>"Cloud, that's not how I remember it"
There, the plot is solved five minutes after leaving Midgar.
"Cloud, that's not how I remember it"
Other urls found in this thread:
Tifa? That's not how I remember you
She knew since she met up with Cloud in Midgar that he was fucked and unstable, which was why she was so desperate to keep him around. It was kinda the entire point, she knew his story wasn't accurate but didn't want him to go off the rails by contradicting him.
>If Cloud knew his memory was faulty there'd be no problems!!
Too bad Cloud straight up admits he can't remember what happened between him and Sephiroth in the reactor at Nibelheim at the end of his flashback story. All of it is a contrivance to advance the story/plot while not giving away the big reveal.
boobs not big enough
Imagine knowing a dude who has the power to wreck your entire town in a psychotic break if you tell him his memories aren't real. He believes in them so strongly she starts doubting her own recollection of events because she never saw Cloud return to Nibelheim. She especially had no idea what happened after Sephiroth slashed her
I don't know how she planned on fixing his brain problems but she was in it for the long haul (was willing to take care of him even after he became a vegetable).
>"Why doesn't she just outright contradict the fragile memory of a man clearly suffering from a form of PTSD and further? This writing is stupid."
Psych 101 man. You don't just contradict someone like that. You have to work with them and help them through it, but it's not like Tifa knew how and/or had the time to do that with him what with Shinra and all the other chaos.
I mean anons think if you see your wife sit up in bed and stare blankly into the dark at night you just tell her "Nothing is there, seriously, it's in your head"
like that will help the night terrors. Idiot.
Dude is cracked and she loves him and doesn't want him to shatter. I don't get why people find this very, very simple psychology so hard to comprehend.
This. FF7s plot points are disjointed as fuck but there's a scene in disc 3 showing Tifa finding mako-poisoned Cloud rolling around in a pile of trash outside a train stop in Midgar. Drooling and barely able to form a coherent sentence.
It wasn't until he saw Tifa that he became lucid and hastily put together his backstory but his mushed-up brain was too fucked to differentiate his fantasy from reality.
Tifa knew from the get-go something was seriously wrong but she didn't want him to leave and hurt himself so she humored it, albeit for way too fucking long.
Has no-one here actually played Crisis Core or what?
Don't worry, you're never leaving midgar.
ive been replaying the original and tifa felt very real. didnt really like cloud in her youth but grew into him. took him with her when he got dumped in midgar. stayed with him when he vegetable'd. top quality waifu.
No I haven’t, when will square put it on modern platforms
Is playing it on PPSSPP at 60 fps consistently not enough?
Classic Cloud
>Dear guys I rejected in high school: I'm 35 and I'm ready to be with you now
I think it was less Tifa having a crush on Cloud and more Tifa latching on to the last shred of her past that wasn't dead. There are parts of Cloud that Tifa would really, really come to like and I can buy that it may have blossomed into love by the end but until you reach the Northern Crater Tifa is a little perturbed at Cloud even as she follows him. Even at Cosmo Canyon she mentions that it feels like her Cloud is far away and even entertains the idea that this Cloud may be an imposter. Which gives credence to Sephiroth's claim that Cloud may be a Jenova clone and that the real Cloud died a long time ago
To be fair Cloud did it to himself. During childhood Cloud was one of those SO MATURE autists that thought he was above the local kids while also wishing they'd invite him to hang out with them. So there's a reason why the kids at Nibelheim wanted nothing to do with him and why he hid in shame when he went to Midgar and got humbled
>Caring at all about that retcon piece of shit
I just got sick. God please delay my death until after i play this game tyvm amen
Tifa didn’t even trust her memories. She was knocked out remember?
No, the plot wouldn't be solved you fucking brainlet. Cloud would just go insane earlier in the game. Also even if you what are saying were true, there is no problem in a character making mistakes in a narrative. Tifa hiding her feelings is on par with her character.
Eh sort of. Initially she distrusted her own memory but by the time you reach Gongaga she knows Cloud's account of Nibelheim is wrong. Because the existence of Zack Fair makes Cloud's entire story fall apart instantly. At that point she's more monitoring him and trying to keep him stable
I don't remember so clearly now, what did it exactly retcon? I thought it was Zack's perspective and that was it
Going strictly off of memory?
Angeal and Genesis don't exist. You could say that CC is showing things we couldn't know about in 7 but CC also says it was Genesis that pushed Sephiroth over the edge into insanity rather than Sephiroth just falling apart on his own
Aeris might have been the most morally good character in the cast but she was still a person who knew the world around her. In CC she's a virtuous maiden that's so pure she's afraid of the sky because she never sees it because of the plate
So is there an actual goddess Minerva skulking the planets caves or was the Planet just fucking with Genesis?
Zack is ambushed by a few infantrymen in 7 and dies like a dog right at the finish line. It's hard hitting because we know Zack didn't deserve what he got. In CC Zack makes a glorious stand against a full battalion of helicopters and soldiers only dying after he reduced them to 3.
Oh I forgot the fucking wing. So in FF7 you don't see Sephiroth floating around with the one black wing throughout the game. He only gains his wings during the Safer Sephiroth fight as an indicator that he's absorbed enough knowledge and power from the Lifestream to approach godhood. The one black wing was added to Sephiroth's design in Kingdom Hearts as a reference to that along with his theme song One Winged Angel. But CC makes the fucking wing from KINGDOM HEARTS canonical to 7. It says that it's an indicator that someone is hosting Jenova's cells and that's why Angeal and Genesis have it. That's right shitlords. Fucking Genesis beat Sephiroth to the wing by 5 years and Sephiroth is now the cheap knock off.
>Cloud breaks down becoming a shell, a puppet of Sephiroth who mindlessly retrieves the Black Materia for Sephiroth only he is now powerless to stop him
Yeah, plot solved!
It is literally illegal for it to be canon because of Gackt.
LOL no
From what I'm reading in this thread, I'm glad I never did. Let me have my sweetheart Tifa, my dork Cloud and my victim of the circumstances Sephiroth. The world of FF7 was already perfect enough, there was absolutely no reason to try to "expand" the plot with unnecessary bullshit.
Doesn't she start doubting her own memories when Cloud tells the story? She had no idea that Cloud was actually there and got confused about how he knew so much.
The thing is I was really excited about CC at first. I thought it was going to be about the war with Wutai that was mentioned in 7. The last culture to fall before Shinra had taken over the entire world. Instead we got Genesis.
For those who don't know let me explain Genesis. When Shinra created Sephiroth they decided that they wanted more of him. Rather than just go to the guy who made Sephiroth they went to rival scientist Hollander. So Genesis is frustrated because he's aware that he's a discount Sephiroth made by a discount Hojo and desperately wants to surpass him. Here's a thing: because a discount Hojo made him he fucked it up and now Genesis is falling apart, leukemia style. But Genesis has the power to force his dna into other people turning them into Genesis clones that will also die. So he starts turning a bunch of civilians into copies of himself hoping one of them will stumble onto "the gift of the goddess." Yeah he's convinced himself that his entire life is a reenactment of this astoundingly bad poem and that if he can find the gift of the goddess he'll be healed. Turns out the gift of the goddess was just a big ass materia hidden underground. He heals himself and Zack beats him anyway. He gets trolled by the planet and falls down a hole only to be seen again in a secret cutscene for Dirge of Cerberus in a sequel that will never happen.
She doubts them during Cloud's initial retelling. She wasn't sure whether she remembered wrong or not. By Gongaga she's actively denying she ever met a Zack Fair in her life even though Zack agrees with her account of what happened. By the Northern Crater Tifa is actively lying to support Cloud's delusions and tells him to just not think until Mideel where Tifa admits that she lied to try and protect Cloud, fearing he'd fall apart if she told him the truth
Cloud loves Aeris
Yeah he starts accidentally gaslighting her and, despite her outward appearance (which is an intentional ploy to make you not consider this possibility) she's too timid to question and check the truth.
can someone draw a captain falcon + samus aran version of this?
Bonfires are funny, aren't they?
They make you remember all sorts of things.
You know, Cloud. 5 Years ago...
......It's nothing.
No, forget. I'm afraid to ask...
What is it...?
It feels like... it feels like you're going far away...
You really, really are...... you... right?
You know when I first played this game this dialogue makes no sense but you can really hear Tifa being conflicted about Cloud at this point
This. Also Tifa is a horrible person.
are there more variations of this image?
Part of Aeris' purpose, beyond her own story, is the direct comparison to Tifa- to subtly imply to the player that a confident, attractive girl can be forward and ask questions in this world. Tifa actively contradicts that, but her outward appearance and the fake persona she puts on supports this theory so you never predict the reveal. Although seemingly unrelated, Aeris' actions and appearance act as a way to mask Tifa's true self, and Yuffie only further supports this. You have to seriously analyse Tifa's questioning moments to actually understand her- the critical fact that her true self is heavily masked by the majority of what you see of her is deeply hidden from the player.
Titfa lol
I can't believe how much shit I missed when I was younger.
Playing PMD DX right now, and there's a point right before the final dungeon where Gengar says Huh, turns out you're also human, huh? and I thought the "also" was about "as well as strong", rather than what it so obviously means.
Tifa and Aeris are two starkly different responses to what Cloud needs. Aeris's fun and flirtatious personality are what gets Cloud out of his shell and could have potentially allowed him to move forward. Tifa on the other hand is Cloud's anchor. When Sephiroth is telling Cloud that he's a clone Tifa is the one who is right there saying "no because I know who you really are." As long as Tifa is there Sephiroth can't touch Cloud. Cloud really needed both throughout his adventure
Why did Shinra, the wealthiest megacorp in the word, go all the way to Rocket Town to get the Tiny Bronco when they already have an entire armada of ships and planes?
Because a rocket is a very different thing to a plane.
Tiny Bronco was faster than any of his helicopters, surely, and the airship was apparently in maintenance.
Yet they wasted time travelling to Rocket Town.
Tifa is a wack
Tifa in nutshell
>let me use Cloud to join AVALANCHE and destroy Shinra.
> pushes Cloud to save the planet.
> In the lifestream, I only care about Cloud even though I spent most of my time ignoring him.
> oh shit saving the world is more important.
Wtf is wrong with her??
LOL your top quality waifu tried to commit suicide at the age of eight, plus dragging Cloud along.
>cloud leaves party
>meet Sephiroth
>"A touching reunion, Kuraudo"
Nice plot faggit
Those beta orbiters including Cloud followed her by their own.
CC cements their relationship though.
Ignore whole GacktxSephiroth thing
She was also somewhat afraid because some details about his story were clearly right but he wouldn't know that unless he had been there at the time which just confuses the fuck out of her.
What so confusing about it
I thought it was explained later?
If only there was a scene in the game that actually covers this.
he certainly loves shining her boots
>Cloud beating the living shit out of Aeris
I wonder how will they depict this in the remake
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