Looking back, why did she ever get so much hate...

Looking back, why did she ever get so much hate? All she did was call some typical anti-woman stuff in vidya and people went ballistic over it.

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She's a pioneer for modern day internet con artists because the spergs here are retarded

Like AOC, she's hot and incels want to fuck her.

she drug around a dead dancer on the ground for ten minutes in hitman as an example of abuse against women. she is a retard and so are you

Video games had finally freed themselves from conservatives wanting to censor them for being violent and sexual, and then a new enemy appears: progressives to want to censor video games for having masculine power fantasy (violence) and misogyny (sex)


i'd give aoc a shag but not this rat

I knew Yas Forums was doomed when a con-artist got so much attention. This was 8 years ago now and things are way worse.

Same reason Jack Thompson got so much hate, except he was at least relevant for more than 2 months.

She started spamming her website and kickstarter on sites that hate her to use the hate to get money.

state funded infiltration of an artform. same thing happened to comic books and movies.

>steal others' gameplay
>use it to push retarded agendas
>beyond double standard
There are plenty of videos exposing her as a total fraud.

I bet she is an incredible lay, no joke. All that pent up frustration and man-hate, yet her biology tells her to let men dominate and seed her. That type of confused wire-crossing is god-tier.

Raise your standards user.

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Gamers feel a constant need to victimize themselves so whenever someone attacks them they blow it out of proportion.

Looking back I think she did some good for the game industry, the market was geared a little to much towards coomers at one point

I'd like to hold her down and plunge her holes.

>Muh anti whaman vidya
You need to go back

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>Everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic, and you have to point it all out
- Anita Sarkeesian

>Everything is politics, everything is transsexual, everything is SJW, and you have to point it all out
- Yas Forums
A match made in heaven.

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do you want to do anything with your life other than try and demoralize lurkers on 4channel? Serious question.

her videos aged well desu

Stop projecting

t. 12yo who idolizes pewdiepie

She ignored all games with good female protagonists and dwarfed them into nothing while calling the whole medium sexist. If you make blanket judgements about groups of people you aren't to be listened to. Looking back, that is what I learned from her bullshit.

Case in point

not the same person

Sure thing

I think her videos are far too negative. Her research is not good enough and it's the most entry-level form of feminism out there. In fact the idea that her videos are shown in American collages is terrifying, not because of the SJW boogeyman, but because they seem like early highshcool essays. I know American education is a fucking joke, but it seems it's even worse than I thought.

But she's not 100% wrong all the time and she's not half the "feminazi" Yas Forums wants you to believe she is. She's talked about the negative impact of the tropes for men, as well, and there's some decent points in there.

The most interesting thing about her is not her videos or her work, but the reaction that her trying to make them has garnered. Her videos did not convince me there's sexism in the industry, but her attempt to make them did prove there's a lot of sexism in the player base.

McIntosh is far, far worse, and he's the one using her as a mouthpiece. Honestly I'd say she's probably not even that bad a person, but has been led to say really idiotic things by her boyfriend who is using her to make money.

Ironically, she's gotten herself into quite a patriarchal mess. Letting a man use her to generate profit. But I guess at the end of the day she goes with it because ultimately she knows there is sexism out there and she'd like to see less of it, and it's hard to see the full picture when you're being told by everyone that you're great and being handed awards all the time.

Tetris isn't politics, transsexual, or SJW. Get out of here, Anita, nobody likes you... and you're also ugly.

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Well said, both lack nuance.

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elaborate. I'm not seeing the cut of your jib.

Lets forget she admitted to using gaming to subvert cultural norms and push feminist agendas.

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Don't mind me

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Reposting from this faggot's last thread.

Western devs bend over backwards for feminism. All women have de-emphasized secondary sexual characteristics and a chip on their shoulders, and/or are men with tits. In spite of the SJW era producing an ocean of women designed under the direction of the Anita Sarkeesians and Zoe Quinns of the world, if you look at the female characters who have actually developed a fanbase and sold games over the last decade (as opposed to simply being present and tolerated in a game that sold well), it's """traditionally""" feminine characters like 2B, Camella, and Io. Even SJWs don't like the characters that they create. They were never labors of love to begin with.
>Male sexuality bad!
>Female body bad!
>Feminine nature bad!
Feminists are misanthropes. They hate women as they actually exist here in reality just as much as they hate men.

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We just call them feminists here since it's all the same shit

She came across as someone who wasn't sincere or intelligent enough to make a substantive critique of sexism in games; the ideological equivalent of a YouTube "critic" who spends 50% of his videos recounting the plot of what he's talking about. I don't remember the substance of her videos at all because they were so shallow.

I don't think she can be held responsible for either the good or bad changes in how games are made and discussed these days. People turning into intolerant hypocrites who can only see in stark black and white is a bigger issue.

audible kek

You people should fuck off back to reset era. She had a big hand in censorship of sexual content from games, and labeled the whole industry as sexist. This is where leftist infiltration sped up significantly.

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damn I really do hate niggers

>he didn't subscribe to pewdiepie
its liek you want brown people to die

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just IMAGINE the head she gives bros

Gamergate uncovered the fact that glowniggers use video games as a psyop.

DESU those japanese games are nothing but coomer bait so nothing of real value was lost

She ditched McIntosh years ago.

Kill yourself.

She doesn't hate men, just incels. Like pretty much all women.

Do you think she gives Chad ANY shit when he's plowing her ass?

feminist frequency was largely unknown before her tropes/women kickstarter
but it got a lot of attention from the sanfran gamedev sjw circle and then got more attention elsewhere
she was the figurehead of the vidya feminism movement, someone the sjw's could point to and look up to as their spokesperson
and someone anti-sjws could also point to as the enemy
its a shame that the sjws but it all on her because fem freq wasnt really a good critique channel and often made legit bad criticisms that they would backpedal and delete videos of, she had nothing special to bring to the table
but then when she got eyes on her she became the chosen one

>TotalBiscuit didn't live 2 years more just to see her go broke
Genuinely makes me sad

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>"I'm telling you now for you own good..."
How is that not considered a threat? And it's over something so stupid, these gaming bloggers are such self-absorbed children.

Kill yourself.

no, many of those games were not using fan service as their only selling point.

>All she did
No that's not what she did.
She was a non gamer who took things out of vidya out of context and lied about how things were in order to push her message of feministic censorship.

She lied a lot.

>many of those games were not using fan service
>street fighter
Suck a shotgun

She just needs a good humping and none of this woulda happened

Considering her whole "job" was screeching at sexy women in gaming, I would say it's far more likely that she hates women, especially those she can't compete against

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Feminism is a weapon to destroy white men, simple as. You don't see it in Israel for a reason.

Kill yourself

This. Capital reason to live, wanting to be around to see all of these identity politics grifters go bankrupt.






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Why does she look like 40 year old mom?

I thought she was only 20+ something only few years ago.

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Barking incel doens't justify your claims, simp.

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More like I will see commies eat the ground. They will ask me for seconds.

I actually agree with her main points but she does a poor job of articulating and supporting them. Maybe she got better over the years, but the few videos that I tried watching were like college-freshman-woke-tier. Cringey af

>That's what you Yas Forums fucks constantly do

>I actually agree with her main points

this is the state of Yas Forums after phoneposters

Fucking kek. This meme is infused with godly power.

>Made her money off social justice retards and retired early with millions on the bank, not having delivered half of what she promised.
>Left the negress and the othat other slag to rot in misery and debt while she's in Morocco enjoying a privileged life
>Posts dumb shit on twitter every now and then, probably just to make everyone seethe

I don't know, I'm thinking based.

>Europeans replaced by non euros in a euro war
What's the problem?
Fuck white people.

spreadsheet is kinda dope not gonna lie

Fuck jews.

Yas Forums has invaded the gaming industry and is forcing developers to put out anti minority propaganda

Only an actual incel could have drawn an ad hom so bitter and ugly.

>All those morons who donated for her just so that she could spend them on shoes and declare bankruptcy
The first simps in Internet history

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>make gaming a hub for shitty propaganda
>everyone hates each other now

Good job anita

>They got the guy who drew JADE'S GAME to draw their avatars
Holy FUCK, what master mind got them to do this without them knowing?

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i think it's because Yas Forums (probably not exclusively) always wants to talk about someone. it's like when you see those magazines when you're about to check out your gamer juice at the shop and you see these stupid headlines of celebs who have dramas and do stupid shit and you think "jesus who would waste time looking through these fucking dumb magazines to know about these boring people?"
and then when you get back to your basement with your game juice you crack your knuckles and post an angry comment about Jack Thompson and how he is ruining YOUR videogames on a mongolian fracking forum which maybe two or three people (who you will never ever meet in your entire life) will upvote and maybe reply with a funny reaction image which you will save to your own computer to reply to someone writing a funny comment or post about zoey quinn or some other fucking person.

it's just the circle of life brah, always has been

It's not an ad-hom. It is a perfect example of self-hating white commies. It's a beautiful work of art.

you're a fucking retard, there's tons of dissent for Israel's shitty ethnonationalist government

You're illiterate, you stupid fucking inbred jew.


Violent video games do not cause violence but sexual video games cause sexual (thought)crime.

the only bitter one here is you, fedora tipping loser. Your entire sense of self worth revolves around how many women you fuck and the approval of women. There is nothing more pathetic than that, even being a permavirgin.

Why is it always ugly women who complain about things?

I doubt there's many feminist artists with skills and experience beyond shitty Tumblr fanarts

Because no one wants to have children with them. Very simple.

It's not, and she's fine looking.

She's still wrong though.

I hope your race has another big war soon where you all kill each other and become an even smaller demographic.

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you probably have the same views as any Zionist but for "muh white race"

literally kill yourself

she tried to turn gaming into a leftist circlejerk and were still somewhat feeling the effects of it to this day, fuck that.

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Ok let me put it this way. Why do hot women never complain about things?

>it's not
That doesn't even make sense as a response to that post. You have double digit IQ.

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juden raus

Because her opinions/stance on misogyny in games was superficial as fuck and very clearly showed that she didn't really play the games that she criticized that deeply or understood that a lot of games were just vehicles for stories that aren't supposed to eschew any kind of meaning. It didn't really matter because she never produced much of anything outside of her college thesis which was terrible and was supposed to do an entire YouTube series about misogyny in games that never finished and barely materialized. Basically she somehow became a huge talking head that white knights latched onto in a time when just being liberal and outspoken and a woman is enough to get you somehow hired by video game studios.


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nah, at least a simp has value to somebody even if that value is self-degrading. Permavirgin incels are negative value to everyone

That's exactly what the jews have been saying for the past two World Wars that they caused.

this and /thread

Didn't he also draw necrophiliac comics? Good times

Trying to profit from artificial discourse. To hell with her any everyone who follows her.

>Why is it always ugly women who complain about things?
It's not, as in, It's not always ugly women who complain about things, you dumb fucking retard.

World War 1 happened because Kaiser Wilhelm was a fucking retard. Wouldn't have happened if Bismark had kept power.

Ok, this is just a malfunctioning bot.

I'm sure you are ready to pull the strings again Schlomo

Ya, Princess Corps or whatever it's called is his main source of income. That brunette with the glasses always has the most boner inducing deaths.

This is fucking ridiculous. So Yas Forums - the big, bad evil racist site - is now honestly defending 4th wave feminism and Sarkeesian, whilst shitting on games with attractive women and pushing the retarded "Coomer" meme? Jesus Christ you people are shit.

>bulb nose
>brown eyes
>asymmetrical features
Way to out yourself OP. Clearly you are a woman or incel. Anybody that can even close to benching 2 plates can do better. The only thing she has going for her in America is she is not obese. But she is rich.

>Why do hot women never complain about things?
Talk to women. They complain more than they ought to. Even if they're 9+/10.

I work in HR with all women and they don't really complain that much.

>wah wah this game has attractive females in it wah wah make it go away
okay don’t play it then vapid cunt

she tried to take the fun out of people’s hobby, no wonder people don’t like her

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Maliciously, too.

And there it is folks. It only matters that somebody else sees him as valuable, even as a piggy bank. Self-value is nothing to simps.

Call me back when they censor a game that actually matters

That is typical of sandniggers.

he isnt lol
all he said is that the games are shit

She was based and made incels seeth while also making a shitton of money

>Anti woman
How are attractive women anti woman? How is Bayonetta anti woman? Because men can potentially fap to it? The game itself has no actual sex or forcing Bayonetta to do so. Fuck off Anita is a fat hag and cancerous but shes just a puppet.

I would say she succeeded. Gaming today is overrun with leftists, idiots and deviants who have watered down gaming into a fucking mess and a shadow of what it once was. Go to leddit, hell go here even... all SJW retards as far as the human eye can see.

>All she did was call some typical anti-woman stuff

The fact that 100+ retards replied to this bait shows how autistic this board has become


Basically this, also during that time she made sure to allow comments on her YouTube videos to farm comments.

And no one with 130+ IQ is buying these games. Nostalgia is at an all time high.

>game asks you to rescue a princess
>game has an attractive female character
>game allows you to attack female NPCs
>that's a trope, you're not allowed to do that!
>no I never said you're not allowed to do that I just said it's a trope stop being so unreasonable:^) :^) :^)
Brainless disingenuous shit-tier media criticism. Her job now I think is working as a "consultant" who gets hired to fuck up Bioware games, which is at least preferable to her opening her mouth in public.

women do be talking about literal fucking 0 content stuff most of the time, I find myself just flying away with my thoughts after 30 seconds of their fucking talking

I was responding more in general to the thread, so my comment wasn't just directed at him, but probably more the OP and all the other Sark defenders in this topic. My bad.

>Looking back, why did she ever get so much hate?
I dunno why she initially did but I remember people complaining that her videos were hilariously un-researched. She made some pretty big claims about Bayonetta that she almost immediately backtracked on for example.
Does someone still have that video clip where she admits during a lecture that she never played vidya as a kid or even liked it?

she did nothing except to read the lines written by some sone of a millionaire who has a cuckolding fetish, embazzle money donated by thousands of people and tried to kickstart a discord server for 10K. If anything it's incredible how she conned so many people without any repercussion

Her 'job' is prostitution. She has no credentials for gaming or (((journalism))). The only way she puts food on the table is fucking powerful men in the field.

And "nostalgia" is FFVII Remake, which was censored, thanks in small part to your goddess Sarkeesian. *shrugs*