You ready to go to your REAL home, Yas Forums?

You ready to go to your REAL home, Yas Forums?

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Just stop.

>Just stop.

Wei Wang was a godsend for Blizzard. Truly a perfect addition to the Sons of the Storm.

Why yes. I'm ready to go back to pre-ICC wrath.

Wrath is fucking trash.

I just realized that the dwarf and orc are missing their legs on this picture.

Jesus christ Wrathbabbies are dumb. Wrath had two good thing a thousand cancerous things

I'm down for some MoP progression, whens it coming out?

>That badass night elf

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Probably never.
After Wrath servers come out I don't see Blizzard doing any more legacy servers. I really doubt there would be much of an audience for Cataclysm realms or any of the expacs afterwards.

they're there, just very dark and a small sihouette.

What's that priest (? human female) armor supposed to be? I recognize every set but that.

>What's that priest (? human female) armor supposed to be? I recognize every set but that.
Priest tier 1

Damn that's really off model. I guess the dangly bits should have given it away.

You retards will be shilling WotLK as "your REAL home" by 2022.

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>You guys ready to go home(Battle for Azeroth?)

Wrathbabbies have been shilling their dogshit expansion for ages, my dude.

>hunt us down with their orc grunts and demons
>then claim to BE us, in fact say that we were just ugly misshapen versions of them
>everyone ate it up
I'm still mad

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>"oh boy, I can't wait to play these ugly as sin, invisible, ruthless assassins!"
Literally me before the draenei retcon was announced.

looks like the time has come to give up gaming.

>what is the horde

>Yas Forums is one person

I'm ready to have a character that looks nothing like the promotional artwork

>Flying Mounts
>Lazy content in form of heroics
>Rep grind to access endgame
>Smaller raid size

You think you do but you don't

>Back to ToC

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I dont know what to think about Blizzard anymore
I was playing SC2 today and noticed they added emoticons and one of them is the NPC wojak face
Does the SC2 team just do whatever it wants since it has been out of scrutiny for so many years?
The General chat in the menu is the most "old school blizzard" general I've seen recently

pretty comfy actually, reminds me of old broodwar lobby chat

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>Wrath had two good things
Ulduar and?



My main hand Glorenzelg
My offhand Glorenzelg

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>early Wrath
Peak WoW
>late Wrath
Glorified Facebook Simulator

BFA is unironically the best WoW expansion and had improved upon every aspect of the game in every way. The game hasn't been the same since then bros.

>rehased vanilla raid right out of the gate
>death knoobs running amok absolutely everywhere
Wrath was so-so at best when it came out

Best dungeons, best community since you still had to actually play vanilla to earn your right to play. Then Dungeon Finder came out and all the dudebros just tanked to cap. I will agree that dungeon design turned into the roller coaster that facilitated the grind fest, but that was true even back in BC. Wrath I feel has all the elements of WoW working at thier best. Best builds, best look, best story, best villain. Then dungeon finder ruined everything.
I will give an honorary mention to Pandaria which I feel has a music and art kino like no other expansion

A dungeon finder tool isn't a bad idea, beats spamming a LFG channel. The problem was the implementation (automated, cross-realm, teleport inside the instance, better reward than actually making a group and walking inside, etc).

>beat Naxx 20
>get geared from it
>take a break
>have to run heroics to gear for Ulduar
>people shitting on my gear
>explain its Naxx gear
>people lmaoing and kicking me from groups
>Gearscore? what's that?
THAT is what killed the game. It gave all the dumb players of WoW a rallying point to dick measure. GS wasn't even accurate, it was completely based on arbitrary shit and yet all the same people would hail it as an objective measure of player worth. Nobody wanted to play a dungeon if the group couldn't do massive pulls. Just like current WoW.

You forgot
Still has some of the best raid content ever put into the game though.

cross-realm is what killed the game
server communities were the best part of WoW and just like that they were all gone

>server communities were the best part of WoW
Yeah, is what made it a MMORPG, without it the game is some sort of single player game with a really big lobby for pve/pvp minigames.

It's facebook with a daily dungeon minigame attached to it.

>best story, best villain

While he's wrong about the story, he's right about Arthas. Game should've ended after you kill him.

>b-but sargeras
Leaver him for WC4.

the deserted dead servers still on Classic goes to show that it's not that simple.
So many dead shit servers were completely trashed once no one wanted to play on them anymore.

There was a time I wanted WC4. It is no longer such a time.

It ruined arthas
>still the best story/villain
it was lame and not enjoyable

I'm obviously talking about some alternate timeline in which Blizzard was still good.

Re-read my post, you nigger.

My friend and I were dicking around and we came up with an idea for a faction in WC4 where the Draeni, Tauren, and Elves fucked off to make their own faction of mystics.

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comprehend my post. yeh it has the best villain. what does that mean if hes dogshit in that xpac?

>it was lame and not enjoyable
I can't disagree with opinion but I don't know how you could think this and somehow like any other big villain in WoW.

Sounds hella gay. I faction with WC3 belves and draenei could be great tho.

Nigger, I literally told you the story is dogshit and Arthas is "the villain" of WC. Well, not really Arthas, but the Lich King (they already ruined him in one of these gay novels).

your mostly right. the world of azeroth was still good until wotlk

>Nigger, I literally told you the story is dogshit and Arthas is "the villain" of WC. Well, not really Arthas, but the Lich King (they already ruined him in one of these gay novels).
So what are we disagreeing on? Im saying you cant say wotlk having the best villain is a point in its favor

>the world of azeroth was still good until wotlk
how easy we forget what they did to Kael'thas

The problem is that the werewolves would almost certainly have to be allied with the Nelves.

WoW was never good. EQ is still better, go play p99 you plebs

>I purposely came to a thread about something i don't like to complain about it

>So what are we disagreeing on?
Nothing really. I should've clarified that I'm other user, not they guy who originally defended WotLK.

I was speculating about happier times before Cataclysm and the rest of nu-WoW, before Gilneans were turned into fucking furries. Dunno about current WoW lore, guess anything goes.

Is that why EQ died right when WoW came out?

>tfw home right now

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Is he based? I'm thinking he's based

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I remember a time when playing alliance would have gotten you laughed off this board

FUCK YEAH I'm getting my fucking armani war bear this time, I was a flatfooted buffoon to prioritize high school over it

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I play on a custom crossfaction server. human has the best racial for a rogue. Sorry.

Im ready to make a blood elf warlock and troll people with SL/SL

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I unironically should have dropped out and just played WoW all day, learning CS on the side. Parents disagree obviously.