So whats the Yas Forumserdict?

So whats the Yas Forumserdict?

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Main story is 15 hours but how long to complete all side content?

Who cares? Form your own opinions, sheep.

boring and missing a ton of characters

The series has been shit since franky joined that only a double digit iq, coomer and or teenager could enjoy

Excellent. Missing some characters but my girl Tashigi is in so im good. Feels better than 3 to me. I didn't like how Robin felt in 3 but her newer moveset flows alot better

I mean, it's muso. Most people won't be able to tolerate the gameplay more than a minute or two. Retards might enjoy it.

Are there any skills to make healing items more frequent or health regen? The last mission in the treasure log is fucking bullshit.

disappointing, i liked 3 better
dunno if i can bring myself to finish this one

Still fun but clearly didn't have much of a budget or dev time.

>being this wrong
Wow dude let me get you some therapy

I wanna say doctor's wisdom on Chopper's map?

High QoL and probably the most "polished" warriors game, but there's no denying there's cut content and it's clear to everyone they're re-selling you old characters in the pass. Overall it's worth the base price I'd say, but I wouldn't get the character pass.

Someone's map has a skill that heals you while you're in full burst mode
I forget who

Law's, don't forget you can check the maps at any time from the pause menu and switch characters with square.

Treasure Log has a fuckton of episodes.
I keep going throught it and more of them just keep popping up it never ends.

It's all the same shit, shounen is for kids

>Chopper doesn't use heavy point
Shit game, I want to demolish things in samsquanch mode not look like a spastic garbage can.

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I can't believe they made 4 versions of this musou trash. What happened to the likes of Unlimited Adventure? Where one boss could take out your entire party like it was nothing?

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It became Unlimited World R and died.

Akainu has some broken aoe attacks.

Was it good?

Chopper is the "toy" character, forced to be "cute" as to sell merch to kids. he will never be taken seriously again and it's a fucking crime that Oda let the people behind him make that change.

it was ok

>Start game
>blackscreen for 10 minutes 8001 driver error
>update drivers
>change compatibility on exe file as people say
>blackscreen for 10 minutes 8001 driver error
>Start game
>blackscreen for 10 minutes 8001 driver error

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don't wanna play all the fucking story over again, just gonna wait for a full save so i can play my fav characters

Meh, a severe downgrade from Adventure and Cruise.

But he uses it pretty often in the manga? Koei was just shit here.

>Way too many cuts that they are trying to sell back as dlc
>Nice new mechanics like giants, transformations and air combos but are mostly still need a ton of polish
>Looks great from a distance but these models in cutscenes are horrid and there's way too much a lack of effort on these. I know Shiryu wasn't in the plan to make playable, but couldn't they at least model a couple of BB pirates and have them pose for a bit just so the entire crew isn't just Zehahah and Wehehe?
>Major improvement on map design, unquestionably the best part of the game
All in all, at this point I'm just waiting for the PW game that will come after the manga is finished that has all these mechanics fully realized and combines all these assets made along these years into a single mega One Piece game.

>All in all, at this point I'm just waiting for the PW game that will come after the manga is finished that has all these mechanics fully realized and combines all these assets made along these years into a single mega One Piece game.

Will never happen. Only way we could feasibly get a muso game that covers all the arcs would be if they completely cut out the treasure log and 100% focused on the campaign, since there would be 100+ missions. Also you know they won't actually do that anyway. Look at Naruto, I'm still waiting for a game that covers every naruto arc.

Progression system could better handled, as in a total casual can actually reach Enies Lobby without attaining Gear 2 abilties because the Progression Map is totally non-linear.

Yeah if they make a perfect and complete game then they won't be able to sell another one.
That being said, at this point they have assets for every arc. It's literally a matter of very cheaply copy-pasting stuff and actually gluing it together to market it as the entire story for ultra profit. It's still something they will likely do at some point.

You can't unlock gear 2 before EL, a lot of special moves are story locked by those gold coins.


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Ambitious and lazy at the same time, I don't understand how they got Zoro and Nami's actual early series' outfits this time around, but for some reason sticks with them all the way u till the timeskip, despite the fact Zoro used the damn yellow jacket that he had in Enies Lobby in the previous 3 titles.

The sexiest.

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Best PW by far, most(!) people disagreeing or calling it trash are just seething poorfags or eternal musou hater

It's pretty fun
I'm enjoying the combat a lot more than PW3.

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Does anyone know what coin I need for this?

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That covers everyone on this board

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Also Whitebeard is fucking massive.

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Whitebeard is a manlet.

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It's pretty decent. The combat is great, but unfortunately almost everything else is lacking. I'm really hoping they keep this combat system but expand and pretty much do everything else better in the next one. The story mode is janky with it's presentation and the Treasure log is okay for some what-if scenarios. I honestly would just go back to 3 but the combat is so much better in 4, you're not just nuking the screen with super moves and kizuna finishers.

I should also note I've been reading One Piece since Viz started bringing it over so I may be a bit biased towards it.

does the system difficulty affect treasure log? i just want to grind for rare silver coins and jack and drake gold coins

Hopefully they expand some character's combo trees. A bunch are just worthless in the air and some have weirdly small ground combos on top of that.

I jist wanna play Sanji

how do i power up shank's sword?

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My only PC is a laptop toaster. Should I get Warriors 4 on PS4 or Switch

you definitely don't want the switch verson

Same. PW3 had much better stages too. I mean i appreciate they went out of their way to not just make corridor boxes, but holy hell some maps are so fucking awful to navigate you just end up running around half the time and running into dead ends and shit. Also feels like most of the characters have less variety combos than PW3. All the giant characters are really fucking boring after the playing a few maps since they lack any sort of variety in their combos.
And lastly, i wasn't a big fan of the aerial attacks in PW3, since it's so easy to lose target and camera spazzing out left and right, and in PW4 they doubled down on that.
Overall i enjoyed PW3 much more.

Both run pretty bad, but the PS4 version runs a bit better.

yea really about the maps
especially enies lobby
whose fucking idea was it to add multiple floors.
even one extra floor is too many and it has like 4
plus the map for half of it is hidden for some reason until you actually walk into it
i shouldn't ever have to spend energy navigating the map in a goddamn musou game

Dressrosa arc anime wasnt too bad except for the when the story was based off of luffy and the Colosseum or his fight with Bellemy

Luffy having 3 Full Burst forms sounds found in concept, but in practice his Gear Fourth forms feel like trying t swat a fly with your hands.

I'm having fun with it, but it certainly has it's share of flaws. There's some things I really like and others that feel kind of half-assed. For every good thing there's a downside that drags it down a bit.

>Combat feels a lot more fluid than 3 once you get used to the aerial stuff. Combo potential is also a lot better thanks to being able to throw in specials at any time instead of just standard finishers
>Except there are some characters that don't seem to have been designed around it and are awkward to play as a result

>They said they cut certain arcs in order to better focus on the ones that are in, but there's still a lot missing in terms of NPCs and story events
>Maps are bigger and feel a lot better designed though as well as being more interesting to navigate

>Cutting old characters and selling them back as DLC while only adding 2 actual brand new characters
>The new characters that were added are pretty unique and fun to play for the most part, and most of the returning ones got something new and decently different from their previous iterations instead of just being copypasted

>A lot of little QoL changes so unlocking some things aren't as tedious as they were in 3

It's not a straight upgrade to 3, but I don't think it's an objective downgrade either. It just does some things differently. Overall the game feels a lot more fun to play, but that may just be because the characters I like to use ended up better off. I've heard some characters from 3 don't feel as good as they did there. If you're on the fence I'd wait for a price drop unless you're really itching for a new musou.

It's a musou game alright

It's good

I just realized the girls are not censored in the PS4 version. Guess Sony wouldn't want to mess with the best selling manga in the world.

I dont even get the driver error, i literally have to either wait for task master to open up or hard shutdown.

>most interesting moveset in every game
>shit tier in every game
>cut her completely instead of making her decent

Fuck you Koei.

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You, brainlet: muh pc masterace can't even play the game.

Me, chad: silky smooth 32 FPS on switch