Ah yes, Byleth the iconic fighter

Ah yes, Byleth the iconic fighter.

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Well they're iconic now. Ask any smash player who byleth is. They know

It was only a matter of time before Nintendo ran out of good reps

You're still complaining?

I’m really curious to see the sales for each characters. I’m sure a lot of people like me didn’t get the pass, I want to know how well each character did.

I'd assume that Joker and Banjo did the best, maybe Hero because of the Japanese

Byleth will never be iconic.

>He fell for the "celebration of video games" meme

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Eh byleth is fun, plays differently then all the other fire emblem characters.

Which fire emblem is he even from?

I think it's the newest one

imagine being this hot

I was thinking the same thing, I hate Joker but I bet he sold the best.

Only zoomers believe it's like this

More like balding Boomers who to take children games seriously.

>he's still mad about it

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I think Joker. Persona 5 is really popular with the bigger (I mean younger) demographic so he would be at the top.
Then I'd say Hero with the recency and Japan bonus.
Followed by Banjo with rosterfags and the kinda older Nintendo demographic.
I think Terry and Byleth did the worst, not sure who tough. Terry is a fighting game character, genre not for most players due to execution level, so not many would be familiar with him inside Nintendo's casual market. Byleth is Byleth.
I don't think there will be a big difference in numbers sold, most people buy all of them to have the full the roster.

Fuck off weebshitters.

The new one with Not!Hogwarts.

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Why are Smashfaggots so fucking entitled? DLC whiners are almost as bad as Meleeniggers. It's Sakurai's game and he can add whoever he wants to it. Even if you do not personally care for the pick, he still worked hard on it and all of the DLC fighters are among the most fun in the game! And gameplay should come first before "hurrrr muh 20 year old side character from a spinoff game" and shit like that. Fuck you.

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Can someone tell me why people take this fun party game so fucking seriously?


>Nintendo shilled the fuck out of Edelgard
>They picked the characters
>chooses Byleth over her

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>this isn't copypasta
wowie zowie

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>rosterfags don't play smash
Wow who would have guessed!

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large playerbase, most of which has only discovered Yas Forums in the past year or two that feel the need to have a gay Yas Forums mentality about everything

How many of these players are under 25? Zoomers deserve death.

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Another Smash, another Brawl rehash with disappointing DLC picks. Here's to another 20 years of BASED melee, friends!

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Does this check the hoes mad box? It’s pretty similar.

Who the fuck is Byleth?

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he is somehow the most fake human being to ever walk the earth

Suck cock

I agree, him and reggie complimented each other greatly during that Tr4sh invitational.

Fuck off zoomerscum

What is the fucking point of this mechanic? Why did Niggerguy make half the cast projectile spamming wieners and then somehow manage to make just about every DLC also a projectile camping wiener and then replace a fucking mechanic that allows anyone to deflect projectiles if they're skilled enough with this useless bullshit?

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It's just political. Smash endorsements revive interest and discussion and could lead to more sales. It's not about the game. It's about making your favorite game more well known

>Being this defensive over a game that released 5 years ago
>Calling anyone else a zoomer
kek, you born in like 2001 or some shit? Did you grow up with tr4sh?

>Smash endorsements revive interest and discussion

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Yes as soon as a smash game stops being on DLC life support it fucking dies.

>not zoomer
Why do you do this?

It's smash lol. Just a party game. Nothing has to be thought out

Relative to other Fire Emblem characters. Yeah.

Only retarded zoomers say that shit, call it by it's proper name or fuck off.

It's true

I wouldn’t have an issue with Byleth if it weren’t for the fact that Fire Emblem is the only game to get shill picks. Joker’s game had been out longer than Byleth’s before being added. and he more or less represents a series as a whole with the stage having music from 3 and 4.
Also Fire Emblem suffers from their Protags being overshadowed by literally any other character in their games in terms of personality and likeability, so it’s always the worse choice no matter what.

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Sorry, did you grow up with Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo Wii U/Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo 3DS?

Tons of franchises got revived without Smash retard.

that game was so shit sakurai didn't even bother to give it a proper name, it's literally just called "super smash bros for wii u"

I can't wait for the next Fire Emblem character to come out. You just fucking know they'll put in another for FP2. As soon as some paypig chump shares frame data, I'm going to print that shit out and read it every day until I can recite every move and their frame data. Then I'm going to go online with the shittiest character I can possibly use that has a better neutral and decent projectiles. Hopefully I can do it with the original 12. I can't fucking wait to make all these shit-stained neckbeards ragequit and get days upon days of leave penalty because they realize they paid $5.99 for a shit-tier meme fighter just so they can say "hoes mad" on an imageboard.

And? It's easier to be revived with smash than without it.

>He still worked hard on it
lol this meme again.

user, the mechanic is still there.
You just nees to use Spirits. Just like Sakurai intended.

I'm just happy that white haired trannyfag pick with the creepy purple eyes didn't get in.

>Pass user

>It's easier to be revived with smash than without it.
Imagine being this fucking retarded, this is why nobody takes zoomers seriously, I hope you choke on a tide pod.

You can’t use Spirits online. Do the people that defend every little thing about this game even play it? I like it a lot but ffs.

Leaked footage of Smash 6

Attached: super smash bros.webm (750x422, 1.92M)

>Almost 100 characters
>Game is ruined because you personally don't like some of them

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Extremely based

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>no argument other than projection

Imagine how upset you have to be to care to make this

I like Fire Emblem

>Could have been Rhea with final smash being her dragon form.
Enough FE protagonists. Bring in the secondary characters.

Says the faggot with no examples, there are more franchises that got revived without your shitty game than there are. I bet you think Banjo-Kazooie is coming back soon don't you?

Too many Lords

Me too

I’m not the guy you were replying to
>there are more franchises that got revived without your shitty game than there are
He never said otherwise
>I bet you think Banjo-Kazooie is coming back soon don't you?
Not at all

Wait until they call Min Min iconic. It's going to be based.

man the trailer made it seem like he could change weapons, but hes just another normal fighter. really don't bring anything new to the table moveset-wise either imo.

Not a single one got revived because of Smash, even shit like Kid Icarus Uprising only happened because it was intially a Star Fox game at first, but it didn't fit, until they decided to make it KI-related since it fitted the whole land and airborne battle better with no vehicles.

Neck yourself zoomer, never talk back again unless you know what you are talking about. Retards like you are what ruined this site.

>he says as he completes 4 series of captchas identifying the broad side of a whore's ass
I can't even fucking IMAGINE preferring to do free work for the Internet Jew instead of directly supporting the websites you use.

>Playing Online
Okay look when this shit was free it was alright. It was shoddy but hey atleast I didn't need to pay for it.
Surprises me how they still get a load of suckers with this shit.

The DLC characters are mostly characters from already popular series. Shit like Persona 5 and Fire Emblem were doing well without Smash. Adding Joker and Byleth wasn't exactly for endorsement reasons when they know fighting gamefags aren't going to play JRPGs.

>proceeds to actually buy Yas Forums pass

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>Whoever from ARMS
that's half of the DLC that are literal whos
Also let's not forget that Smash was used to promote Fire Emblem way before it became popular in the west.

Get laid loser.