Make the worst fighter pass ever

That's the challenge. Make the worst pass ever. I'll share my worst pass

>Rex and Pyra
>Sword and Shield Shillmon
>Ring Fit

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imagine being so upset that nintendo adds a nintendo character to a nintendo game

>Arms-Spring man, most boring pick
>Fire emblem rep
>Sword and shield pokemon, but a really lame one. Dont ask me which I didnt play that shit game but whatever the hardest shilled, worst looking design. Boring moveset.
>Dixie Kong (not an echo)
>The bird from BOTW
>King boo
Note: I would love all picks of this pack to be first party. But Nintendo is gonna make some shit picks I'm sure.

>Nintendo adding a Nintendo character on a Nintendo game
Wow who would have taught

Yeah, but it's a terrible Nintendo character. That's the issue.

It's especially funny when you look at how many people wanted Sylux and Porky back before Joker got announced. Rosterfags literally have no idea what they want and cry about it anyways.

is there any reason that its terrible or is it just a case of "its not the character I wanted therefore its shit"

>Whats wrong with Nintendo half assedly trying to revive ARMS after abyssmal sales despite being an early title, shitloads of marketing, joycons released alongside it, a couple of free network test demos, and content updates heavily advertised in Nintendo directs
>Whats wrong with a shit game being pushed hard by Nintendo to the point they're trying to inject life into it by putting a character into fucking Smash despite there being no reason to over the massive, massive catalogue of extremely influential Nintendo characters over the last 35 years that rightfully deserve a spot for their contribution to gaming over a shitty fighting game propped up by smoke and mirrors

>Make the worst pass ever

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i love all the seething this is causing. unlike byleth the ARMS characters are interesting and have great designs, fuck smashies. only way this would disappoint me is if they do go for springman but i doubt it

>using the "2 million sales is abysmal" meme
>arguing about sales at all when half of the roster got in over less
>calling a game shit without having played it

Splatoon, a new IP on Wii U, fucking Wii U sold leagues more than 2 mil. ARMS should've sold way better if it had any merit.
It's not just about sales, it's about merit. ARMS sucks. I've played it. I pirated it and tried getting into it cause my friend wanted me to play it with him. I've never played a clunkier game. Not just the controls but the entire concept of it, the entire underlying design of it is fucked. It's not a competent fighter, it's not a competent game at all. Even if you use button controls they had to patch in later on to make actually usable, it's still hardly playable, and not fun in the slightest.

>2 mil sales for a new ip is bad
>can't see that they are obviously using it to advertise an upcoming arms 2
It did great for a new nintendo ip and has some fun character designs, I like everything about the game other than the actual gameplay.
>massive, massive catalogue of extremely influential Nintendo characters over the last 35 years that rightfully deserve a spot for their contribution to gaming
Name literally one that isn't already in the game

>Make the worst fighter pass ever

Banjo Kazooie
Literally who terry

I win

I didn't want him but honestly I also don't really mind either.

It's still infinitely more interesting then Byleth.

Button controls were always an option you sperg. Way to out yourself as a retard. Splatoon anomaly in it’s own right but that doesn’t invalidate Arms selling 2mil.

Why do so many smashfags obsess over who gets added instead of whether or not the character will be good/fun?

Splatoon was an outlier as far as new IPs go and shouldn't be used as a standard, especially when ARMS still performed extremely well compared to a lot of Nintendo's other original IPs.
And no, just because you didn't enjoy it doesn't make it a goddawful game that doesn't deserve any representation. There's plenty of games in Smash I didn't like (including ARMs, even), but I don't whine about it like a child because I understand that different games are better to different people.
But between a mechanically interesting and visually distinct character and an iconic character with a generic and bland moveset who happens to be from a game I liked, I would much prefer the former.

This is why third parties were a mistake

because smashfags don't actually play the game at all

>Spring Man
>Fire Emblem (new avatar in 2021 or Mark from a FE7/6 remake)
>Another SNK character that isn't their coomer bait

Because rosterfags don't care about gameplay. An Arms character sounds like complete aids to fight if the assist trophy is at all similar to how the character would play. It has range longer than the fucking belmonts. It could be interesting at least assuming they let you swap arms to change your moves.

It's smash, every character is guaranteed to be good and fun

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I don't get what Sylux fags are basing anything on
the only remote chance he ever had was if MP4 had him as main antag
and that game isn't coming out until years into the future

My worst pass could be any given set of 6 characters, as long as one of the slots is occupied by Hatsune Miku. Fuck that autotuned bitch with a godawful voice

>autist redditor mad because he didn't get geno

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Banjo and Kazooie were demanded and people don't play them because they are anti-fun incarnate

Right, it always had button controls
But they still required motion for some things. And didn't allow remapping. And the default controls sucked.
I was there for the test launch. I was there for the first couple months at launch. You are a retarded monkey nigger.

I think its just Metroidfags wanting another character but knowing they don't have any options.

>I like everything about the game other than the actual gameplay

Banjofags aren't smashfags

I'm a metroidfag and even I'm willing to admit they're being delusional
the only character in the series that could have functioned as another unique was dark samus, and it's an echo

Did I stutter? The music and character designs are all great but the game is sorely lacking in content. You play it for an hour and you've seen everything in the game. It isn't deep enough to be a competitive fighting game but its too weird to be a casual party game.

To be frank, rosterfags don't even play the game so their opinions are worthless.
They could literally put Sakurai in as a fighter and as an echo of Lucina or whatever and I'd still be fine with it.

>that pic
honestly, one of the most retarded things i've ever seen on this board. congratulations, user

you're literally arguing on behalf of this character's inclusion WHILE arguing at the same time that the character's source game sucks ass

Because then the character designs and music I like would be a game that doesn't suck ass. You can have a bad game with good characters in it.

Not him, but the Smash push could give them enough reason to make a sequel that makes the game actually good. Sounds better than dropping another new IP after the first attempt.

>Dude Raider
>Eli the Lesbian
>Bad Cole

user character movesets derive from the base game. If the game plays sucky chances are the character will import weak mechanics and a shoddy moveset

>Arms - master mummy
>Fire Emblem shitter
>Sword and Shield Shillmon
>Dixie Kong

ROB has a fun moveset and his "games" blow complete donkey dick

ROB literally DOES NOT HAVE base mechanics considering it's literally a chunk of plastic with a few motors inside.

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ONLY phone games allowed if you're going to be the worst
>Fjorm from FEH
>Mym/Pipple from Dragalia Lost
>Doctor Peach
>Doctor Peach(Racing)
>Giovanni, but moves and roster gleaned from Pokemon Go
>Jonesy, but you have to use the Switch's touch screen to get his full moveset/damage potential

>shovel knight doesn't have the head of the shovel
>springman is on the side of the guy saying that you can't let assist trophies be characters
your post is shit

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Yeah and it proves that sakurai can make a fun moveset out of literal piece of plastic. He can make a moveset for any of the characters from arms, swapping arms to change your attacks would be a great mechanic in smash. The shitty controls wouldn't be a problem in smash which already has good controls

>Ribbon Girl
>Bravely Default protag
>Anything Fire Emblem
>Little Town Hero protagonist
>Assist trophy upgrade that isn't any of the characters talked about on this site

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Why the fuck is he ancap lmao

>Arms Guy
>another fucking Pokemon
>Minecraft Steve
>some dumb shit pick that everyone cries for but would either be boring and shitty (Dixie Kong, Hat Goomba) or never live up to the hype (Geno)
>fucking Waluigi

An ARMS character would have to have a ridiculous grabbing distance, which would definitely be annoying and suck ass.

>Spring Man
>Paper Mario
>Any Dragalia Lost character

It would have a metric fuckton of recovery frames if you whiffed it just like in the actual game. I don't think anyone has ever complained about samus' grab being broken before, adding extra range with more recovery sounds totally fine.

No, I disagree. It wouldn't be fine. In fact, it would be pretty bad.

15 year olds convincing 12 year olds that literally fucking anyone is upset about ARMS.

im just happy that its not a pokemon or a fire emblem character.

Geno. Other ones don’t matter. Geno by himself would be enough to ruin the entire thing.

imagine if they revealed the arms character without first revealing it would be a arms character.
the trailer would have been more anticlimactic than byleth's

Mommy I want Geno.

>after abyssmal sales
Stopped reading.

He was ancap in the original meme and whoever made that one was too lazy to change it.


>Rilaboom or Inteleon
>Fortnite guy