So whats the Yas Forumserdict?

So whats the Yas Forumserdict?

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Main story is 15 hours but how long to complete all side content?

Who cares? Form your own opinions, sheep.

boring and missing a ton of characters

The series has been shit since franky joined that only a double digit iq, coomer and or teenager could enjoy

Excellent. Missing some characters but my girl Tashigi is in so im good. Feels better than 3 to me. I didn't like how Robin felt in 3 but her newer moveset flows alot better

I mean, it's muso. Most people won't be able to tolerate the gameplay more than a minute or two. Retards might enjoy it.

Are there any skills to make healing items more frequent or health regen? The last mission in the treasure log is fucking bullshit.

disappointing, i liked 3 better
dunno if i can bring myself to finish this one

Still fun but clearly didn't have much of a budget or dev time.