Still enjoying GBF Versus?
Still enjoying GBF Versus?
yes but i hate ferry. nerf her please
also user from previous thread ripped the textless stamps from the game, dl here: puu DOT sh/
yup but I suck
Yes, been getting better at safe jumps and landing some boots.
I need to fuck Ferry's armpits, bros
Hopefully the upcoming patch helps with that, I'm also scared of Djeeta if she's as busted as Gran.
despite how much i play fightan I can never get good. only games I ever ever good at was mvc3
Yeah, but I've hit a plateau recently and feel pretty down about it. Gonna keep at it but I'd be lying if I said it's not hard sometimes to find motivation when you've spent the last 3 days doing demotion/promotion cycling and getting blasted in lobbies.
Classy stuff user, thanks.
>immediately go into fucking
the correct order is:
sniff > lick > fuck