Perez
Why would I be mad? I just opened up my museum and I didn't have to buy a chink tablet for trannies and children
Aiden Howard
>IF YOU CANT HAVE RANDOM STRANGERS COME OVER WITH 10 MINUTE WAITING SCREENS SO THEY CAN STEAL YOUR FRUIT AND RUN OVER YOUR FLOWERS ITS FUCKING NOTHING Cope. Pure, unadulterated cope. I am playing your most prized exclusive right this second and you can't do anything about it
Nolan Fisher
>the one feature the emulated version is missing is trash! I too love my grapes sour
Lucas Bennett
Literally everyone who plays AC admits the online is fucking garbage. You can't even join someone's island if they have a menu opened, it's completely fucked
Tyler Wood
>You can't even join someone's island if they have a menu opened, it's completely fucked jfc Nintendo just doesn't care any more, do they. They just gave up on trying to make online work for the Switch
Ryan Johnson
Nolan Long
for the people worried about not being able to catch the stringfish before the month is over. Remember you can just go back in time lmao
Yeah the online is fucking trash, the loading screens especially are annoying as fuck anytime anyone joins and literally doing anything prevents them from joining.
I share a switch with my gf and if we're playing locally you literally can't do anything online, no idea why. I hate how far behind nintendo is when it comes to online.
Blake Walker
No nigger it means youre forever locked out of the 2/3rds of the game that will be released with updates
Elijah Miller
>Overuses the word tranny Yep, kill yourself new fag
Dominic Bennett
>h-h-h-ha you pcfags can't even get the updates lol... Are you retarded or do you just not know how emulation works you dumb tranny
Isaac Rivera
You cannot access holifday updates unless your game connects online to check the server clock against your own clock
Landon Walker
>buying a shitch >ever lulz
Logan Morgan
sure thing, bro. We can already play the game near flawlessly like a week after release, but updates? That's out of the question brah
Joshua Smith
How are you going to connect online, retard?
Cameron Thomas
Everyone know that the game has 50% content and the other 50% is online service only.
They made Citra just to cash in on Pokemon fans patreon bux and then dropped it as soon as the Switch was announced. Citra still runs like shit, is full of bugs, can't even run first party games at full speed, and you can bet Yuzu will be exactly the same once Nintendos next console is announced. Ryujinx is the only actual hope for a good Switch emulator
Parker Foster
I'm playing it with my friends, though.
Jeremiah Martinez
any kind soul has a pack with everything for us lazy anons?
Caleb Lopez
>daily seethe at Nintendo thread Nice. Stay obsessed
>don't buy a Switch for Zelda >don't buy a Switch for Splatoon >don't buy a Switch for Xenoblade 2 >don't buy a Switch for Smash Bros >don't buy a Switch for Ring Fit Adventure >don't buy a Switch for Pokemon SwSh >don't buy a Switch for ACNH >don't buy a Switch for MHGU
Ryan Richardson
>how are you going to be able to pirate diablo 3 bro? it's always online! >how are you going to be able to pirate sim city 2013 bro? it's always online! Literal fucking cope, holy shit. I just got sherb on my island and I didn't have to pay for any tranny jap plastic gameboy or $60 for some 1's and 0's off the eshop.
Aiden Cooper
>but I'm so DESPERATE to play a game designed for Trannies and children!!!
Jesus, Yas Forums is filled with retard these days. You literally have no idea what you're talking about
Mason Morales
You two spergs realize it let's everyone on the island know to close the menu right?
So unless someone is actively trolling you, you may have to try *gasp* twice to connect.
Austin Brown
>downloading and playing a game on an emulator is "DESPERATE" holy fuark I saw bunny day on the direct, the bunny looks like a fucking abomination and it's completely cucked to the point they can't even say 'easter', I don't want any of that garbage in my town
Matthew Kelly
>I don't want any of that garbage in my town such a cope
Caleb Johnson
>3DS-niggers this desperate
Your shitty handheld is done, faggets. It's time to get over it.
i wasnt going to buy a switch anyway because the sticks are defective and nintendo is making shit except ports and shovelware. maybe if it gets hacked ill buy a switch lite. then it will be useful. that piece of shit doesnt even have all the standard video streaming apps for god sake.
Anthony Thompson
Henry Hill
Hello Eric
Adrian Bell
The cope from nincels ITT is almost palpable. I can almost taste the simmering seethe coming from them. They literally can not STAND knowing that their precious game that is supposed to be the crowning jewel of 2020 is already 100% playable on PC.
Mason Torres
>You literally have no idea what you're talking about Yes I fucking do. ARM uses memory mapped I/O. Meaning that if the emulator feeds data to the correct addresses, the emulated system will believe it to be data coming from a real I/O device, such as a network adapter So what? That's completely inexcusable that you can't join because the goddamn menu is open, regardless of if it lets you know
Isaac Edwards
So I downloaded Ryujinx and installed everything but I get some weird transparent screen when I try to run the, anyone else?
I can understand emulating shit like BotW and Odyssey but what kind of an actual retard do you have to be to emulate a game with a lot of network features you won't get emulating?
Asher Fisher
the kind that doesn't own a switch
Ryder Morris
Lincoln Turner
can i emulate in my bed with hot chocolate? thought so
Jaxon Collins
I'd rather just play a PC game that actually functions similar to AC in that case.
Christopher Green
I don't know, why did people praise animal crossing on the gamecube when it had/has zero online features?
Joshua Howard
Friends are for children and trannies anyway
David Cruz
nigger it's P2P, you can emulate this shit
Xavier Parker
Imagine being a retarded 12 year old nincel zoomer tranny with autism and seeing that PCMR gets to play the game they waited 7 years to play FOR FREE at 4K with a higher FPS. Now imagine the only way you get to cope with this is by bragging about the fucking garbage, barely functioning multiplayer that doesn't even let you do shit except let you host your island as a chat room for other 12 year old tranny autists
Henry Thompson
>Playing for peer to peer
Mason Sanders
Irrelevant and cope, you are simply jealous I didnt spend a dime on a tablet for children and trannies
>joycon drifting >paying $20 a year just so I can have a shitty online experience >no 4K resolution
It's not fair bros PCunts can't keep getting away with this
Ayden Gomez
and now I eagerly await the twitter screencaps of raging nintendo fanboys :)
Dominic Mitchell
I only got a PC tho, why would I waste time on a game like this when I can't go dick around with people? This is like playing an MMO where you're the only player or a fighting game and you only play the cpus lmao
Jacob Rodriguez
Paying for amazon prime still counts That or your parents are paying for it