Have you ever played a 10/10 game?

Have you ever played a 10/10 game?

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Halo 2, the only 10/10 (and also the only game above a 6/10) ever created.

modern warfare when i first played it, goddammit that shit was amazing

Skyrim and the witcher 3


zoom as fuck

Ocarina of Time


Sim Ant

My favorite games are flawed and rough around the edges masterpieces

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You fit in now, you can drop the act.

rain world

Rim's world


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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron.

Time Clickers



mega cringe (consider suicide)

no comment


Taz: Wanted

Final Fantasy 4

Tom & Jerry for the Gameboy Color

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Hot Pursuit 2
Battle for Bikini Bottom
Mario Sunshine
Blood Wake
Halo 2
Uncharted 3
All phenomenal games

Hotline Miami 1 & 2

>hot pursuit 2
>Battle for Bikini Bottom
Dangerously Based
>Blood Wake
never even heard of it
>Halo 2
>Uncharted 3

>must watch
I don't have a Playstation


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how many paint chips did you eat as a kid?

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Why the fuck is it so perfect

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Halo 2 was a step down from CE in many ways. While it was over all better it certainly isn't a 10

Gothic 2
PoP: Warrior within
Witcher 3
Age of empires II
Dying light

Abes exodus
Ratchet and clank 2
Crash team racing
Duke nukem 3d
Quake 3 arena

I am not sure.
TF2 technically can be 10/10, but it depends so much on server and players.
My favorite game I would rate like 7-8/10

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Transport tycoon deluxe

>no mention of the greatest 11/10 strategy game of all times
are you all zoomers or something?

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Severely underrated comment

fucking THIS and NieR

Knightmare chess and Settlers of Catan
Video games have a long way to go before they catch up with those

Wolfenstein 2009
God of War
Civilization V with all DLCs

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Star Control II
Full Throttle
Age of Mythology
Baba Is You
Ys Origin
Dark Messiah

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Fact: every single AAA game made in the past 10 years is a 5/10 or below.

Doom Eternal


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yes, i played Alpha Protocol

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then it's not a masterpiece is it you fag


FreeSpace and it's sequel will always be a 10/10 for me. I feel like it just nails it's genre perfectly.

Honourable mention for Team Fortress 2 as well, in that window when the updates were still thick and fast and the community hadn't been lost in the waves of hats and matchmaking changes.

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>doom eternal
Its a great game but it certainly isn't perfect

What is that? Looks like a wipe out knockoff

Correction: wipeout is an f-zero knockoff

Super Metroid
A Link to the Past
Sonic Generations

Find a fucking flaw

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Because it's one of the earliest examples of a "Game of the Year" edition of an already great game.

I literally cannot. It was, and still is, a masterpiece. The pinnacle of soul.


Lego Racers.

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Holy based T&J poster


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Rise of Nations

DOOM II, MH4U, Hollow Knight, and Lego Stars Wars The Complete Saga

i also liked lowering the ground by 2 meters for 1,495 pieces in a row so the big building fits

perfect games dont exist, so no

Nono. THIS is a Wipeout knockoff.

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still a masterpiece

It's not the games fault you're shit at it

Dark Souls 2

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i fucking hate this reddit pepe


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f zero gx

its alright

World of Goo

Do you think the remake will fix all the little problems that keep me and others from fully getting into it, or will it change too much

Go carts are broken, and the creator was a bit of a fucking autist when it came to sandbox modes.
Still, fantastic pic. Best way to play it is with Open RCT2

>Sunshine is cringe
>Spongebob game that desperately wants to be Sunshine is based

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it was my first 4x game and i happened upon it completely by chance, but i was instantly blown away by it
how do Warlock and Fallen Enchantress compare?
for some reason i never tried those
any other modern games that are mechanically similar?

I prefer the second one to be honest, but the first one is still fucking amazing
Hopefully rolled out will recapture at least some of the magic, autistic developers and “non gendered characters” controversy be damned.

MGS3 Subsistence including multiplayer (you had to be there). Also, Lost Planet 2. I also have a soft spot for Doom 1, SotN, GGXX#Reload, DMC3, Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3, and Bloodborne.

PW is 8 at best 6 at worst cmon man

Halo 2 Campaign is a 6, Multiplayer on OG Xbox was a 9

CoD2 is a 9, CoD4 is an 8, MW2 is pure normie schlock but still feels like a 9

Unironically correct, I hate how It's become fashionable to ignore how well designed OoT is and pretend it's average


Very based

GTA IV is an all-time favorite but I wouldn't give it 10. Man I miss their take on multi though, fuck GTAV

Predictable but so am I, still based

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I never finished a hot seat game on a map bigger than M.
So there's your flaw.

Spiderman PS4. Platinum that shit in 2 days because I didnt wanna put it down

Xenoblade 1
Witcher 3 ironically
Deus Ex
System Shock 2

DMC3 despite the spiders and the angels


my favourite game is super mario sunshine

I never understood gow trains work

Underrail with Expedition
It's a legit 10/10 game.