Looking back, why did she ever get so much hate? All she did was call some typical anti-woman stuff in vidya and people went ballistic over it.
Looking back, why did she ever get so much hate...
She's a pioneer for modern day internet con artists because the spergs here are retarded
Like AOC, she's hot and incels want to fuck her.
she drug around a dead dancer on the ground for ten minutes in hitman as an example of abuse against women. she is a retard and so are you
Video games had finally freed themselves from conservatives wanting to censor them for being violent and sexual, and then a new enemy appears: progressives to want to censor video games for having masculine power fantasy (violence) and misogyny (sex)
i'd give aoc a shag but not this rat
I knew Yas Forums was doomed when a con-artist got so much attention. This was 8 years ago now and things are way worse.
Same reason Jack Thompson got so much hate, except he was at least relevant for more than 2 months.
She started spamming her website and kickstarter on sites that hate her to use the hate to get money.