FFVII remake spoilers
>Shit we already saw in January
>something hard
Why is she so perfect, bros?
And certain people whined Tifa's boobs aren't big enough. Dear god of lewdness, that pic really highlights just how ridiculously huge they still are (not that that was under question).
I need a consult, I see gross fanservice but is it possible it's just me?
>Tifa looks better
>Aerithfags & TifAutists falseflagging hard
It's like pottery, it rhymes
>leakershit on reddit hasn't posted anything worthwhile in over an hour
Hope someone stream this shit soon.
This reddit leaker is a fag
I'm literally shaking here.
>And certain people whined Tifa's boobs aren't big enough
And they aren't, dumb shill.
shut the fuck up anti-shill
>Corpsiefriends are seething yet again
what else is new?
That poster has to be trolling, right? That's dialog from the original game.
take your autism out of here
Are you kidding?? theyre massive, dude. like way bigger than her head. they should be at least half that size, incel
>big boobs are objectifying
Western civilization needs nuked.
it's about the text being on her tits I think?
Trophy list?
>Kill Paarthurnax
>iron ore
Sephiroth is overused and his design is not intimidating and disconcerting enough. Tifa is literally perfect except for the bra.
>Light pink nips
Tifa is anime
>Sexual innuendo in a scene between two characters that experience sexual tension
Sephiroth is a real man's man.
>theyre massive, dude. like way bigger than her head.
>they should be at least half that size, incel
Why shouldn't women with unusually large breasts get representation? Bigot. Hypermastia is a real thing and erasing it is very ableist.
there’s no sexual tension in that scene
She's anime of an asian woman. Aeris is white.
>bigger than her head
are you blind or retarded?
>Sexual innuendo in a scene between two characters
>that experience sexual tension
you failed english comprehension, yuroslav
replied to wrong dude
it is i who is retarded
The compilation direction has been all wrong for him. Not just the look, but the voice. In the original game, Sephiroth is extremely grandiose after his return. Half of his dialogue is delivering a sermon. You need a voice with tons of force of presence for that, not a monotone almost-whisper.
There is nothing grammatically incorrect in that post.
>Tifa Lockheart
She’s white. Cloud Strife is white.
Yuffie Kisaragi is asian.
Sephiroth’s a jew.
>text on her tits
>bitch is leaning over
>give me something HARD
>Iron blade
you should be laughing, it's fucking hilarious. Keep seething trannies
>dur how do sports bras work
Can you imagine 3d objects in your head in different conditions or are you a pre cro-magnon man?
>Something stiff
>Too horny
>Something strong
>Not horny enough
>Something hard
Cloud: White
Aeris: White
Tifa: Asian or Hapa
Yuffie: Pure asian
Sephiroth: Bogdanoff
Link the thread lad I want to laff
DO you get a way to stay at lvl1 and play it as a skill only action game?
Our goddess still winning the Cloudbowl
Are you sure? Because these people are pure autism but here you go
So we just going to pretend like the combat doesn’t feel like floaty bullshit?
Post Roach
get children piggu
Nah it's a problem. That followed by length followed by compilation shit are my primary concerns with the remake.
>floaty bullshit?
Well you can't even jump in 7re for one thing
Maybe because it feels really fucking good?
I pre-ordered it after the first fight against the two goons in the demo.
Shit's fun as fuck.
I wonder how many more will turn up
sounds like a you problem fellas
would care explain the "floaty" feeling, please
Something like this.
The problem is you can't even have real air combos in FF7 so i see no floaty problem
Because I can tell you didn't actually play the demo.
But it's not though.
>takes the black man’s job
>fucks the hapa
>loses the white girl to the jew
>not white
>Mom is blonde, blue eyes
Well either that or he's a central asian altaic guy. You don't tend to see blonde hair and blue eyes elsewhere.
Imagine dumb asses thinking you can spoil a fifty year old game!!!
Why does it feel like I can’t evade or block any of the spider robots attacks? How do I mitigate damage?
some attacks and unblockable and you jsut dont learn their patterns
>can't manually jump
doomposters can't even play the demo
roll is pure evade, no i-frames so dodge preemptively
He just doesn't look white.
>describing the combat as floaty when its 99% grounded
>air combos are insanely heavy, immediately grounded after a really short combo, only available in operator, has no hold variation
That's as white as the current artstyle can get, same with Aeris. Just like Tifa was as asian as the original art style could get.
you can block every single attack except for tail laser
i bet youre moving around the arena at an inch per minute and didnt read any tutorials
Holy crap, it's so close to Rebellion
>guys! I got all these TOP SECRET spoilers of a remake of a 20yo game!
>Had to do some data mining be I got em!
at least play the game guys. fuck
>what'll it be?
Seems like there are 54 trophies
60 year old game.
any upgrade material to fix your dodgeroll?
Oh right. Forgot about the PS -4 version.
theres already confirmed a lot of materia that change the dodge mechanic
is there dating?
Has the leakers said if the game is good or not?
What the fuck is that?
So digichads will unequivocally get the game first right? Barring shipments being delivered to people early. I preordered physical from gamestop, but if I can't pick it up until at earliest noon on April 10th, I might as well just go digital and play it at midnight.
So where are the fags who kept shitposting that Tifa got nerfed? Have you aplogized yet? Because those tits are glorious
deadly dodge
unless youre blind, roll is much better and deals damage
countering is still better
>Women can't have big tits in fiction anymore
How did things get this retarded bros?
They usually default to the few CG Tifa scenes the original game had, where her boobs inexplicably inflate compared to her battle model.
>roll is much better and deals damage
Not him but did I miss something crucial in the demo? Because I just used the roll mostly to close distances.