I see that the President equipped his daughter with... a Resident Evil thread.
I see that the President equipped his daughter with... a Resident Evil thread
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re4 is still the only good one
>copy Selphie from FF8
pic related yourself
RE2 original, REmake and RE3 are just as good.
Leon Kennedy is the best thing that came out of the RE franchise.
That and the Chris punching boulder meme
>there are people proud to proclaim their less than mediocre attempts to experience truly great video game because "memes"
RE4 is great but i only expect you understand that because you read someone else post it once.
Is Ashley the least attractive RE girl? Her face is gobbo tier.
What in the flying fuck are you talking about? If anything Ashley copied Silent Hill 3's Heather.
re3 is better than 4.
are RE threads not cancerous yet?
She has massive fucking tear drop shaped breasts. Having big tits tips the scale if your face is only a 6 or you lack an ass as Ashley does. Her whole thing becomes about how much you want to gawp at her bouncing tits.
>lack an ass as Ashley does.
False. Leon confirmed she had a great ass in I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt quip.
I just canceled my preorder of RE3make because the review bombing on steam is gonna make the price drop hard and so you should
it'll be the price I paid in a few months
whereas I'm getting it at release for that price
Yeah, but she's got tits and pits.
And yet we can all see it's not the case. THIS was a fucking A S S. That's how it's fucking done.
RE2 dropped to 25 bucks in a pair or month or so, it's up to you user
Hmm, pretty sure you can't post a moment where we see those Ashley pits though. The most aesthetic pits ever got in RE was unironically Claire in REmake 2, they actually might be the best in vidya
Oh boy!
>best in vidya
What about Lightning's?
Equipped her with mouse ears.
Honestly that's probably not in game like Claire's are
I've never beaten any Resident Evil aside from 4. Which one should I get? I'm 32 and somehow overlooked the majority of this series.
Resident Evil 1 Remake.
At least she has identifiable facial features unlike most jap games where you can only tell people apart by their uniforms.
That pic is clearly a rat you fucking troglodyte
A few days ago I had also only played 4, i started remake 1 and beat it in two days, it was great, tank controls put me off of getting into it for the longest time but after an hour i was completely used to them.
Play through them in release order.
>That recent Ashley Hinca-P animation
It is REALLY hard for me to play classic Resident Evil because I hate leaving enemies alive, regardless of the game. This creates a problem because I always hear people recommending REmake 1 and 2.
There's already a dozen RE threads up moron.
>linking to a hate thread with copypasta OP
You only have to leave them alive temporarily until you get more ammo.
I just played REmake 1 and killed every single enemy in the game except one zombie i left as a crimsonhead since he gets stuck on a dresser and can't attack you.
Were you playing on normal?
easy because i picked the difficulty option that sounds like normal instead of the one that sounds like hard and didn't realize it until the ending that it's very easy/easy/normal.
Only used half the ammo the game gave me, never used knife, is there not enough in normal to do it even pulling out the knife at every opportunity?
Why do you idiots keep parroting this 20 year old meme? You don't have to leave any fucking enemy alive. I have never played a RE game where i did not blast my way through and i did it on every difficulty multiple times. Play REmake 1 and 2, kill everything you come across, you will have ammo to spare by the end.
Jesus this shit annoys me.
There's plenty, even on Normal. The rarity of ammo in RE1 is overstated. You can run out early if you try to kill every zombie you come across in the mansion when you first see them, but that's about it.
Lol, no. NuJill, nuClaire, and the entire female cast of RE7 are noticeably more goblinlike
I forgot about RE7. NuJill and NuClaire are more attractive than Gollum Graham
NuClaire can be fixed pretty well by mods
I feel her stress
It was good. RE4 keeps delivering the good shit.
meant for
why the fuck did they drop all their character models they were using in RE6 and the movies? The ones they had were perfectly fine. It's like they're trying to bury any trace of anything between RE3 and 7
RE4 has a phenomenal soundtrack that I think a lot of people fail to recognize.
They did the same for DMC5. Capcom lost a lot of talent, face scanning models is just an easier way to do it and they still get it wrong most of the time.
Yeah, and just like his Jill animation, now he's releasing scenes of Ashley getting fucked.
We don't deserve him. God bless him.
it's a copypasta thread about resident evil 3 remake specifically
it's also a complete garbage thread
>spic garbage
how low are your standards?
thats how a real man reload its gun
does this qualify as geddan?
Play them in release order. That includes REmake. Ignore anyone who says that REmake replaces 1. Play 1.
I like Ashley.
The abundance of defensive weapons is what defangs REmake more than anything imo
RE1 is incredibly generous with its resources. There's herbs and ammo everywhere. REmake adds crimson heads and a bunch of scripted encounters (e.g. zombies breaking through windows) so you expend more resources. Though honestly I'm not a fan of most of REmake's changes.
She's obviously supposed to be 16
When it comes to RE4, I'll take what I can get.
honestly now I wanna see if there's some way to get derpxion to make one
seems like the best way to get some quality re4 animations
>We will never get a comfy ending in which Ashley is forcefully impregnated by novistadors in their hive and serves as broodmother to a new generation
Feels bad