Alright miss frizz im bouta make a yo kai watch thread.
Alright miss frizz im bouta make a yo kai watch thread
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the other one got deleted.
Are there any like Neko oneesan?
4 of them are,one of them is just a recolor of pic related
Is this drawn by the same dude that makes a bunch of female version of fighting game characters?
is this some kind of fetish thing
I'm hoping it's just a parody of that one picture of Sonic and Shadow.
Is that supposed to be a Maruko-chan parody? I don't watch Yokai Watch.
It that Maruko-chan as a toilet?
I was whistling the theme tune while browsing the catalog
No it's toiletta or hanako san in Japanese which is what maruko Chan looks like.
Even after multiple layers of Toei gentrification, Kirato and company are neat.
In the other thread, someone said Little Charmer was one of the only cryptids in the game or something of the sort.
Does that mean I'm supposed to believe that she is the jersey devil?
I don't know.
If Yo-Kai Watch were to do a cross-promotion with another monster franchise which one would it be and how would it go down?
Robopon. Big boobs for everyone.
This is one of the best yo-kai that 3 added.
Along with sighborg Y
Ah shit that was me
I mean, I think the connection is there. If it WERE true it would be a case of YKW taking a myth and "cutifying" it, but I'll still admit that the connection is loose at best.
I don't see the appeal beyond his theme.
If she got a Shadow side form that had goat parts I'd believe it.
Who's your favourite yokai? Pic very related
I like cute characters trying to act tough.
Plus that kick is no joke.
Stay away from the yo-rona Kay virus bros!
Which one did you pick? I went full sushi.
Us version.
you still choose between them in the Us version.
>doing the koma knomads recruit quest
>can't feed them food during battle
>they won't join no matter how much I try
am I missing something
No, you just need to keep trying.
Don't take advice from Chansin, ever.
What would be some good theme ideas for a new Yo-Kai Watch game? I think world tour would be a good idea if they actually use creatures from local cultures this time.
How many yo-kai are there that share the same inspirit? I think there are 5 yo-kai that make you angry and 4 that make you lazy.
Maybe it take place in France.
What type of yo-kai would be there aside from the obvious frog, rude, cheese, snail, and art?
hol' up muhfugga izzat a shiggity homestuck reference...?
What sort of folklore does France have?
Not him, but gargoyles are apparently water monsters.
Never would've guessed that. Huh.
The ps5 is going to come out before we get 4 on ps4 in the west. Why does the localization team have to suck in every way possible?
I wish yo-kai watch had a modding scene all I really want is a mission editor.
I've seen a few videos of people hacking 3 and 4.
what happened in them? why didn't you link them?
This yo-kai has the most unfortunate name.
There's more but this is all I could find although there's a guy called papasea who made a few power save videos where he was able to get some of the bosses in his team.
Here's another I found.
It's a start. also, I thought that garage stock music only a thing only English speaking countries were plagued with.