*gets killed by a spider*
*gets killed by a spider*
so isaacfag, have you beaten touhou 12 yet?
>It's a +5 bomb item room
Why do people like this shit
*beats every touhou on the hardest difficulty and there's no way you can prove i didn't you faggot*
I don’t play bullet hell games. No interest in them.
Wow Repentance looks great. Can't believe they did crossovers with Touhou!
*so powerful you kill yourself*
i love when that happens
>champion bloat
Why the fuck do normies cream themselves over this game so much?
It's fucking boring, slow and a piece of shit.
>a quarter
>fucking PAGEANT BOY
WHY the fuck is 7 pennies 99% of the time a fucking item? Nothing pisses me off more after spending 5 minutes slowly pebbling a boss with base stat tears in Basement.
It’s fun you stupid incel
It's babby's first roguelite
>complete first two floors
>no fun or strong items
>reset because I don't want to spend 5+ minutes trying to kill an easy boss
Why does this game have so many shitty filler items, I know it's supposed to be a roguelite and that rng is a big part of it, but goddamn, I want to have fun while playing a game, getting a bunch of shitty pills, cash or a useless familiar isn't entertaining, it's fucking annoying, 300+ hours of dealing with this shit
I just played this today for the first time in years, pretty much since afterbirth came out
feels kinda weird forgetting what so many items do my mind just knows what to take and what to avoid from muscle memory but it's still a mystery what specifically each item is
Why does the Keeper fucking suck shit, everyone else is either great or alright but he's just the definition of bad game design. Why he STILL doesn't start with Greed's Gullet is beyond me, easy as fuck fix that would make him actually playable and worthwhile.
the mediocre and bad runs make the good runs feel more special. It wouldn't be that fun if you were super overpowered every time. I agree it can be annoying, but think he did it right. I enjoy a large variety of items even if some suck.
Is it just me or is the 4 souls card game absolutely unbalanced? It always ends up with one person being unable to play or do anything and I played 8 games ranging from 3-4 players. Also what the hell was Edmund thinking when designing Lazures. Not only does he get a massive treasure advantage but he does not interact with the other players at all well.
Edmund got salty at data miners and took it out on the fans.
Different guy but the issue comes from enemy's being bullet sponges now so you are forced to take damage ups and other like items.
I like the idea of the Keeper but holy shit he was executed so badly. I understand if Edmund wanted to make another hard character but unlike the Lost, Keeper is just an absolute slog to play compared to everyone else. Plus the fact that one trinket can guarantee a win for him is just plain stupid.
I only started playing a few months ago. Is there a trick to getting more pennies per run? I'm trying to unlock the character you get by holding 55 pennies but some floors will only have like 2 or 3.
Cain and his luck stat can help you out.
if you really want to you can fill up the donation machine then bomb it
55 coins is pretty easy though, try to find secret rooms
Try going for secret rooms. If you don't know where secret rooms are, they're usually between rooms like on this map. Keep in mind that the secret room cannot connect to a boss room.
That’s the guy I’m trying to unlock lol
Im a retard who hasnt played since the original can someone tell me what the fuck killed me here? I just used the active
It has been a while so I must of forgotten that. Try to get your luck up, probably through pills. Then go to the arcade to gamble. You can also bomb the donation machine to get some coins back, like two or three but it will deplete the machine.
>Tfw Ipecac + S*y Milk
You probably absorbed the Bible, numbnuts.
Oh Right i did go to like 2 libraries so that makes sense, thanks user that was bothering the fuck out of me
What did you absorb with Void?
Anyone else here have a file for doing unlocks and a hacked file with everything unlocked? I put so many hours into a legit account I got bored and just wanted to fuck with the items, and having a blast. Also loving modded items, but Revalations balancing is kinda shit.
>Keep in mind that the secret room cannot connect to a boss room.
Super secret rooms can and often are.
Try aiming for restock + chaos + blank card + 2 of diamonds. You'll get it eventually.
Why would you do this to my innocent Isaac thread? Now I'll have to make another one when this one gets bowled over.
Blank Card + Jera on the Chest is easier.
*Blank Card + Jera + Chaos on the Chest
Sort of. Really, it depends on how your run starts out, but I've had a lot more luck finding angel deal items in shops with chaos than on the chest, but the point is that with infinite cash (and rib of greed) you spend more floors milling your item pool down. Either way works, though.
Shhh. I'm slowly building a revolution. So who's your favorite character to play? For me it's Eden (with modded starting items available)
My bad, meant that secret rooms can't sit next to a boss room, like it mentions on the wiki
Somewhat related to fucking around with the game
>find out that skinless hush can be spawned with the console
>doesn't do much and floats around the room
>low hp too
>fight the hush and quickly spawn the skinless hush with the console
>act like its a phase 3 even though its obviously unfinished and easy as shit
>did this a lot when I had the console available
I haven't touched the console in a long while since i'm currently 100%ing a save file but i'll probably end up doing this again once i'm done, I don't know why this unused shit fascinates me so much and causes me to do this. Not that i'm complaining really, it's kind of fun to imagine what a phase 3 to the Hush would be like
>tfw second floor guppy
I recently went from Rebirth to Afterbirth+ (Switch).
Room variants feel a lot more bullshit; for example a common theme is charging enemies (Bats, Leeches, Maggots) being put in rooms with lots of collision/big pits to reduce movement space and wittle your health down when you have no chance of evasion barring huge damage bursts which are all run luck dependent.
Plus Hush and Delirium are just absolute bullet sponges with stupid spray patterns. I've killed Hush a few times, but never felt satisfied, I felt like it was completely dependent on me getting retarded strong builds and synergies, whereas with Satan or Moms Heart or Isaac I feel like it could be done with patience and a few decent items without relying on massive frontloading.
Not saying I'm not enjoying the game, I'm loving some of the new items and enemies, it's the sweetest agony, but there are some room configs where I feel I had no power to avoid losing hearts. And I really don't enjoy Hush or Delirium as fights.
it's well known that Afterbirth+ was a complete fucking shitfest that wasn't worth the asking price.
Antibirth is everything Afterbirth SHOULD'VE been since day 1 and it's a free fucking mod, and the new DLC is literally just of the mod to Afterbirth+
Shit, to be honest I only really got into TBOI properly this year and I did read some stuff claiming that Afterbirth+ was shit but I assumed it was Yas Forums pattern contrarianism.
My only real complaint is the difficulty spikes and tedious endgame, the main body is fun and I'm sure I'll figure out a rhythm to Hush and Delirium.
>My only real complaint is the difficulty spikes and tedious endgame
this is pretty much the universal reasons why everyone hates it, that and Delirium/Void being the most fucking lazy ass way to end a great game.
i would totally recommend ya to get the PC version though, we get stuff like these for free:
they completely fucking SHIT on anything Edmund and Nicalis did after Vanilla rebirth.
Ah fuck, then it looks like I've party rocked on myself here then. Thanks for the tips, man, I'll wait for the next sale and get it on PC and mod it with Antibirth.
5 bomb is great in the first floor because it can easily snowball into 5-6 blue hearts, keys or even the rock really quick. 5 bombs are still 25 coins in values anyway.
I really hope Repentance gives the Void justice, it's so fucking bland, lazy and forgettable that it hurts.
Rebirth + Antibirth > Rebirth + all the DLC
prove me wrong
i mean you still got a pretty good game on a portable device, so you didn't get that party rocked at all.
hell for these mods to work you still need to buy Afterbirth+ because Nicalis are fucking jews, but in a good sale you can get everything for like 8-9 bucks, that's what i did.
No. Super secret rooms are usually connected to the room adjacent to the boss room. Boss rooms can not ever have secret rooms attached. See the wiki and my shitty diagram.
>skinless hush
holy FUCK that is cool! How did I not know about this?? I hope someone has made / is making a mod to finish this. Because that's awesome. Definitely gonna spawn him next time I play. Thanks user.
Revalations is fucking kino, but it doesnt feel totally balanced... And the music is starts over everytime I enter a room (which is honestly more annoying).
You forgot Revelations.
Revelations = Antibirth > Rebirth > Afterbirth+
>but it doesnt feel totally balanced.
i get what you mean, it is completely and incredibly fucking hard and some of the enemies/bosses are bullshit, but that's by design, you get to be bullshit yourself if you play your cards well, and yeah dunno what's up with that bug.
shit i forgot Alphabirth
Revelations = Antibirth > Alphabirth
At the very least they could reskin all the enemies and bosses to look like Delierium jizz monsters. Theres a mod for that but it kinda sucks/glitches and doesn't work with AB+ sprite overhaul.
>i'll wait for a sale
it's not too late actually
>find the secret room before a boss fight
>it's a black poop with spikes room
I really fucking hope someone at least just makes a mod that transitions Hush into Skinless Hush. I can only imagine the straps of Hush suddenly snapping off, with the room flashing white as it does when you normally beat him. However this time the Hush appears to be floating, and its ripped out blue "face" slips off, only to reveal Skinless Hush. It makes a loud roar as the walls become red, and the final phase of slowly bouncing around the walls begins. I know it was just intended as a red herring for dataminers, but there are even unused expressions and shit.
I don't understand why that isn't the case for the bosses already
Afterbirth+ really isn't that bad after the booster packs. They add cool items and one of the funnest characters in the game. I expect Repentence to shit all over it though.
Sure but when you get used to the additions from ab+ they grow one you a lot