I'm playing Stardew Valley to cope cause I don't have a Switch for Animal Crossing

I'm playing Stardew Valley to cope cause I don't have a Switch for Animal Crossing.

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You're not missing too much, don't worry about it homie. At least SV has mods, yeah?
Personally recommend emulating Rune Factory 4 too.

honestly it is the better game. Unless we are talking graphics. Animal Crossing is beautiful. But Stardew Valley has more stuff to do.

animal crossing is barely a game at all
stardew valley is a MUCH better product and the only reason why you yourself might not be thinking this way is because it doesn't have any artificial allure caused by unattainability

When are you supposed to stop playing? I’ve got about 150 hours and I still have some more to go, achievements, late game items, whatever. What is the ideal endgame?


SV is unironically the better game. A much better game.

>What is the ideal endgame?
When you get bored.

I'd imagine a lot of people would feel like the game's "over" once you get the positive evaluation from your grandpa's ghost

you run out of stuff in year 3, y2 if it's your second playthrough, so that

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There's NTR on Stardew Valley though.

Stardew is just a mediocre Harvest Moon game for people too cool to play Japanese games.

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you arrest

I think you meant superior.
I grew up with HM. I should be heavily biased in favor of it, but I still think SV blows it out of the water.


Is there a mod to make him white? I don't have a problem with interracial couples as such, but I want a town of only whites.

hello faggot

Shit taste

Holy based.

Apparently HM is more of a handheld game anyway.

Rune factory 4 is the best one. Nice. Who do you marry anons?

Experiencing Stardew Valley should make Animal Crossing seem less appealing because its an inferior product.

I'm a bigger fan of rf2

God I wish that were me

Wich one?

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both shit

I 100 percented the community center in

SV is the better game anyway

I think there is actually
Did that user ever make a mod for 888% by the way? I still think about it every time I see Demetrius.

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Play AC on N64 emulator.
Play AC on NDS emulator.
Play AC on 3DS emulator.

Apples and Oranges, different games, but the only thing that Stardew Valley loses is in cuteness, but you have a lot of mods to fix that

>coombrain thinks dating makes it more complete

I want Alex and Sam to spitroast me while Shane cums on my face

Are you a girl?

I'm this guy
I'm having a blast with AC so far. Honestly they are different enough that direct comparisons are a bit difficult. Started Valley objectively has more content, and a greater potential for min-maxing depending on which aspects of the game appeal to you the most.
AC has 10/10 presentation which is a big plus for me, and the gentler pace of the game and the time gated content is keeping me coming back in regular intervals, whereas Statdew is something I binged in spurts. I see why people get frustrated at AC, New Horizons is my first AC though and I looked up the series to know what I was getting myself into.

t. anons who never played beyond Friends of Mineral Town.

Play Sunshine Islands and then come back and tell me SV is better.

or maybe i already played the old HMs and i wanted something similar but new retard


For once, Yas Forums was right and saved me from buying this

Check out Doraemon: Story of Seasons. HM game featuring Doraemon cast with heavy emphasis on story. Graphics are beautiful hand drawn style and music is spot on.

no romance no bueno

If your referring to George, he's not an "I am silly" strawman. He can change his mind and become accepting of you gay marrying his grandson.

Played the new Animal Crossing since it came out. I can definitely say without a shadow of a doubt that Stardew Valley is a better game in just about every way. They're not even really the same game though.

Friends of Mineral Town is getting a remaster. That was top tier HM.

What triggers me about stuff like this isn't the furries. It's that there are some many different species the town gene pool doesn't make sense.

FoMT and AWL are both top tier, but for different reasons. AWL just needed way more content.
SV is basically FoMT but better in nearly every way.

you're playing the better game then

A literal cuck.

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AWL was alright if you're playing HM strictly for the farming. A Tale of Two Towns was far better and is the superior HM game aside from FoMT

>annoying as fuck animalese voices that you can't turn off
>forced to listen to gibberish constantly while playing the game


>no animalese
>chill as fuck
>better music

AWL was for the atmosphere. It was peak comfy.

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skinner pls go

who doesn't make sense

Can't really compare it to Animal Crossing. It's more of a Harvest Moon/ Rune Factory clone, just much better.

>Apparently HM is more of a handheld anyway
>No. Play this handheld game and be proven wrong

Really nigga?

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Post your favorite portrait mod.

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Fuck Pierre. Fuck everyone who defends him. Mother fucker can't even teach his daughter not to eat crystals. Joja sucks but I'd give them all my money to ruin this guy's business

Oh, the handheld comment was so stupid, I didn't bother refuting it. But I replied to the post anyway, because it agreed with the other post.

I shouldn't have to explain how a game that got console releases all the up to the Wii isn't really a "handheld" game. Nor should I have to explain how fully featured handheld games can be.

Nothing wrong with his daughter liking to put hard things inside her mouth.

>his daughter

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Wait, for real?

>Every beloved game of the franchise is either a handheld or from consoles older than PS3
>Not a handheld game

I'm not saying it's not stupid, but it isn't a baseless opinion.

Is there a mod that makes the old man act like a real old man and say that you are a fagot and are going to die of AIDS or something?

There is literally nothing to do in animal crossing. You are playing a much better game

All the signs are in the game.

I can't believe /v\ zoomers are actually playing games with interracial sex in them now. What the fuck is wrong with you guys

Probably. There's a modder who made Linus into a pajeet crackhead and sounds right up his alley.

I still don't understand why I should give a fuck what other people do.

What is this arbitrary boundary you're setting at the PS3? It makes no sense. So all games before the PS3 are now handheld tier? I mean, I get that technology advances, so you can play old games on small devices. But in terms of game design and features, and what you can do, it's still a console experience.

Harvest Moon still has features and mechanics that Stardew Valley lacks.
And Stardew Valley can literally be played on your phone, Vita, and Switch.

fuck off back to Yas Forums

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