Resident Evil 3 Remake

>those '''''''''negatives''''''''''

I can't stand gaming journos

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This is the same site that listed "misogyny" as a negative for GTAV, what were you expecting?

what's wrong with it

What's the problem, too many words?

im not a re guy and i don't give a fuck about this game but those cons are hilarious, how the fuck does those things equal a 6/10 game?

Wasn't Mr. X also just for set pieces too

occasionally, but he will always be looking for you if you're inside the police station

>lack of presence for nemesis

That’s a good thing. Pursuer type invincible enemies are fucking garbage in any game they’re in.

RE2R had a better "nemesis" and atmosphere, RE3 had a better nemesis and atmosphere

>tonally off
>game's core

Nemesis is an iconic villain in video gaming history.
They did him a incredibly disservice by only having appear like 3 times in RE3 (2020) and he's a little pussy that can't do anything to you because of your dedicated dodge button.

>that first negative

>it's true

RE3 is objectively garbage tho, rushed unfinished cashgrab

He was a pussy bitch in the original too and a lot of people defend that game to this day.

to be fair they let an actual tranny do the GTAV review, I don't know what they were expecting

I agree the game probably isn't that great but can you retards stop saying it was rushed? It was developed over 4 fucking years, 3 of which were alongside RE2 remake.

4 years and they cut content from an already short game?

>moving goalposts

You can't make that assessment, you haven't played the game.

Why pay attention to them anyways? The only reason I know anything remotely recent going on with ign or any other shit site is because people on here love to drag garbage from the rest of the internet and drop it off on this board.

They did? how would you know?

It was rushed and dumbed down.
I bet the A team is working on re 8 while the B team did this shit.

Videogames are for retards, we're just trying to redpill people. You don't know what's going on.

you havent even played the original good god why do i even bother replying

But I've read reviews by people who did. You're the one making the assessment that reviewers are full of shit despite them having played the game.

But those negatives are that an action movie interrupts gameplay.
For once, the reviewers are correct.

And it's still the best selling entertainment product of all time. Game journos have zero influence. Actually they have negative influence because people will sometimes rally around a game that they hate for political reasons, like Kingdom Come. I can't think of a more cucked and useless profession.

>They did him a incredibly disservice by only having appear like 3 times in RE3 (2020) and he's a little pussy that can't do anything to you because of your dedicated dodge button.
like in the original then

>noooooo Capcom is VERY important to US gamers and if you don't buy it you aren a REAL gamer, like ME!

The A team is working on RE-REmake set to 2022, and the B is working on RE8 according to that leaker

>you havent even played the original
I replayed it last month. You can't comment on a game that isn't out yet, garbage boy.

Hey am I crazy or was it said that the Classic Costumes were unlocked normally after beating the game? I can't find anything else about them besides being a pre-order bonus.

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The negatives are descriptive of the original RE3.

i sure hope not since i only preordered the game because I wanted the classic costumes

>muh graphics
>muh story
>muh survival
>muh action
that doesn't sound good, sounds like it's too action packed, even for RE3
>muh nemesis
that's actually worrisome, MR X was the best part of REmake 2
was this game developed in japan? or did it get a western influence?

>caring about bonus when mods exists

>was this game developed in japan? or did it get a western influence?
Do you think japan is incapable of making shit games or what?

Can anyone pose an argument?
>not limiting the t-103 to the second campaign ruins the surprise
>no unique Birkin fights like the original, now both characters fight G1-3 in the same areas as before, and then Claire gets an exclusive G4 fight
>can't get all 4 keys as either character + use of keys reduced overall
>less optional areas
>Sewers are expanded and good puzzles are added, but the environments are less distinct than the originals and leads to a more drab area
>Lab is completely streamlined, less optional areas
>the overpowering darkness is good in some moments, but compared to the original it leaves the REmake looking washed out
>the story is surprisingly told far worse in the REmake, with the t-103's motivation being just about completely gone, as well as other things like the helicopter just being there and the player not knowing why
>the B scenario is completely neutered, where in the original replaying either character's B scenario would lead to a myriad of unique events and being able to explore areas not normally explorable (like Irons' office and dungeon in Leon B)
>In addition, story beats exclusive to different scenarios and even different characters are removed entirely, like Annette's moments
>Sherry will always get G-Embryos implanted, Ada will always fall off the railing
>Leon doesn't see Ada drop the rocket launcher
>music overall is far worse aside from the t-103 boss theme and G3 boss theme (which are just sampling things from the original), as well as HUNK's theme (which is more like a Mercs theme than the original HUNK theme)
>no EX Battle, which also means Chris Redfield doesn't appear in the game and Ada isn't playable beyond her little section
>files are made worse across the board unless they're direct copies of the originals
>you can no longer see Ada drop her gun after she falls, examine it, and read the line "It's Ada's gun. It's not loaded..." utterly ruining the true impact of the scene
I still like REmake 2

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I won't be buying the game at all... just want to know what Capcom is up to since the classic costumes were unlockable in RE2

RE1 Costume is unlockable.
RE3 costume is pre-order bonus.

True but consider the following:
>doors aren't loading screens

Those are fine. That person articulated clearly what they didn't like. Just because you disagree or take everything personally doesn't mean that person is wrong. There are far far far worse reviews out there.

>I won't be buying the game
Ofcourse you won't be piratefag. Was there ever any doubt

>combat isn't closely tied to survival horror
I love survival horror posers.

It's another "idiot doesn't know that 6/10 is above average" post. I bet you went to school in the United States.

How the fuck is that moving goalposts, you retard?

And I don't care.
The door loading screens add a sense of anticipation, because of how perfectly done everything is within the game. Perfect pacing, perfect music, perfect sounds. Everything is so well done that the 5 second load screen just adds to everything.
I played ClaireA/LeonB and LeonA/ClaireB + HUNK and EX Battle Lvl 1, and I didn't find the door load times annoying at all.
I'll admit that playing RE3 right now, the door load screens are annoying. Game isn't paced nearly as well, nor does the soundtrack compliment a lot of the game as well as RE2. Nemesis' music in particular is a tad on the bland side compared to what came before and what comes after.

Sounds like the original game wasnt very good

Still a 6/10 means he was a dishonest fuck and lied about the positives or didn't like the game.
The review is about the game and not his level of expectations.
Only shady scummy RETARDS work as game "journalists".

>its a 10/10 game buy my shit game
ok shill
you are a retard for paying attention to reviews anyway

Nope. Rentalfag.

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>RE-REmake with this Jill
keep it

>Shitty scripts and Nemesis being a pussy are not good criticisms
You are a massive faggot, OP. As usual.

shouldn't they do code veronica first? if any of these games needed to be fixed it's that one

nigger what?

The overall score it got was plenty enough for the product. Stop being butthurt

Nemesis was literally announced with a cutscene every time in the OG game. Reminder that idiot zoomers are the ones reviewing this game.


They make a point. The Nemesis was supposed to be this big baddie who cleans up Umbrellas mess of STARS survivors. Early in the original RE3, you see him carrying out his task when he kills Brad. This makes it clear that this thing is driven to kill you. Now though he's just "and now there's a big guy! haha! Run away from him!"
