ITT: we discuss a fictional game that doesn't exist

>why yes I did recruit Harry Gary instead of killing him! How could you tell?

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I really like how the ended the series, Kain reset the wheel and as finally able to rest. I wonder if they will do another sequel with Raziel’s reincarnation.

>be the man behind it all
>prepare plans for a new world
>kill millions
>estabilish the shadow over europe
>implement supertotalitarianism
>this faggot twink just comes in and ruins everything

The crocodile is broken as fuck

>rip off bloodborne
>throw it into a pirate setting
How the fuck did they get away with it

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Reminder that if you don't use crossbows and ranged weapons, you are legit locked out of half of the game's content
There's a whole tech tree opened up by leveling Ranged, and it actually changes the story greatly
You end up fighting with fuckin lightsabers and beam weapons

fuck off, the stranding genre existed before bloodborne

Nice thumbnail retard, go back to Yas Forums

Man, Dark Dreams Don't Die was amazing. Episode 3 is what it is, but fucking hell does it redeem itself later.

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Real Nigga is my favorite npc

>It was never really about the chairman, was it?
>It was about us, all along

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s-stop. dont remind me on how amazing that game would have been

I really liked that video by *YOUTUBER when he was it he could beat the game with melee weapons only!

For me is Emerald Queen Janet

Shut up origins was awesome.

>implying the chairman was ever in the wrong
>implying the populus didn't need a super-dictator to fix the corrupt masses

Please tell me someone has lewds of Emerald Queen Janet

>Tfw you wanna enjoy and shill the vidya, but it's still in kickstarter limbo

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>why yes, I did choose to kill Harrison at the end.

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FUCK Jared

Guise i accidently killed the cleric, is he important later on?
Blease resbond

>mandatory cavity searches to go to the grocery store
I don't care that Killian said he wouldn't mind that, he's a buttslut anyway

nah he just gets you into a side room with an alternate way to a boss but it's less fun than just fighting through

ur good bro. just sit around and wait for another cleric to show up, and rob him blind

>washed up used goods Queen Janet
>not princess sapphire
not prince(ess) Cobalt

>another naked event at gamestop
The devs are faggot masochists. I just want the download code for the additional weapons and armor I dont need to show the gamestop staff my fucking cock

Pedos get out

>go to fucking gamestop
>its penis inspection day
god fucking dammit, dude. i just want to buy a game.

>final fight with ourguy
>THAT theme kicks in

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Post yfw __________

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Making health points and mana the same resource was a bit of a bold move.

>He didn’t choose Mono as their love interest
Explain to me why you have shit taste

>they announed ourguy dlc camaping
Feels good man.

>implying 'chad-killian the man with millions' is gay
>implying the searches didn't decrease crime

>Grind 7 hours in the pyramids
>Get locked out of timed boss fight
>Have to restart or never get the mommy mummy partner
Why live?

>why yes, I did kill the chairman and take his position to take all the money in the empire so I could become the richest man in the world. How could you tell?

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>you can get the Negroslayer Axe at the very beggining
I'm sure not the one who missed it, r-right?

you did play the chapter where you get shrunk down and eaten by her to get rid of the poison? and you still fawn over someone who was a literal dungeon and has orange goblins living in her?

LMAO YOU MISSED THE NEGROSLAYER? holy fuck just restart

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That only comes in handy in the Chicago level and you can easily skip it

>the only companion I'm interested in is located in Chicago

>implying the chairman was ever in the wrong
Well, he was a nigger...

>he wouldn't fuck the entire royal family
Imagine being this much of a faggot

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No I didn’t waste my time with that, I just got the secret anti-poison from victor’s stash

>he wants the black guy whose only use is to open a single door at the final level

This game finally proved that Kojima is not a hack.

B-but that is the only to the secret boss

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>hurr durr his long range bonus is useless
how to tell you get your opinions from memes and ecelebs

Kojima died 2 years ago because of coronavirus.

Junji Ito is carrying Kojima's legacy as game dev user, it's time to let go.

>he doesnt know about kojimas planned comeback
guys trust me, hes just playing 5d chess with us. hes not dead

>kill the shadow horseman
>get his sword
>go to the thieves canyon
>murder a group of assassins
>tfw i have a skeleton army now
The bad side is that i can't proceed with the exiled knight questline anymore but fuck it this sword is fun as fuck. Also where the fuck do i get the ancient mechanism so i can start the clockwork questline? I flew to their island with a griffin i tamed but they attacked me.

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post yfw the lyrics kicks in

If you want a long-range bonus just hire Jacob lmao, his stats are better plus he makes it 10x easier to get the genesis ending

>arrive at second village in chapter 4
>they wont let me in because my character is black
are they /ourguys/?

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>mining is kino
>Varith and base building is aesthetic
>Kal'Reif is a kike
>Hale is based
>Psionic Storms are scary as fuck
>Fuck Flayer Beasts
>Fuck Hallow Ghouls
>I wanna fuck the ayylamo traders

When is the next free update coming to Lone Survivor bros?

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Suna did everything wrong, I mean seriously, when Jeremy died, that was a line crossed
How do you faggots keep defending this bitch?

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Jeremy was a necessary sacrifice dude
He had to die to convince the shadow council that Suna was on their side
Did you even pay attention to the log entries?

>forced to only be able to play as the useless waifu comic relief mascot character for a whole chapter before getting your party and items back

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It's shit.

>mfw consolefags are coping with the fact that the pc gets the best version of this game
>b-b-b-but you're eating our s-scraps!
it was scraps because of your shit console, a true beast machine can run this game in framerates you wouldn't believe

also Suna is really cute

fuck you, Suna is cute

post your characters

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The human eye can't tell the difference past 240 fps, dude


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This just says "pretend I posted porn under the spoiler"

Anyone else having problems with the things that live in the basement?
I managed to dodge the bed beast and I'm currently kiting Grey Mary. I've even managed to trade in the bully, Melvin?, for a reprieve from the Lady of Dark Water (I know, I know, he'll come back later but I was low on Salt tokens when she caught up with me during a swimming class)
But the things in the basement always wreck my shit, somehow in my run the Stranger with Van has managed to get infected with them and now he can telewarp into the basement while the family is asleep.
Shit's fucked and I can't even bail since I'm doing a sister survives run and no way I'm letting Becky down.
This time at least.

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Did anyone else hate the 3rd Parasite Eve game?

How the fuck to beat the Trent boss? I try to set it on fire but the spirit of rain keeps causing storms whenever I do it.

>do the carrot exploit
>fuck it, let's get to the end of the game anyway
>final boss mentions the carrots
How did the devs know?

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Was it really necessary for them to add a sex scene between a horse and a little girl? I mean what does that add to the story?

>revealed in chapter 7 they work for black bandits

Fuck you, nigger. I haven't finished it yet.

How come everyone on Yas Forums bashed Edelgard's actions in FE3H but is now suddenly giving Katrina and Jamison a pass in this game? Convince me that their plotlines are not literally the same

Suna deserved to fucking die user, Jeremy was a bro and she fucking killed him

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How the fuck do you bear Dracharon after he uses the magic Jesus sword to absorb yog sothoth?