Wonderful 101

Switch, PS4, or PC?

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when is the actual game releasing, i thought it was april?

in the survey they're asking for address and full name even tho i backed for a digital copy, weird

Wii U.

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Tecent collection plate.

Why haven't I received the survey yet?

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check spam? my kickstarter mails get filtered
why are they sending yakuza to my apartment

Switch. It's a Nintendo game and it should remain like one

Wii u

Physical Switch and digital PC chad here

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when do i get to choose what version i want? also when the fuck are they going to show the back cover?
it says may in the survey, it probably got delayed because of coronavirus

Fuck you. I love platinum. But I didn't buy a Wii U just for this game and I won't buy a switch for it either.

reporting in

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PC Digital
Switch Physical

You'll get a survey to choose what version. They said within a week on the 25th, so it should be within the next two days. Also the release date for the general public is in May, the last we heard was that backers get it in April. It's a very real possibility that the corona has delayed things, but as of now it's still April.

PS4 when it's $10 or given away for free on PS Now or PS Plus. Only a retard would buy it from a jew site like Kickstarter

I got my survey email today, check your inbox/junk mail.

i did get a survey and it just asked me what my address was, is there supposed to be another one?

I'll never understand retards who bought a multiplat on anything other than PC, especially if they buy the Switch version which is the worst version. The only reason I could think is they are poorfags who couldn't afford a gaming PC.

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I have to know too. I submitted already, but it didn't ask me which version I wanted.

or you know people who don't give much tough to it, not everyone is looking for the best performance to play the videogame

>Switch, PS4, or PC?
Wii U like it was intended.

I want a physical version with the special kickstarter art

I got it on PC.
I already own the physical Wii U version so I didn't feel like getting a second physical one.

Switch. If I want to play it on PC, I'll pirate it.

>that guy who will never get to play 101 in bed for maximum comfy because he needed the resolution to be 3 pixels bigger

did you guys scroll all the way down? i'm doing the survey right now and it asked me which platforms i want my digital and physical copies for individually

I'm doing it right now, I just got the physical version and it says nothing about what version I want.

the only thing in the survey it asks me that isn't shipping information is what name i want on the platinum website

Bitch you know it.

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sounds like they might have fucked up the individual ones or something cause i got the double physical pack and it was right at the bottom.

PS4 is the leading platform for the re-release so I'm going to be getting it on that.

Does anyone even know what the physical PC version will look like?

yeah it says the survey is closed and i can't edit it now so they might have sent the wrong one

They're saying covid is stalling physical production but the digital release isn't set back right?

Well shit. I just put it in the delivery details and hoped for the best.

it's nowhere in mine, at all.
normal physical

My survey asked for my name, address and which platform I wanted it on.

an empty box

Goddammit this isn't fair.

PC because you can choose any controller you want to use and it's probably gonna look/perform the best.

Yeah, I just put that I want the Switch version in the delivery instructions. Hope that works.

>PS4 is the leading platform when Switch was the initial goal and even PC was an earlier stretch goal than PS4

You can still make changes if you log in to Kickstarter.

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>"I love platinum"
>Doesn't own Nintendo consoles

Something doesn't mix up, chief.
Nintendo is the only publisher that allows PG to create the games they want to create.

Switch my dude
Also, what's Kickstarter's policy for changing addresses? Should I just send it to someone who ain't moving just in case?

Weird. It lets me log in to change the shipping address and such.

physical on switch with keychain. pumped as shit, hope the virus doesn't delay it too long.

I have a Wii U and a switch, I imagine the release of this on switch will tank the price of the wiiU version so I’ll probably get it on Wii U

I'm with these guys.

It lets you do it for the first 10 minutes but then it closes.

>PS4 is the leading platform for the re-release so I'm going to be getting it on that.

Out of the various W101R polls made on Yas Forums, PS4 has always made up about 5% of them.


I just did it on the kikestarter site itself. Didn't even know you could do that until now.

I can access it from my gmail and it allows me to edit as many times as I want.

There's no Play like Playstation.

do you have the survey that lets you pick what version you want?


Im sure they will notice they have a bunch of responses with no version on it and send another survey thing out?

Also I thought the Switch version was the noly one ready for May, and PS4 was later in the year?

>Also I thought the Switch version was the noly one ready for May, and PS4 was later in the year?
Never heard this before, what's your source?

It won't feel right on PS4. This kind of game was made for cinematic 540p 30fps, just like you'll get on Pretendo Shitch. This is what SOUL feels like

How would this play without a touch screen? Worse or better than the original?

Better. It was better without touch in the Wii U and it's better now. Stop asking.

>Should I just send it to someone who ain't moving just in case?
Just do that to be safe

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